Twenty minutes later

, the three Maori uncles returned to the Hirano Mansion.

Everyone looked at the fax handed over by Tatsuno and fell silent, and the face of the mountain village police officer became a little pale.

The fax was concise - "There are police in the woods, right?" Do you take me for a fool!? The deal breaks and says goodbye to your husband.

After seeing this, Mrs. Hirano had tears in her eyes and cried on the sofa.

A moment later, the Yamamura police officer walked up to Mrs. Hirano with his head bowed and bowed deeply.

"I'm sorry ma'am! I immediately called the bureau and asked them to send more people. We will be able to find the prisoner in the woods!" Uncle

Maori also stepped forward and bowed, saying that he would definitely catch the prisoner and rescue her husband.

"Stop! I don't believe you guys anymore! My husband was killed by you! With

tears on her face, Mrs. Hirano yelled at the two.

Seeing this, the mountain village police officer and the Maori uncle did not open their mouths again, but stood aside and bowed their heads without speaking, they knew that there was no point in saying anything now.

After the two stood for a while, the Yamamura police officer called his subordinates at Uncle Maori and asked them to search carefully through the woods.

Since the prisoner knew that there were policemen in the woods, it meant that he had been observing their every move around the woods.

In this way, the prisoner is most likely in the woods.

At this time, Xiaolan on the side saw Mrs. Hirano so sad, and she couldn't bear it.

After all, causing such a situation does have something to do with his father.

At this moment, Tatsuno whispered, "There is something wrong with this Lady Hirano.

These words not only reached Xiao Lan's ears, but even Conan on the side heard them.

Both looked at Tatsuno in surprise, waiting for Tatsuno to follow.

"Do you remember what this Lady Hirano entrusted to Uncle Maori was?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan was stunned, and after recalling for a moment, she hesitated: "About her husband... Affair investigation?

Tatsuno nodded and continued, "That's right. Just before today, she did not hesitate to pay a huge amount and ask Uncle Maori to investigate. And today, her husband was kidnapped. Don't you think it's a bit too much of a coincidence?

As soon as these words came out, Xiaolan's small mouth opened slightly, and she lowered her head to think.

Conan, who was eavesdropping on the side, looked even more realized, and began to suspect Mrs. Hirano.

Indeed, as soon as they entered the door, they were led by the matter in front of them.

Tatsuno this guy is right, calm down and think about it, this Lady Hirano is indeed doubtful.

If there were no problems between the couple at all, how could she spend so much money to hire a Māori detective to investigate her husband's affair?

It was at this time that her husband was abducted by kidnappers... This is indeed strange!

At this moment, Tatsuno continued to speak: "Moreover, there are doubts about the way the prisoners are notified.

"Anyway, they are all sending messages for ransom, why don't prisoners choose the easier way to use the phone?" Why did he choose fax?

"If you want to send a fax, there is a prerequisite. The prisoner must know the fax machine number of the Hirano family. You know, this is not a company fax machine. How did the prisoner know the fax machine number of the Hirano family? Hearing

this, Conan put his hand on his chin.

The heart said indeed, and what Tatsuno said did make sense. How did the prisoner know the number of the fax machine of the Hirano family, let alone say, why did he choose the fax method?

Fax... That's right! The fax machine can set the time!

After thinking about this, Conan's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Mrs. Hirano.

If Mrs. Hirano is really a prisoner, then her purpose in deliberately calling the police and them here should be... Alibi!


An hour later

, the body of Mrs. Hirano's husband, Osamu Hirano, was found in the woods by the subordinates of the Yamamura police officer.

After learning the news, Mrs. Hirano in the house cried even more sadly.

The mountain village police officer sat weakly on the sofa, grabbed his head deadly, and looked stumbling.

Because of his own mistakes, the kidnapped hostages were killed by gangsters....

In addition to the remorse and self-blame in his heart, he also felt the darkness of the future.

- "Because of his own mistakes, the people died." "

As a police officer, once you are branded like this, you basically have no chance of promotion.

Not to mention, Shuto Hirano is also a well-known local construction boss.

You don't need to think about it, in a few days, the newspaper headline will definitely publish this incident, and the name of his mountain village will also be announced.

Thinking of this, he was in ashes.

At this time, Mrs. Hirano, who was originally crying, gradually slowed down and shouted to everyone with her red and swollen eyes: "You all go out, I want to be alone and quiet!" Hearing

Mrs. Hirano's words, everyone prepared to walk out of the study.

Seeing this, Conan on the side couldn't bear it, he opened the cover of his watch and aimed it at Uncle Maori who was sitting on the sofa.

As soon as everyone was about to step out of the room, a calm voice sounded in the study.

"Officer Yamamura, don't be in such a hurry to leave. The incident is not completely solved yet!

This familiar voice made Yamamura's heart move, and he immediately turned to look at Maori Kogoro who was sitting on the sofa, and his eyes showed a hopeful light.

"Mr. Māori!"

Seeing this, Mrs. Hirano on the side asked, "Mr. Mori, what do you mean by this!" My husband has lost his life because of your mistakes, what else do you want to do?!

After hearing Mrs. Hirano's words, Uncle Maori chuckled: "Madam, don't be in such a hurry. After listening to my words, it will not be too late for you to kick us out. Hearing

this, Mrs. Hirano snorted in dissatisfaction and stopped speaking, as if acquiescing to his words.

Seeing that everyone was focusing their attention, Uncle Maori spoke: "Mountain village police officer, why do prisoners choose to use fax machines to send threatening letters?" "

Huh? "He

obviously used a mobile phone as a simpler and more direct way, but he still chose to use a fax machine." There is only one reason! The fax machine can set the time when the file is sent! Hearing

this, Mrs. Hirano's complexion changed slightly, but she still clenched her hands and forced herself to calm down.

"Officer Yamamura, do you remember what was written on the last threatening letter? It reads on the letter - 'There are policemen in the woods'. "

We all overlooked that at the time because we were too nervous. You know, your subordinates are placed outside the woods! Hearing

this, Yamamura was stunned: "But Mr. Maori, the two of us are really in the car?"

"Yes, the two of us are indeed hidden in the car. But in such a dark night, unless the prisoner is observing from heaven, no matter where he observes, he cannot find us.

"What's more, this threatening letter is not written in the car, but there are police officers in the woods!"

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