After understanding the meaning of the numbers on the electronic clock, everyone walked to the door of the villa.

Looking at the lion statue on the door, Miss Nakamura thought again about the meaning of the remaining three English letters.

Just then, the police arrived at the scene.

After a brief questioning, they took the two people who had been tied up in the living room away.

Uncle Maori wanted to continue solving the puzzle with Miss Nakamura, but his phone suddenly rang.

After answering the phone, his expression immediately changed: "Long Ye, Xiaolan!" The husband of the other client seems to have been kidnapped! Let's go!

After that, he shouted into the room again: "Conan! It's time for us to go!

Before leaving, Tatsuno glanced at Miss Nakamura, and finally prompted: "If you want to solve the puzzle, it is best to wait until the evening."

After speaking, Tatsuno and Xiaolan immediately followed the steps of Uncle Maori to the car on the side.

After the car started, Conan in the house also ran out of the house.

After getting into the car, he obviously looked absent-minded, and seemed to be thinking about the puzzle just now.


Three hours later

, Tatsuno drove through a forest to the mansion of his client, Mrs. Hirano.

Looking at the huge mansion in front of them, everyone said in their hearts that it was worthy of being a family that could send five million detectives.

Unexpectedly, such a large mansion, there was no figure like a butler to greet it.

Tatsuno and several people walked to the gate of the mansion and rang the doorbell on the door.

As soon as the doorbell was rung, the door was opened, and a pale-faced noblewoman poked her head out.

Without waiting for everyone to say hello, she put a finger in front of her mouth and signaled Long Ye and the others not to speak and enter the door quickly.

Although everyone was a little confused, they still followed the lady's instructions and walked quickly into the door.

As soon as everyone entered, the door was closed.

More than a dozen men wearing moving company uniforms appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing several people from Long Ye walking into the door, the heads of these dozen people immediately turned to Long Ye and several people.

Without waiting for Uncle Maori to shout, a very familiar-looking sharp-mouthed man came over rubbing his hands.

"Mr. Māori, it's been a long time since I saw you! Do you remember me? I'm Yamamura ah!

After seeing the man's face, Uncle Maori breathed a sigh of relief, secretly saying that he had forgotten that this was Gunma Prefecture. The police officer in Gunma Prefecture is the stupid one in front of him....

Thinking of this, Uncle Maori sighed: "What are you guys doing?" "

Huh? To catch the kidnapper, of course! Hearing

this, the three of Tatsuno also roughly guessed the situation at the scene.

Ten minutes later

, everyone arrived in the study.

The mountain village police officer explained the current situation to the crowd.

Just this noon, Ms. Misa Hirano received a blackmail note at her fax machine.

The fax was printed with her husband's handprint and a line of lettering—"Prepare fifty million within today, and when I get the money, I will let your husband go." Wait for my instructions, don't call the police! According

to Ms. Hirano, her husband did not come back after going out for entertainment yesterday afternoon, and she did not care at first.

Because this often happens, after all, her husband is the owner of a large construction company.

Until about 12 noon today, this blackmail letter came from the fax machine in the study.

After receiving this blackmail letter, she immediately called her husband, but the phone was turned off.

Only then did she realize that her husband seemed to have really been kidnapped!

With no masters of the six gods, she had to call the police.

After receiving the news, the police officer of the mountain village immediately took his subordinates disguised as workers of the moving company and infiltrated the mansion.

After hearing the whole story, Tatsuno covered his face and didn't know what to say.

If the prisoner was really monitoring the mansion, saw the moving company that suddenly appeared, and saw a dozen people enter the house and never come out....

This...... Which genius came up with the "Stealing the Bell" plan!?

Thinking of this, everyone looked up at the excited mountain village in front of them and fell silent.

At this moment, the fax machine in the study sounded again.

"Mountain village police officer! Something is coming again! Hearing

this, everyone walked quickly to the fax machine.

The fax machine typed out a blank piece of paper with two lines of large characters written on it—"Divide fifty million into two parts, put them in a handbag, and you will go into the woods outside the house alone and wait for me to contact."

After seeing the contents of the note, the mountain village police officer immediately ordered the subordinates around him, while letting them load the cash, and preparing to deploy police forces to the woods, and everyone was in full swing.

At this moment, the fax machine sounded again, and another blank piece of paper came out.

This time, only one line was written on the blank paper - "If I see others, you know the consequences!" Seeing

this, the mountain village police officer frowned and thought hard.

You know, the area of the woods outside the mansion is not small, and it is too dangerous to let Mrs. Hirano walk in alone.

They had no idea what the kidnapper would do!

Uncle Maori and Conan on the side were also a little nervous about thinking of a way.

"That, that... I'm willing to go! Misa Hirano looked at the silent crowd and spoke.

"This is the only way to save my husband! Money can be earned, but my husband only has one!

Everyone looked at Mrs. Hirano's resolute expression and couldn't help but tremble.

Soon after, the Yamamura police officer agreed to Ms. Hirano's suggestion.

But to be on the safe side, he decided to place people at fixed points on the outskirts of the woods, following the advice of Uncle Māori.

And, in order to ensure Ms. Hirano's safety, everyone proposed that Ms. Hirano drive there.

Uncle Maori and the mountain village police officer prepare to hide in the car, waiting for the time to move.

This was done both to catch the prisoner and to keep Ms. Hirano as safe as possible.

After everything was ready, the fax machine rang again.

This time the content was even more brief, just a few words - "Now come."

After seeing the contents of the fax, Uncle Maori and the Yamamura police officer nodded at Ms. Hirano.

Since all the police officers had been deployed to the periphery of the woods, Tatsuno and Xiaolan had to stay in the study and stare at the fax machine in order to get the information in the first place.


Ms. Hirano drove to the edge of the woods.

After stopping the car, she took two handbags out of her back box.

As she passed behind the car, she quietly nodded to Uncle Maori and the mountain village police officer hiding under the back seat.

Then, she carried her handbag and walked fifty meters away from the car.

Three minutes later, Ms. Hirano still did not see the prisoner.

After another five minutes, there was still no movement.

At this time, not only Ms. Hirano, but even the Maori uncle in the car could not hold their breath.

Just then, the phone in Uncle Maori vibrated and a text message came over.

He turned on his phone and clicked on the text message.

The text message was sent by Tatsuno.

- "You can come back, Mr. Hirano has been killed." "

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