Outside Didan Primary School

, Gray Yuan walked out of the school gate, and after scanning around, she found the familiar figure, and she walked towards the figure with a smile.

"Oh? Xiao Wei, you came out quite early today~" Seeing Haihara Mourning coming, Tatsuno waved his hand.

Since Tatsuno did not participate in any society, Xiaolan always gave him the task of picking up Xiaomour.

At the beginning, Haihara repeatedly told the two that she could come back alone and did not need someone to pick up.

But Xiaolan, considering Xiao Wei's "experience of being tied up", did not agree.

Until now, Haibara mourned it. As long as she lives in Tatsuno's house, every day after school, she will take the initiative to look for Tatsuno's figure.

"Just now, Kudo Shinichi came to test me..."

Haibara mourned as she walked, telling Tatsuno what had just happened and her own analysis.

After listening, Long Ye waved his hand casually: "It doesn't matter, just like you guess his true identity, he will suspect you sooner or later." Don't care~~

" "Then I'll be later..." Haibara raised his head slightly and frowned.

"It doesn't matter, just let it be. No matter what happens, there is a father to help you with the bottom ~

" Haihara mourned: "..."

At this time, the man by the railing in the distance caught Tatsuno's attention.

After looking at the man's face for a few seconds, Tatsuno casually stopped the taxi on the side, and then picked up Haihara.

"What are you doing?! So many people around!

Seeing Haihara's sad face, Tatsuno chuckled: "Before going home, let's go to the art museum first~"

After speaking, Tatsuno took her to the car and drove to the Mika Art Museum.


After a few pleasantries with the director of Ochiai, Tatsuno and the Haibara sisters walked into Haibara's office.

This office was originally freed up by the director of the Ochiai Pavilion specifically for Tatsuno to work and process documents, but since Tatsuno has been acting as a "handshaker", it was temporarily assigned to Yuki Haihara.

After closing the door, the three of them sat down on the sofa.

"Tatsuno, did something happen?" Haibara looked at Tatsuno and said seriously.

Yuki Haihara on the side also nodded and looked at Tatsuno with a solemn expression.

Both knew that if it hadn't been for something suddenly, Tatsuno wouldn't have suddenly pulled them to meet.

Is it news about the organization?!

Thinking of this, the expressions of the two became more and more solemn.

Seeing that the expressions of the two became more and more serious, Long Ye also put away his smile and coughed lightly: "Just now, I saw the members of the organization on the street, it should be Belmode." She became what I had done before.

Speaking of this, Tatsuno looked at Haihara Yuki: "It's the face that I made up when I saved you in the abandoned building before."

After listening, Haihara Yuki held his sister's hand, looking nervous. Haibara also looked a little nervous.

Seeing this, Long Ye showed a smile and changed his words: "Actually, don't worry, I'm here anyway." Talking to you is just to scare you~

" Looking at the black lines on the heads of the two, Tatsuno looked away: "Of course, you should pay more attention in the future." Although in the eyes of the organization, 'Akemi Miyano' is dead, there are still questions about whether 'Shiho Miyano' is dead. Be as vigilant as possible in the future and don't be too careless.

After Tatsuno finished speaking, Haihara supported his head with his hands and thought carefully.

Since being rescued by Tatsuno, she has been living a peaceful daily life, and her sense of tension and vigilance has indeed deteriorated.

This goes on... When she is really in danger, she may not even have a chance to react.

Thinking of this, Haihara nodded heavily: "I understand, I will be more careful in the future!"

After speaking, she turned her head to look at Haihara Mourning beside her, but found that Haihara Mourning was also turning her head to look at herself at this time. After looking at each other, both seemed to read each other's meaning from each other's eyes, and nodded slightly.

Then, the two turned their heads to look at Tatsuno at the same time, their eyes flashing with determination and fearlessness, as if they were about to fight the organization to the death.

The serious looks of the two made Tatsuno not know how to answer for a while, so he had to nod at the two and did not speak.

To be honest, his original intention of coming here was just to remind Yuki Haihara not to stupidly run up when he saw familiar faces on the street....

What's more, this is the first time that when the two of them mention the organization, they are not only not afraid, but full of courage.

Therefore, he continued to remain silent.


Poseidon Island Hotel a week later


"Hello, what is the name of your appointment?"

"I'm Detective Maori Kogoro! One adult, three students, and four children.

"Okay, wait a minute."

"Doesn't the daily newspaper publish a puzzle puzzle once a week? It's the super hard one... If no one gets it right, the prize will keep accumulating. In the end, it actually accumulated to 300,000! Guess who answered correctly in the end~~~"


Glancing at Uncle Maori who was showing off with the counter staff, Tatsuno sniffled.

After a while, Xiaolan spoke: "This island is really beautiful~ It's a pity, if only Xiao Wei could come." Hearing

this, Yuanzi suddenly said: "I said why didn't I see that precocious girl, it turns out that she didn't come today!"

"I invited her, but she was going to stay with her sister these days and didn't want to come to the beach." It's okay, we'll take her to the beach to play in the future~" Tatsuno smiled.

Xiaolan nodded, and then said with a smile: "Also, then next time, let's take her out to play~ Next time, we will also invite her sister to go together!"


on the side was standing up his ears and secretly listening to the conversation between the three of Tatsuno.

Ever since the last time he began to suspect Haibara, he had been trying to find an opportunity to learn more about her.

But at school, his classmates knew that he had made Haibara cry.

As soon as he got close to Haihara, before he could ask any questions, a group of classmates would surround him and stare at him with contempt. Therefore, he had to dismiss the idea of probing her at school.

After school, Haihara will be directly picked up by Tatsuno again, and he has no chance to come forward to investigate.

This matter has been lingering in his mind, and if he is not sure of Haihara's true identity, his detective genes will make him sleep poorly!

Therefore, he desperately "assisted" Uncle Maori to guess the answer to the puzzle puzzle, and knocked on the side, asking him to invite Tatsuno and the others to go out together. In this way, he would have the opportunity to investigate the gray plain.

But it backfired... Gray Plain Mourning actually didn't come!

What's even more uncomfortable is that Uncle Maori, who has always been stingy, actually took the initiative to invite the doctor and Mitsuhiko! The Doctor was unable to come because of an important "appointment".

In the end, he was left to care for the three children alone.

What kind of human tragedy is this?!

However, he did not come in vain.

He heard the conversation of several people in Tatsuno, and among them was the information about Haihara.

"Sister? That kid named Haibara Mourning also has an older sister? Is she really just a precocious ordinary child... Do you really think too much? "

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