Shortly after the strange man disappeared in front of his eyes, everyone came back to their senses.

Two male teachers remained inside, ready to seal the windows with wooden planks.

Ran and Sonoko picked up Yonehara-sensei on the ground and placed him in another room.

And Tatsuno also called the police.

However, due to the heavy snowfall, the police could not come for the time being. At the latest, you may not arrive until tomorrow morning.

Ten minutes later, Yonehara-sensei woke up.

She stared blankly at the ceiling, always feeling that something was wrong.

Seeing her wake up, Xiaolan and Yuanzi on the side were overjoyed: "Yonehara-sensei! How are you feeling physically? Is there anything uncomfortable?

After hearing the words of the two, Yonehara-sensei sat up from the bed. She looked at Xiaolan suspiciously, and then rubbed her neck with her hand.

"My neck... How does it hurt a little? No, I just now..." As

her brain gradually cleared, she recalled what happened before she fell into a coma, and her expression gradually changed.

Before she fell unconscious, she was about to kill Sugiyama-sensei with a wig, when she was suddenly knocked unconscious.

So, Sugiyama-sensei should have been rescued, and she was going to kill Sugiyama-sensei... It must have been exposed. Thinking of this, her heart couldn't help but tighten. Being known about this kind of thing by former students is really....

At this moment, Xiaolan and the two saw Yonehara-sensei's painful expression and immediately became worried.

"Yonehara-sensei, what's wrong with you?!"

"yes, what's wrong with you?!"

Seeing that Xiaolan and Sonoko cared so much about themselves, Yonehara-sensei was silent for two seconds and spoke, "I'm sorry, actually, there is something I haven't told you all this time." I..." At

this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and Tatsuno walked in.

- "Needless to say, teacher, we all know it. You...... Wearing a wig, right?

Yonehara-sensei:"??? After

being beaten by Tatsuno, Yonehara-sensei took back what he was about to say.

Xiaoran and Sonoko were stunned, and then looked at Yonehara-sensei in surprise.

"Really? Yonehara-sensei, did you wear a wig? Yuanzi opened his mouth and asked in surprise.

Xiaolan poked Yuanzi's waist with her finger, signaling him not to ask this kind of question so loudly, what if there was a special reason for Yonehara-sensei to wear a wig?

After seeing Sonoko and Koran's reaction, Yonehara-sensei smiled and reached out to take off the wig on his head.

"Don't worry, I wear a wig because I accidentally cut my hair too short before."

After hearing Yonehara-sensei's answer, Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Actually, the teacher has short hair is also very beautiful~

" Sonoko also replied: "That's it!" Who makes the teacher a great beauty in his own right!

Looking at the two who were joking with herself, Yonehara-sensei also smiled, but her heart was full of self-blame and chagrin.

Seeing the happy appearance of the three, Tatsuno coughed lightly and spoke, "Since the teacher is fine, we are relieved."

"Teacher, you should have been attacked from behind just now, but fortunately, that person's target was not you. But that Sugiyama sensei is not so lucky..."

Tatsuno's words made Yonehara-sensei stunned, she thought about it carefully, and then wondered: "In the end... What happened?

Under Yonehara-sensei's surprised gaze, the three of Tatsuno told her what had happened before.

After hearing that a mysterious man took Sugiyama-sensei and left behind the words "good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil", Yonehara-sensei's brain suddenly went blank.

What the?

Sugiyama-sensei was actually taken into the woods? It's snowing outside!

Thinking of the phrase "good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil", the purpose of that person taking away Mr. Sugiyama is probably ...

Thinking of this, Yonehara-sensei's eyes widened in shock.

Who the hell!

Could it be that someone other than himself wants to kill Sugiyama-sensei???

While she was pondering, Tatsuno looked at her watch, and then chuckled, "Let's go, the meal is ready." Let's go fill our stomachs first~"


A few minutes later, everyone sat down at the dining table in the living room.

Everyone looked at the table full of delicious meals and looked at Tatsuno in surprise.

Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Yonehara exclaimed one after another: "It's amazing!" You did all this alone?!

"Tatsuno, I really didn't expect that you could actually cook!"


listening to everyone's praise, Tatsuno smiled politely.

At this moment, newspaper reporter Sen Tunshi suddenly put down his chopsticks and glanced at everyone with a smile: "I said~ You won't have forgotten what happened just now, right?" If I'm not mistaken, this incident must have something to do with that incident three years ago!

"Shut up!!

After hearing his words, Shimoda-sensei immediately slapped the table excitedly and stood up, while the other teachers all lowered their heads and said nothing.

After seeing the reaction of Shimoda-sensei and everyone, Sonoko asked suspiciously, "Excuse me... What really happened three years ago?

Hearing this, Shimoda-sensei immediately turned his head towards the garden and yelled, "This is none of your business at all!" Yuan

Zi and Xiao Lan on the side were both frightened by his sudden roar, revealing a nervous look.

Seeing this, Tatsuno slowly stood up, looked at Teacher Shimoda expressionlessly, and said lightly: "Oh? Your voice is big, huh?

After hearing Tatsuno's words, Shimoda-sensei wanted to speak again.

At this moment, Tatsuno instantly appeared in front of him, and condescendingly, staring at him with eyes full of killing intent.

After seeing Tatsuno's expression, Shimoda-sensei's brain suddenly cleared up. He looked at Long Ye in front of him in horror, and cold sweat broke out.

In the next second, his legs trembled, and he sat down weakly on the ground without saying a word.

I don't know why, he seemed to see the murderous aura exuding from Tatsuno's body, and he always felt that if he said one more word now, something would definitely happen.

Seeing that Mr. Shimoda said no more, Tatsuno put away the killing intent in his eyes, walked back to his seat with a smile, and sat down.

When everyone saw this scene, they were stunned.

Seeing that everyone remained silent, Sen Tunshi smiled and spoke to himself: "Hmph~ Three years ago, at the ballet club of Cupdo Elementary School, an elementary school girl named Minako Mochizuki hanged herself, it is said that it was because the pressure of the exam was too great..."

Then, he changed his tone: "But maybe, the truth of the matter is not like this at all." Did I guess correctly~ Minako's homeroom teacher at the time, Ms. Koko Yonehara? There was also Minako's consultant teacher at the ballet club at the time, Ryuichi Sakai. And Minako's health teacher at the time, Minoru Nakamura..."

"As for this Kenpei Shimoda, although he seems to have nothing to do with Minako. But you can see his exaggerated reaction, right?

After listening to his words, Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked at the teachers present in surprise.

If the newspaper reporter was right, almost all of the teachers present were related to Minako Mochizuki, who hanged herself.

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