Just then, Maori Kogoro's exclamation interrupted Conan's train of thought.

"What?! How is it possible not to have my reservation record?! I obviously have an appointment!

"Sorry, but we really don't have a record of your appointment in our system..." After

hearing the counter attendant's words again, Maori Kogoro widened his eyes and reached out to look at the waiter's screen.

And Tatsuno and the others naturally heard the conversation between them.

The three little ones were discussed directly.

"Are we going to camp in the wild?"

"The island is located in the subtropics and there should be a lot of poisonous insects and stuff like that. Camping is just too dangerous. "

Huh? Poisonous bugs, it's scary!

The three of them stared helplessly at Uncle Maori and sighed slightly.

Moments later, under the instructions of Uncle Māori, the attendant at the counter helped contact the island's sightseeing class.

Not long after, a slightly chubby man wearing black-framed glasses ran in through the hotel gates.

- "Hello everyone! It's really made you wait for a long time, you are the detective Maori Kogoro, right? The

slightly chubby man ran to the front and back of everyone, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his sweat and said, "I'm sorry, Iwanaga Jo'er from the sightseeing class." For some reason, there was a sudden surge in tourists this month, so hotels everywhere were full. I originally wanted to help you settle here, but there was really no way..." Seeing

that everyone's expressions had changed, he quickly explained: "But please rest assured, I have booked a hotel for you!" I'll take you there.

After speaking, Director Iwanaga immediately beckoned and turned to walk towards the door of the hotel.

Everyone followed in his footsteps and prepared to walk out of the hotel.

At this time, three tall dark-skinned men in front of everyone caught Ayumi's attention, and she turned her head and asked, "Conan, who are those three big brothers?" Why is the skin so dark?

Conan obviously saw the three people in front of him and said confidently: "They should be treasure hunters."

"Treasure hunter? What is that? Mota wondered.

Conan replied casually, "It's the one who looks for treasure all over the world." Although the three of them are very tanned, except for the palms and head, the skin color in the rest of the place is obviously not so dark, right? That is the evidence that they often wear diving suits~

" Conan's answer attracted everyone's attention, and Yuanzi asked even more curiously: "Then why are they treasure hunters, maybe they just like diving?" Hearing

this, Tatsuno pointed to the poster on the wall: "He should have guessed based on that poster~"

Everyone stopped and looked in the direction of Tatsuno's finger.

A poster with an island depicted appeared in everyone's eyes.

In addition to the name of the island, the poster also has two lines of eye-catching yellow font - "Underwater Palace Sleeping Island, you also come to find ancient treasures!"

After seeing this poster, several people in the garden also understood the origin of the title "treasure hunter".

After solving the doubts, everyone got into the car.

Inside the car

, Uncle Maori looked at Captain Iwanaga who was driving, and asked, "Speaking of which, why did the treasure hunter come to this island?" The treasure mentioned in that poster should just be a gimmick to attract tourists, right?

Director Iwanaga smiled: "No~ Actually, two weeks ago, a treasure was really found here."

"What?!" Uncle Maori almost bit his tongue in surprise.

Section Chief Iwanaga pointed out the window with his head: "Look over there, isn't there an uninhabited island there, that's Lai Qin Island." About two hundred meters east from there, on the bottom of the sea, a building made of huge stones sank. As early as ten years ago, there was a talk of a monument near Kamikai Island.

"That underwater palace has also been studied by many scholars, but no one has ever given a definite conclusion on whether the 'megalithic palace' is man-made or naturally formed."

"I heard that 300 years ago, the exposed part of Rai Qin Island was larger than it is now, but it sank into the sea due to an earthquake and became what it is now."

Just as everyone was fascinated, Conan stepped up and asked, "Because the earthquake sank into the sea?" Is it because the surface is slipping?

Director Iwanaga was stunned by Conan's question: "Well, I heard that there seems to be a so-called methane hydrate layer on the seabed near there, because it decomposes in one breath, causing the surface to slide, which is the most powerful statement at present."

After listening, Conan sat back in his seat and nodded thoughtfully.

Seeing Conan's look as if he understood, Genta immediately asked, "Conan, what is that... What hydrate layer? Hearing

this, Conan turned his head and looked back.

Not only Yuantai, but even Yuanzi looked at him with a confused expression, as if waiting for his explanation.

"It's the 'methane hydrate layer'. At low temperatures and high pressures, water molecules combine with methane to form a so-called water cage structure. This phenomenon is also known as 'combustible ice', which looks like ice and ignites when exposed to fire.

After listening to Conan's explanation, the three of Yuantai and Yuanzi narrowed their eyes helplessly, and the confusion on their faces deepened.

At this time, Tatsuno clapped and chuckled: "Conan, you really know a lot of things~

" Xiaolan also praised: "Yes!" For elementary school students, this is difficult chemistry knowledge to understand. Conan, you are amazing!

After hearing the words of the two, Conan's originally confident face suddenly broke out in a few drops of cold sweat.

He stiffly turned his head to look at Tatsuno and stumbled, "This, this is what I saw on TV." Yesterday's TV show just broadcast this..." Without

waiting for Tatsuno and the two to react, the co-pilot's Maori Kogoro suddenly spoke: "Yesterday? Wasn't the TV broken yesterday? Before leaving this morning, the maintenance worker came to fix the TV..." After

hearing Uncle Maori's words, Conan sweated like raindrops: "I, I remember wrong, right?" It should be, it should be the day before yesterday, right? Seeing

that Conan was stumbling nervously, Tatsuno covered his mouth with his hand and forced a smile: "Oh, it's like this~ But it's still worth praise!" Hearing

that Tatsuno and everyone did not delve into it, Conan breathed a sigh of relief.


Soon after, the car arrived at its destination.

A homestay and inn that looks a little quaint appears in front of everyone.

The signboard of the hotel has several big characters written - "Kamikaiso

" "Mr. Mima! Are you there?

"What's the noise! I'm coming. A

middle-aged man with slightly dark-skinned skin walked out of the hotel. The man was about forty or fifty years old, with a bearded face and slenderness.

"Mr. Meima, these are the Maori Mr. and his party I mentioned on the phone."

"Five thousand for one night, including two meals. If you can't accept it, look elsewhere.

After that, the innkeeper named Arima glanced at everyone, then turned around and walked back.

Uncle Maori was shocked by this attitude, and couldn't help but complain: "So dragged? Section

Chief Iwanaga immediately chased after Boss Arima and handed over the money.

After completing the formalities, he walked to everyone: "Okay, everyone will stay here tonight." Although Mr. Arima has a very strange temper, he is a good person~


After seeing that everyone had no reaction, Director Iwanaga immediately changed the topic: "Don't talk about this, which of you wants to participate in the treasure hunt?"

After hearing the words of the treasure hunt, the three of Mitsuhiko immediately raised their hands excitedly.

Not only that, after they saw that Conan did not raise his hand, they also intimately helped Conan raise his hand.

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