Just as everything was calm, a black Porsche slowly drove into the elementary school. The next moment after the Porsche stopped, two tall men in black clothes and black hats got out of the car. "It's actually a war-damaged style. Today's elementary schools are really tasteful." Closing the car door, Vodka strolled around and looked around, and finally stopped at the place where the thornfish Orphino turned to ashes. Vodka half-knelt down and looked carefully at the remaining white ash on the ground, then reached out and wiped a handful of it and put it in his mouth to taste it. "Well, it's Ophieno, no doubt, and it's a rare native Ophieno, what a pity."

After shaking his head for a while, Vodka stood up and came to Gin to report: "Brother, what should we do now? It's obviously a native Ophieno who died unnaturally."

Gin kept silent while smoking with his head down. After finishing a whole cigarette, Gin put his hands directly into his coat pockets, and then sat in the co-pilot seat without looking back.

"There's no need to care. Being killed means that this guy has not evolved to a certain level, and I don't have the leisure to focus on this."

Vodka nodded naively: "Brother, what you said makes sense. There's really no need to care about the life and death of this kind of waste."



"What are you doing?" Gin glanced at Vodka, only to see the other party looking at him with a silly smile.

"Brother, I finally have the chance to go back to elementary school, so I want to do something to make up for my regrets when I was a kid, so can you give me some time?"

Faced with the request of his loyal younger brother Vodka, Gin did not immediately express his opinion, but took out a cigarette and lit it again.

"Hurry up before I finish this cigarette."

"Thank you, brother!"

Vodka excitedly took off his sunglasses, and the next moment, the unique pattern of Orphino appeared on his face.

Giving this time to Vodka to play freely, Gin took out a black mobile phone from the co-pilot's storage box, and then put it to his ear after entering a group of numbers.

"Tequila, you can take action in the next two days. Go to Mantiantang and bring back the things you have ordered.


The next day

"Morning Daily: Due to unknown reasons, Shuangqiao Primary School has a large-scale landslide. All students will be postponed for three months. Please use this time to make up for your homework."

(Please write "Mr. Fu" on the public screen!)

At the same time, Teitan Primary School

"My name is Edogawa Conan. Please take care of me."

Conan stood on the podium and introduced his name with a smile, but he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

[Damn Xiaolan, you arranged me back to the primary school without even saying hello, and you said it was to help me hide my identity better. How can you do that!]

Teacher Xiaolin wrote Conan's full name on the blackboard, and then said to the whole class present: "Okay, classmates, from today on, Edogawa is one of us. Please welcome him with warm applause."

"Pa pa pa. ”

The first-grade students’ thoughts about the transfer students were actually quite simple. It was nothing more than having an extra playmate in the future. In addition, Conan was cute and handsome, so the applause from the girls in the class was the loudest.

Teacher Kobayashi: “Okay, Edogawa-san, go choose a seat you like and sit down. We’re about to start class.”


Conan walked to the seat below with his small schoolbag on his back, ignoring the empty seats in the front row, and walked directly to the back without looking back.

After all, he was not a real elementary school student, so instead of listening to those boring contents in class, it would be more cost-effective to find a place to slack off.

“Conan-san, can you sit next to me, please? "

A warm greeting sounded in his ears. Conan turned his head and saw a little girl in a pink princess dress looking at him expectantly.

Conan observed the situation around the girl and found that there were two tall boys, one fat and one thin, sitting in front of him, who could just block him.


Conan didn't think too much, and sat next to the girl, put down his schoolbag, and took out the children's stationery that Xiaolan had specially prepared for him.

When she saw Conan really sitting next to her, the girl's face suddenly turned red, and then she whispered: "My... my name is Yoshida Ayumu

Mei, please take care of me in the future, Conan."

Conan nodded gently: "Same here."

"Okay, students, let's start the class."

"Stand up."

"Hello, teacher."

Teacher Kobayashi announced the start of the class, and all the students stood up to greet each other. Then Teacher Kobayashi picked up the chalk and started to lecture.

Conan naturally didn't listen carefully to this elementary school course. He directly covered his face with a book, and then took out the Faiz manual and read it.

"That... Conan, you have to listen carefully in class. ”

Seeing Conan was distracted in class, Ayumi gently poked Conan's arm to remind him, then leaned over to see what her classmate was reading, and the result was...

"I can't understand it at all..."

The content of the Faiz manual is so difficult for a first-grade elementary school student that it can be described as a heavenly book. After just a simple glance, Ayumi began to doubt whether her intelligence level needs to be improved.

At this time, the two boys sitting in front of him turned their heads and whispered to Conan after hearing the noise.

"Conan, you should concentrate in class. How can you be distracted?"

"That's right. If my mother knew that I didn't pay attention in class, I would definitely not have eel rice for a month."

[Why are children nowadays so enthusiastic? When I was in elementary school, everyone was doing their own things?]

In his heart, Conan sighed at the enthusiasm of elementary school students nowadays, and quickly put the Faiz manual back into his schoolbag, then put his hands together and apologized in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, I will definitely listen carefully next time. "

"That's more like it."

"We will supervise you. You must do what you say. That's what a man should do."

Satisfied with Conan's apology, the two boys turned around and continued to listen.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Conan could only listen to the elementary school course. In just over 40 minutes, he almost fell asleep five times, and was woken up by his deskmate Ayumi every time.

Finally, the class ended with great difficulty. It was the precious ten-minute break time. Conan hit his head on the table and showed a half-moon eye.

[Oh my God, why do I feel so tired? I clearly remember that elementary school time was very relaxing?]

Conan forced his head to look at the clock on the wall, and saw that it showed nine-fifteen. The school was over at three-thirty in the afternoon.


[Reduce the burden! Reduce class time!!!]

Conan howled in his heart.

Of course, this day was not without gain. At least Conan Nan met a few friends, including Ayumi, who sat at the same table, and Genta and Mitsuhiko, who sat in front of him. The four of them could chat with each other.

The reason why Conan could chat with the three children was mainly because Conan found that these three children also had a strong interest in reasoning.

So at Mitsuhiko's suggestion, the Junior Detective Team was officially established three minutes before class, and Conan was forcibly pulled into this newly born small group by the three children above.

Conan was speechless again...

Although it was not voluntary, it was not a bad thing to have three [friends] who could chat together, but this so-called Junior Detective Team was destined to have only three people...

Finally, after several hours of suffering, Conan finally welcomed the end of school! The bell at this moment was as pleasant as fairy music!

"Goodbye! I'm leaving first!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Conan rushed out of the classroom first at a 100-meter acceleration.

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