If that's the case, then....

At this time, everyone in the living room was even more silent.

After feeling the silent atmosphere in the living room, Tatsuno said softly: "In that case, I roughly understand, and it is not difficult to understand what happened before."

"Presumably, that Minako did not die because she hanged herself, but was killed..."

"And that Sugiyama sensei must be inseparable from this matter." The mysterious man should be the girl's relative.

Speaking of this, Tatsuno quietly scanned several teachers and continued, "Then again, he could have quietly killed Sugiyama-sensei and left directly. But before leaving, he deliberately said 'that sentence' to us provocatively.

If you guessed correctly, this means that there are still some of us involved in this matter. That man may come back to commit crimes!

After listening to Tatsuno's words, everyone present showed a look of shock.

Although they didn't want to admit it, they also knew that Tatsuno was right in his analysis.

If Minako had not died because she "hanged", but was killed by someone, then everything would have made sense.

The reason why that strange man took Sugiyama-sensei was for revenge!

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Shimoda-sensei who was sitting on the ground.

It had been so long that he hadn't actually gotten up from the ground.

Not only that, but he also held his head with both hands, and if you listened carefully, you could even hear his whimpering.

The next moment, Shimoda-sensei seemed to notice everyone's gaze.

He immediately shouted, tears welling up in his eyes. The whole person seemed to fall into a state of extreme madness.

When everyone saw his strange reaction, they seemed to understand something.

Seeing this, Tatsuno knew that his spirit was on the verge of collapse, and he slowly walked to the lower field cultivation plane, releasing a real killing intent.

This undisguised killing intent coercion became the last straw that crushed Teacher Shimoda.

Teacher Shimoda instantly raised his head and roared intermittently: "Help, save me!" You must save me! I say everything! Yes, it was me and Sugiyama who killed her!!

After hearing his words, everyone in the hall covered their mouths and froze stiffly in place.

Seeing that everyone did not react, Shimoda-sensei continued to shout loudly: "Save me!" You guys want to save..."


The next moment, Tatsuno shot out and knocked him unconscious.

"Shut up, it's too noisy."


Soon after, the snow gradually stopped and the police finally arrived at the scene.

After some investigation and questioning, the police found Mr. Sugiyama from the woods three kilometers away from the villa, and Mr. Sugiyama was lying stiffly on the ground, having long lost vital signs.

Due to heavy snowfall, no footprints were left at the site.

The "strange man" was long gone.

Because it was dark and there were not enough people, the police had to record the facial features of the strange man according to the description of everyone, and prepared to search and arrest it after dawn.

After everything settled, the police took Shimoda Kohei and sealed off the villa. And prepared to send Tatsuno and the others in the villa down the mountain first.

In one of the police cars

, Yonehara-sensei sat in the passenger seat, silently looking out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xiaolan in the back seat leaned on Tatsuno's shoulder and fell asleep quietly, although Sonoko was not asleep yet, her eyelids were already fighting.

At this time, Yonehara-sensei looked in the rearview mirror and asked softly, "Tatsuno, do you think I'm a good teacher?" Hearing

this, Tatsuno was stunned, and then chuckled: "Of course, Xiaolan and Yuanzi also like you~

" "Is it... Thank you. "


A week later

, Tatsuno took Haihara's hand and walked out of the gate of Didan Elementary School.

"I really didn't expect that I would be able to hold a parent-teacher meeting for others one day~

" "Is it?" I'm more surprised than you. It's already so old that I still have to be treated like a child..."

"Oh? But you are a child now~"

... Tatsuno, sometimes I really want to beat you up.

After hearing Haibara's mournful words, Tatsuno squatted down with a smile and rubbed her head.

"It seems that someone wants to pay the bill~ You don't want your sister to know your attitude, right? Come, call me to listen~

" Hearing this, Haiyuan Moi's face turned slightly red, lowered his head and gritted his teeth: "It..."


"That's right! My good daughter! Hahaha!

After hearing Haihara's name, Tatsuno rubbed Haihara's head fiercely.

"When we go back from grocery shopping, don't forget to call Xiaolan mother~"

After speaking, Tatsuno carried Haibara on his shoulder, whistled, and happily walked to the bus stop on the side.

At this moment, Haibara, who was sitting on Tatsuno's shoulder, muttered, his face flushed.

On the day she and her sister met, she promised Tatsuno three "unequal treaties."

One of them is....


On the bus, Tatsuno and Haibara sat side by side.

At this time, Tatsuno was turning his head to look out the window, looking bored.

Haibara turned his head and glanced at Tatsuno, and the corners of his mouth secretly rose.

At this moment, Haibara's eyes widened and he looked ahead in horror.

A man wearing a hat and mask and a light blue coat stepped into the car.

After seeing this person, Haibara immediately grabbed Tatsuno's hand hard.

Feeling the power coming from his hand, Tatsuno immediately looked at Haihara suspiciously.

"He... Their breath! "


After hearing Haibara's mournful words, Tatsuno looked curiously into the car, and a man who looked a little familiar came into his line of sight.

Shuichi Akai?

After seeing this person, Tatsuno instantly understood the reason why Haibara was afraid.

In the past, Shuichi Akai had entered the organization under the pseudonym "Stars Dai" and mixed the name "rye whiskey".

Therefore, his body also carries the "smell" of black-clothed organizations.

Presumably, Xiao Moi's "induction device" was activated again....

To be honest, Tatsuno was very curious, what exactly was the "smell" of the organization?

Thinking about it, he still picked up Haihara and put it on his lap.

After feeling his movements, Haihara's originally terrified expression immediately eased, and she raised her head to look at Tatsuno.

Tatsuno lowered his head and smiled gently: "Don't worry, I'm here." Not to mention that he is not actually an organization... Even if he is, I can protect you. You also know my strength very well, don't you~"

After listening to Tatsuno's comfort, Haibara slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and seemed to relax a little.

But she didn't leave Tatsuno's thigh, and even twisted her body and rubbed it in his arms.

At this moment, a blonde woman seemed to see Tatsuno and stepped forward to say hello: "This is not Tatsuno-kun~ Long time no see!"

"Teacher Judy? And also...... New to a doctor?

After Tatsuno looked up, he saw two familiar faces.

After greeting the two, he understood the current situation.

It should be that the FBI already knows that Belmode has contacted the new doctor, and is now investigating the new doctor.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the new doctor, and although there was no trace on his face, Tatsuno, who was proficient in transfiguration, still saw the clue.

"Substitution? Belmode is already on board? Other words...... The reason why Judy and Shuichi Akai appear together is to track Belmode? "

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