The first time I saw her was when she was about to leave.

"Huhu... I finally escaped. Elementary schools are so scary now..." Conan leaned against the gate of the elementary school, panting heavily, and muttered like a complaint.

"How is it, how do you feel about your first day back in elementary school, Shinichi?"


Conan turned his head and saw that Xiaolan had come to his side without knowing when, and was looking at his miserable appearance with a playful smile on his face.

Conan couldn't help but complain: "Xiaolan, you really hurt me. Why did you make me go back to elementary school for no reason? Do you know how hard I was today?"

"How can this be called hurting you? Conan, a child of your age should go to elementary school~"

"Hey, hey..."

Looking at Xiaolan with a playful smile on his face, Conan couldn't help but twitch his mouth. He didn't know if it was his illusion, but Conan vaguely felt that Xiaolan took advantage of him.

Without giving Conan a chance to fight back, Xiaolan suddenly took out a bag of raw pork from her schoolbag.

"Let's eat hamburgers and steaks tonight, just as a reward for you, Shinichi."

Facing Xiaolan's arrangement, Conan's mouth curled up slightly, and then he said, "I want to eat two bowls."


Quickly reaching an agreement, Conan and Xiaolan went hand in hand in the direction of the Maori Detective Agency.

At first glance, the two are no different from other parents who come to pick up their children, but if you look closely, you can find that the eyes of the big and small one looking at each other hide a different meaning.


"Yawn~ Xiaolan, is the meal not ready yet? I'm almost starving..."

Kogoro lay weakly on the desk motionless. He had just come out of the hospital and urgently needed some normal food to restore his strength.


A reader with stunning appearance asked where lawyer Eri Kisaki went?


In fact, the reason is very simple. Kogoro had his old problem again. When he was going through the discharge procedures, he saw that the nurse was beautiful, so he flirted with her without saying a word, which made lawyer Kisaki's face green!

So on the way back, when Eri Kisaki was about halfway through the car, she kicked Kogoro out of the car with one foot, and then drove away without looking back.

Poor Kogoro didn't even bring his wallet, so he had to walk five kilometers back, and ended up looking like a grandma now.

"Here it comes, freshly cooked hamburger steak."

Like a good wife and mother, Xiaolan came out of the kitchen with a big pot of steaming hamburger steak, and Conan also came out with plates, bowls and chopsticks like a juggler.

Looking at the steaks emitting bursts of fragrance in the pot, Kogoro instantly felt refreshed, and then he couldn't wait to sit on the sofa and rub his hands.

"It smells so good, I can finally eat something normal, the dishes made by Eri are simply poison..."

"For your dad, eat slowly."

"Thank you, Xiaolan!"

Taking the bowl of rice from Xiaolan, Kogoro immediately gobbled it up, and while eating, he was still mumbling.

"Delicious! Really... Really delicious!"

Seeing her father looking like a starving ghost, and showing it in front of her childhood sweetheart, Xiaolan couldn't help but lecture him: "Dad, you are really something. Can't you eat more politely? Our family is not in such a difficult situation."

Kogoro swallowed the rice in his mouth, then lowered his head and said: "Xiaolan, you are still a child. You don't understand many things. Being polite can't be eaten. People in society now are almost the same as animals. Have you seen carnivores such as tigers and wolves chew slowly? If you eat too slowly, you will always be hungry."

After saying that, Kogoro continued to eat, but soon he was serious for only three seconds, and Kogoro handed the empty bowl to Xiaolan with a silly smile on his face.

"Hehe, Xiaolan, you have worked hard."


Xiaolan shook her head helplessly, then took the empty bowl and started to serve the rice.

While Xiaolan was serving the rice, Kogoro suddenly sighed: "Oh, I didn't expect that my precious daughter actually has the talent to be a detective. She solved a kidnapping case in no time. Each generation is better than the previous one... By the way...


Kogoro clapped his hands fiercely, then looked at Xiaolan with some excitement and arranged: "Xiaolan, you can just inherit your father's business income in the future, so that I, the famous detective Maori Kogoro, can also be considered to have completed my merits. At that time, everyone will look up to me and say that I am the father of the famous detective Maori Ran. At that time..."


"I don't want it!"

Xiaolan put the bowl heavily on the table, and the noise it made immediately scared the unprepared Conan and Kogoro.

"Detectives are the most annoying! When there is a case, they run out without caring about anything, without considering other people's feelings at all, and they are always single-minded to be Sherlock Holmes. Such guys are the worst! "

Lan complained as if she was venting her anger, and without even looking up, she handed the bowl in her hand to Kogoro.

"Thank you... Thank you..."

Kogoro took the bowl tremblingly and began to eat with his head down, but this time he chewed slowly.

But if Kogoro was frightened by Xiaolan's sudden change of mood, then Conan didn't even dare to raise his head, because he clearly saw that when Xiaolan said those words just now, her eyes were fixed on him...

At this moment, the atmosphere in the office seemed particularly tense, and Conan and Kogoro even exchanged glances secretly, but at this moment, the big and the small could not think of any way to calm Xiaolan's anger.

Just when Kogoro and Conan were already sweating in their anxiety, the savior suddenly appeared!

"Ah! Xiaolan, why didn't you wait for me after school? What's the matter so urgent? "

The door of the office was pushed open, and then a spirited high school girl in the uniform of Teitan High School appeared at the door.

And this spirited high school girl was none other than the internationally famous daughter of the Suzuki Group, the second daughter of the Suzuki family, Suzuki Sonoko!

"Sonoko, why are you here?"

Seeing the sudden arrival of the other party, Xiaolan stood up in surprise, and Sonoko also approached Xiaolan in a very familiar manner, and then poked Xiaolan's front armor with her elbow with a playful smile.

"Of course I have to come, Xiaolan, you always look absent-minded in class today, so could it be that Shinichi confessed to you~"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's cheeks suddenly flushed: "No way, Sonoko, don't talk nonsense, okay. ”

“Yo yo yo~ You’re still saying I’m talking nonsense, Xiaolan, you’ve already blushed, Chunchun, you’ve confessed yourself~”

While teasing Xiaolan, Sonoko casually looked around the office. When she accidentally caught a glimpse of Conan who was eating with his head down, the smile on Sonoko’s face froze instantly, and then she slowly squatted down beside Conan.

[It’s over, Sonoko, the gossipy woman, won’t find out anything...]

Conan was panicking at the moment, and could only bury his face in the bowl and pretend to eat hard, but this was For Miss Sonoko, it was nothing.

[Tickling Magic! ]

Sonoko suddenly stretched out her hand and scratched Conan's armpit. Conan, who was not prepared, laughed out loud and naturally lifted his face from the bowl. Taking this opportunity, Sonoko gently pinched Conan's chin and turned it towards her face.

After taking a closer look at Conan's face, Sonoko suddenly took off Conan's glasses, revealing his true face.

Sonoko was shocked when she saw this: "Oh my God! Xiaolan, when did you and Shinichi have a child? Such a big thing, how come I didn't know anything about it!"

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