"Tatsuno, Yusaku will be back in two days, and when he returns, we can..." Looking

at Yukiko who was obviously excited to the point of flushing in front of him, Tatsuno couldn't help but feel some sympathy for Conan.

After they walked out of Dr. Agasa's house, they returned to Tatsuno's house the same way. As soon as the two sat down, Yukiko began to talk endlessly about her "tricky plan".

What "approaching and kidnapping Conan as a stranger", "acting out a gunfight scene with a prop pistol that is enough to stun Conan"....

As all kinds of messy thoughts continued to gush out of Yukiko's mouth, Tatsuno's expression changed from joy at the beginning to happiness.

Fortunately, he is not Yukiko's son.

A normal mother would never be able to come up with hundreds of "good ideas" that would make her son dizzy in just 10 minutes.

Looking at Yukiko in front of him, he continued to say his thoughts without the slightest intention of stopping. Tatsuno had to stop him, "Sister Yukiko, why don't we discuss it with Uncle Yusaku first?" After all, most of the plans you just mentioned require at least 3 people to be involved."

"That's right, you're right, if there are few people, some plans are really difficult to achieve! Let's think of a few interesting plans first, and when your Uncle Yusaku also returns, we will decide together which plan to use~" Seeing

that Yukiko finally stopped, the corners of Tatsuno's mouth hooked slightly: "By the way, Aunt Yukiko, can you not expose the fact that I know that he is Conan at that time?"

If he still thinks I don't know his true identity, can't I scare him again later?" "

So it is! Tatsuno, your heart is really bad

~~~" "You have passed the prize, there are still many things I want to learn from you~~~

" "Hahahahaha!" "X2


It was not until before leaving, Yukiko specifically instructed Tatsuno: "Tatsuno, Shinichi he has become smaller, you must not tell others!

The last

second you were still smiling and choosing the "trick plan", and the corners of your mouth couldn't stop rising. The next second it actually became so serious. Worthy of being a former actor.

Thinking of this, Tatsuno shook his head: "Actually... Because Conan is obsessed with solving cases, in addition to us, several people have already guessed his identity.

"What?!" After

listening to Tatsuno's words, Yukiko's expression changed from serious to surprised, and finally to anger.

She thought that the only people who knew Conan's true identity might be Tatsuno and Dr. Agasa.

Needless to say, Dr. Agasa took the initiative to tell him about this.

And Tatsuno can guess that it is normal, after all, they have gone to school together since childhood, and it is normal for him to see "a trace of flaw" from Conan's body.

But...... Since there are others who guessed his identity, it means that this kid is not "low-key" at all because of this matter.

Kudo Shinichi's character is very clear to her, loves to show off, and likes to reason and solve cases.

Therefore, as soon as Tatsuno's words came out, she could think of what happened with her eyes closed.

It must be that Conan always rushes to the front when encountering a case, and may even have done a lot of moves beyond "his age".

After the kid shook his fist vigorously !!

, Yukiko looked up at Tatsuno: "Anyway, the fewer people who know about this, the better." Damn it...... I'm going to tell Yusaku about this, and I must teach him a good lesson then!! I

don't know why, at this time, Tatsuno seemed to see Yukiko's long hair flowing in the air because of anger. After rubbing his eyes, Tatsuno nodded at Yukiko.

After seeing Tatsuno nodding, Yukiko said goodbye to him and then turned and left Tatsuno's house.

Compared to the joy of discussing the plan before, Yukiko's eyes seemed to be mixed with anger and worry.

After looking up at the sky, Yukiko quickened her pace.

She wants to prepare more "props" and "costumes" that can be used before Kudo Yusaku returns, so that she can start the "Education Conan" plan at any time.

Shortly after Yukiko left, Tatsuno also walked out of the house.

Due to Yukiko's sudden arrival, his arrangement to go to Haruhabara to buy a game console was temporarily stopped, and now he can finally continue.

After all, he is also curious about what interesting games he can see in this world where there is no hell and many well-known game manufacturers.

Probably due to the time, there are not many people on the streets near Haruhabara.

Tatsuno strolled leisurely down the street, casually looking at the shops around him.

Well...... Cat's Ears Cafe, Maid Coffee, Master Cafe, Sony Appliances....

After seeing Tatsuno's appearance, from time to time a young lady wearing a maid's costume stepped forward.

"Little brother, our store is very ~good~fun~Oh!"

"This handsome little brother, if it's

you, you can be free Oh~" "We have various types of young ladies in the store~ If you want, I can also..."

"Little brother, don't worry, I'm not here to solicit customers, I just want to talk to you about going to the hotel over there." I am willing to give you as much as you want!"

After finally getting rid of the overly open crowd, Tatsuno came to a bank.

Since there is no online payment here, only something similar to a POS machine, it is extremely inconvenient.

Although he doesn't have bad money in his account, it's more convenient to buy everyday items and cheap things.

After entering the bank, Tatsuno walked to a counter and prepared to withdraw a million first.

Due to the large denomination of the Japanese yen, although one million sounds like a lot, it is actually only 100 bills, and one wallet can easily fit.

Just as Tatsuno loaded the money into his wallet, an extremely arrogant voice sounded in the bank hall: "Everyone is not allowed to !!move"

After hearing this voice, Tatsuno turned his head suspiciously.

Three "hooded men" armed with shotguns are standing in the center of the hall, pointing their guns in one direction.

When everyone in the bank saw this scene, they didn't react to what happened for a while.

Some people continued to busy themselves with their work as if they hadn't heard the warnings of the three.

The reaction of the crowd did not meet the expectations of the three men, so one of the tallest men raised his shotgun and fired directly into the ceiling.

"Bang!!" With

this loud noise, everyone in the bank realized the current situation, these three men were holding real guns!


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