The next morning

Teitan Elementary School, 1st Grade, Class B.

Conan just walked into the classroom yawning, and saw Mitsuhiko and others gathered at the back of the classroom, as if discussing something.

Seeing Conan walk into the classroom, Ayumi immediately trotted forward and frowned, "Oh no, Conan! The dorsal fin of the dolphin you made is gone!"


Conan walked in front of his work with a puzzled mood.

After seeing the appearance of the dolphin, Conan finally understood what Ayumi said.

The dorsal fin of the dolphin had been torn off, and there were obvious finger marks on the dolphin.

According to the marks, the person who tore off the dorsal fin was wearing leather gloves.

After a simple analysis, Conan was shocked: "Could it be the organization?"

After thinking for a while, Conan calmed down, comforted Ayumi and others, and sat back in his seat as if nothing had happened.

At the same time

On the overpass leading to Hachioji City.

Officer Sato took Takagi back to this "accident scene".

Yesterday, they drove to the home of the person who called the police, Sumire Shindo, and passed by this road in front of them.

Unexpectedly, when they drove to this area, both front wheels of the car had flat tires.

This also caused them to fail to rush to the location of the person who called the police as scheduled.

"Looking back now, we are really lucky! There was no major car accident at that time~" Officer Takagi leaned on the railing, looking at the traffic on the road and sighed.

"Don't you think it's strange?" Officer Sato said seriously, "How could the two front wheels of the car have flat tires at the same time?"

"You mean, there were nails on the road?"

"Sniper... Maybe someone stood on this bridge and deliberately shot our tires. I remember there was a car parked here at the time!"

"Ah? How could this be..."

Officer Takagi looked at Officer Sato beside him in astonishment, his mind blank.

"Takagi, although this idea may be a bit far-fetched, I always feel that in addition to the murderer, there is a group of mysterious people hiding in the dark to interfere in this case!"

"Mysterious people..."

Officer Sato lowered his head and recalled: "Yes, the same paint was stepped on twice in Miss Shindo's studio. First, the paint tube was stepped on and squeezed out. Then, after the squeezed paint dried, it was stepped on again."

"This means that after Miss Shindo was taken away by the murderer, someone else went to her studio."

"Another point is that the woman who suddenly disappeared in the mall yesterday also concerns me. Maybe she is also an accomplice of the mysterious people..."

"Eh?! This is impossible? Maybe she went to the toilet like Tatsuno-kun. You think too much~" Officer Takagi scratched his head.

Officer Sato shook his head: "Really? Maybe I'm overthinking..."

After saying that, Officer Sato lowered his head and said secretly: "However, if this is true, it means that there is a spy in the police who leaked the information to these people, and that person is among the members participating in the meeting!"


Teitan High School 2nd Year B Class.

Sonoko walked to the side of Tatsuno and Xiaolan: "Tatsuno, Xiaolan, have you heard?! The door of the football club was pried open! It is said that the football used by Kudo Shinichi for practice was stolen."

"Huh? Is it true? Why would someone steal such a thing?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"Hehe, you don't understand this! If you ask me, this must have been done by the idiot detective girl!" Sonoko put her mouth close to Tatsuno and Xiaolan's ears and squinted.

Tatsuno looked at Sonoko with a "gossip" look on his face and smiled slightly.

Kudo Shinichi was not originally a member of the football club, but because he was often called to help, the coach of the football club also prepared a cabinet for him.

But few people knew about this matter. Even Tatsuno heard about it by chance from Kudo who had not yet become small.

Ireland actually investigated such a small matter? !

From this point of view, it seems that it is not wrong to say that he is a "fan girl" of Kudo Shinichi~

Sera Masumi, who had just walked back to the classroom, saw Tatsuno and others gathered together, and immediately came over curiously: "What are you talking about?"

Just as Sonoko was about to tell her this gossip, Tatsuno's mobile phone on the table vibrated.

—— "Buzz buzz buzz!"

Several people were attracted by the vibration of the mobile phone.

After taking a look at the caller ID, Tatsuno answered the phone.

—— "Hello, Inspector Megure... OK, I know."

Putting down the phone, Tatsuno looked at Xiaolan beside him and nodded: "Let's go, let's ask for leave from the teacher."

"Yeah, OK~" Xiaolan smiled and nodded immediately.

Sonoko on the side saw this scene and widened her eyes.

"Xiao Lan, why did you agree so quickly?Don't you even ask Tatsuno what happened? ! "

Sera Masumi, who was standing by, looked at Tatsuno excitedly, with light in his eyes: "Can I go with you? ! "

Tatsuno glanced at Sera Masumi and shook his head: "Sorry, not this time."

"Eh? ! Forget it... But you must tell me the whole story later!" Sera Masumi waved his hand regretfully.

Hearing this, Tatsuno took Xiaolan's hand and walked out of the classroom.

"Sonoko, Sera, we're leaving first!" Xiaolan waved goodbye to the two.


Soon after, the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division 1.

After seeing Tatsuno and Xiaolan, Inspector Megure immediately stood up and apologized: "Tatsuno, Xiaolan, I'm sorry to disturb you in class! ”

“It’s okay, Inspector Megure~” X2

Tatsuno and Xiaolan shook their heads.

After saying hello, Inspector Megure glanced at Officer Matsumoto next to him, and then continued:

“As you inferred, the last victim was kidnapped by the criminal in Hachioji City yesterday afternoon!”

“This morning, the police found her body in Koryo Sports Park. And there was a seven-tube mahjong tile next to her!”

“The letter δ representing the Ursa Major constellation is drawn on the back of the mahjong tile!”

Speaking of this, Inspector Megure looked at Officer Shiratori not far away.

Officer Shiratori immediately stood up and said: “Yesterday afternoon, the Kyoto police had already sent over the information they had found.”

“Two years ago, the seven victims all lived on the sixth floor of the same hotel in Kyoto. And there was a fire at that time.”

“According to the investigation, there were two other people living on the sixth floor at that time, namely Nanako Motogami and Kousuke Mizutani. Among them, Nanako Motogami did not catch the elevator and unfortunately died in the fire. "


After listening to Officer Shiratori's explanation, everyone present bowed their heads in thought.

"So it seems that the vertical pattern on the back of the mahjong tile represents the elevator. The position of the seven tubes may represent the position of everyone in the elevator." Tatsuno said lightly.

Inspector Megure looked at Tatsuno with a serious expression: "You mean, Nanako Motogami was driven out of the elevator by these seven people, so she didn't have time to escape..."

The police officers present also looked at Tatsuno and nodded silently. They felt that Tatsuno's guess was correct.

In this way, everything can be explained.

No wonder the criminal had to kill these seven people!

The problem now is that since there was a tube left next to the first victim, there was still a circle of seven tubes that was not painted red.

This means that the criminal may want to kill more than 7 people, but 8 people!

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