With ear-piercing screams, people without weak legs in the hall rushed around in panic, constantly looking for a way to escape.

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Long Ye covered his face helplessly.

Obviously, there are no Conan people nearby, and they can actually encounter this kind of thing.

Do you say... Just

as he was in self-doubt, a man with pale blonde hair appeared in Tatsuno's sight.

After looking at that familiar face, Tatsuno couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I said~ How can I become the Grim Reaper? It turned out to be the power of Falling Valley Zero~

" At this time, Falling Valley Zero did not look like when he was in a sushi restaurant before, but appeared in Tatsuno's sight as "normal".

Although he didn't know what the bank was doing, just seeing his figure, Tatsuno felt much more at ease.

If he was really infected with the physique of the God of Death, wouldn't the peaceful life have completely left him?!

While soaking in the hot spring, someone directly sank into the hot spring pool, setting a world record for holding their breath.

While eating at the restaurant, someone directly covered his neck and collapsed to the ground, performing the magic of spitting bubbles in his mouth.

Just as XXX was there, someone came from a piercing scream....

Thinking of these scenes, Tatsuno suddenly felt that Falling Valley Zero's face was much kinder.

At this moment, the three gangsters finally began to maintain "order" in the store.


""Whoever makes another movement, don't blame us for hurting the killer!! This

time, everyone in the store completely quieted down.

The woman who was still screaming just now closed her mouth, and the people who were running around also stopped, their legs trembled, and they slowly slumped on the ground.

Seeing that the scene seemed to have been controlled, the tall gangster in the middle raised his head at the accomplices on either side of him.

One of them immediately put the backpack on his shoulder on the ground and pulled out several sacks of burlap that looked sturdy and a bunch of ropes.

Another went straight to the camera in the store and smashed it with a wrench.

Seeing that everything was going according to plan, the tall man in the middle walked slowly to the front of the crowd and said with a sinister smile: "As long as you are obedient, there will be no trouble." But if someone disobeys ...

After speaking, he pointed to the open space on the side: "Now, everyone come here! Don't play any tricks on me!" After

seeing that everyone was moving, the man seemed to remember something, and pointed at a middle-aged man wearing glasses in the counter with a muzzle: "You are the manager of this store, right?

After seeing this scene, Tatsuno shook his head with a smile.

This middle-aged man with glasses obviously has something to do with you?

Since these people walked into the bank, they glanced at the monitoring location from time to time, obviously they had long known the internal structure of the bank.

And this middle-aged man with glasses, although he was being pointed at by a gun, there was no trace of nervousness and fear in his eyes, and the action of raising his hands was like acting...

Obviously, it wasn't just Tatsuno who discovered this. Falling Valley Zero on the side also looked deeply at the bank manager at this moment, and quietly pressed the mobile phone with the other hand in his pocket.

Soon after, the other two gangsters also finished their work. One of the gangsters followed the bank manager with a bag and seemed to walk in the direction of the bank vault. Another walked up to the lead man with a gun.

"I'll see... Just you! Come here!" At

this moment, the leading man saw the golden retriever in the crowd at a glance, and immediately pointed his muzzle at Falling Valley Zero.

Falling Valley Zero: "???" saw that Falling Valley Zero

was "named" by gangsters, and the corners of Tatsuno's mouth couldn't help but hook.

In the next second, the gangster suddenly saw Tatsuno who was still sitting at the counter, thinking that this teenager might be scared and stupid, and immediately laughed: "That kid over there, is he scared stupid, wake up, you also give it to me



The moment he saw Tatsuno's face, he was slightly stunned.


after only a few moments, he put away the expression on his face and stopped looking at Tatsuno.

Although his expression was very calm, he calculated in his heart the current way to break the situation.

Zero had investigated Takeda Tatsuno and knew a little about his strength. As long as he can create a chance for Tatsuno, this teenager can definitely put down one or even two of the gangsters.

In this way, as long as they find a way to solve the remaining gangsters, then this crisis will be solved!

But how to create opportunities? They all have weapons in their hands, and two of them are not here, they should go to the vault....

Just as Zero was seriously thinking about how to break the game, Tatsuno walked towards the leading gangster with a smile.

Seeing that Tatsuno was getting closer and closer to himself, the leading man wondered: "Boy, what are you laughing at, you and that blonde go and tie everyone up with a rope on the ground!" In the surprised gaze of the leading man, Tatsuno

got closer and closer to him.

Seeing this, he immediately raised the shotgun in his hand and prepared to point it at Tatsuno.

Before he could raise his shotgun, Tatsuno instantly stuck in front of him.

Looking at the faces close at hand, the leading man's eyes showed a look of horror.

"So fast?!How is it possible!!" At

this moment, he suddenly felt the smile on Tatsuno's face seem to become mad.

"Bang!" Without

waiting for the man to react, Tatsuno directly knocked him unconscious and removed his arms.

The gangsters on the other side saw this scene and showed incredible eyes.

Before he could react, Tatsuno disappeared directly from his sight.

The next moment, Tatsuno appeared in front of him.

"Bang!" With

the same thump, the gangster also fell to the ground.

Ignoring the shocked look on the side, Tatsuno turned and walked in the direction of the vault.


after, after two muffled sounds, "Bang

! Bang!"

and there was no more movement in the bank.

Five seconds later, Tatsuno walked back to the hall from the direction of the vault and went straight to the bank gate.

Before leaving the gate, Tatsuno said disdainfully: "What a waste of time. After

a few seconds, the people in the bank realized that they were safe, and suddenly shouted excitedly.

Looking at the ecstatic and even crying people in the hall, Zero fell into doubts about life and the world.

"This guy... It's a monster, right?!"

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