As the two middle-aged men said goodbye, Conan suddenly turned around: "By the way, can I ask another question? How much explosives will be needed to demolish this building?"

The thin man said slowly: "I don't know, because we haven't completed the investigation yet, and we don't know now."

"Yes, but this building is quite big, it should take a lot of explosives~" The other man nodded and smiled.

After listening to the two people's answers, Conan narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Really~ Then the explosion scene at that time must be spectacular!"

"Little friend, come and see it later~" The thin man smiled and waved his hand.

"Well, goodbye~" Conan also smiled and waved his hand, closed the door and left.

Mitsuhiko and the other two went downstairs while discussing:

"Nothing happened~"

"Yeah, I thought there was another case, but it turned out to be a false alarm."

"It's okay, when this building is ready to be blown up, we'll come and see it together. It must be very spectacular!"

Just as the three were imagining the scene of blowing up the building in their minds, Huihara Ai in front of them stopped and said lightly:

"No, this building should not be demolished by blasting."

In the puzzled eyes of Mitsuhiko and the other two, Huihara Ai continued: "When demolishing this kind of street-side building, cranes and other equipment are usually hoisted to the top of the building first, and then demolished from top to bottom or horizontally."

"Not to mention that the street where this building is located is a main street close to the city center, and it is impossible to demolish it by blasting."

Hearing this, Mitsuhiko and the other two showed puzzled eyes.

After thinking for a while, Mitsuhiko immediately defended himself, "But I saw it on TV?"

"That's right! The super building in the city center collapsed completely after a loud bang!" Ayumi and Genta also added.

At this time, Conan on the side also stopped and said seriously, "What you saw should be foreign images. There are very few cases of blasting demolition in Japan, and most buildings are highly dense."

"Besides, the management of gunpowder is extremely strict. Buildings like this building cannot pass the application for blasting demolition."

"It is also necessary to carefully compare the structural plan of the building, and then go through strict..."

After listening to Conan's extremely complicated explanation, Mitsuhiko and the other two showed confused expressions.

Although they only understood a lot of the content, one thing they could be sure of was that the two men just now were lying.

Mitsuhiko asked anxiously, "Then who were those two people just now..."

"It should be a bad duo who disguised themselves as demolition companies and kidnapped someone and imprisoned him here~" Conan showed a confident smile.

Hearing this, Mitsuhiko and the other two were relieved: "What? Someone is really imprisoned?!"

Conan nodded: "Because the lunch box is clearly for three people, it is obvious that they are deliberately concealing the existence of another person."

Yuanta scratched his head: "But didn't the fat uncle just say that he ate two lunch boxes by himself?"

"There are obviously three pairs of disposable chopsticks. If he really ate two lunch boxes by himself, he shouldn't have changed the chopsticks specially." Conan explained.

"Then... the sound of '252' that Yuanta heard before..." Ayumi frowned slightly.

While editing a text message on her mobile phone, Huihara Ai replied: "It should be that the imprisoned person heard the sound of us kicking the can, so he used the method of knocking on the wall to ask us for help."

"Yes, it is certain that there is indeed someone in this building who needs our help." Conan concluded.

After speaking, Conan looked upstairs and grinned.

Since the only way to ask for help is by knocking, it means that the mouth of the person asking for help has been blocked.

Maybe his hands and feet were also tied up by the two people just now.

Mitsuhiko worriedly said: "The knocking sound has disappeared. Could it be that the person has..."

Conan calmly said: "Don't worry, he is still alive. If the hostage has been killed, the two people would have escaped before we found them."

"This should be a kidnapping case. If they kill the hostage before getting what they want, the kidnapping loses its meaning."

"They should have knocked the man unconscious and hidden him somewhere."

After listening to Conan's explanation, the fear and panic on the faces of Mitsuhiko and the other two could no longer be suppressed.

Seeing this, Conan slowly walked forward and said easily: "But don't worry too much, we just need to call the police."

After speaking, Conan took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Officer Takagi.

According to past experience, Officer Takagi is the officer who trusts them the most and will not easily regard their words as a "prank".

Just then, Ayumi walked up to Conan, took a look at Conan's mobile phone screen, and said in surprise: "Conan, the wallpaper of your mobile phone is actually the uncle from the detective agency!"

Mitsuhiko and others also came forward and looked at Conan's mobile phone wallpaper in surprise.

Conan's mobile phone wallpaper is a photo of Maori Kogoro holding Conan with one arm.

After seeing Huihara Ai's playful expression, Conan quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong!! This is a photo that was randomly pressed by Uncle Maori after he came back drunk!!!"

Huihara Ai chuckled meaningfully and said: "Well, I understand. Then you specially set this photo as wallpaper and have been using it until now, right~"

"Don't be kidding! No... Wait!!! Don't tell that guy about this!!!"

Conan seemed to think of something terrible, his face lost its luster, and the confident smile before had long disappeared.

Mitsuhiko and the other two standing by obviously didn't understand what Conan and Haibara Ai meant by what they said. They excitedly discussed their respective mobile phone wallpapers and had already forgotten their 'current situation':

"My mobile phone wallpaper is a photo of fireworks. I'll take it out of my schoolbag and show it to you later~"

"My mobile phone wallpaper is a photo of a wild cat nearby!"

"Mine is Kamen Rider!" Mitsuhiko took out his mobile phone and showed the screen to everyone.

After showing it, Mitsuhiko turned his head to look at Haibara Ai standing by and asked curiously: "Haiya, what's your mobile phone wallpaper?"

Hearing this, Haibara Ai, who was just teasing Conan, instantly flashed an unnatural red on her face.

"I know, I just saw it! Xiao Ai's mobile phone wallpaper is a photo of Brother Ryuno and Sister Xiaolan~" Ayumi raised her hand and said.

Hearing this, Haibara Ai's ears instantly turned red.

Conan on the side also changed his expression, narrowed his eyes and said: "Oh? So your mobile wallpaper is a group photo of Takeda and others..."

Before Conan continued, a sneer suddenly came from behind everyone:

——"Kids, why haven't you gone back yet?"

After hearing the voice, everyone turned around instantly.

At this moment, the two middle-aged men just now were standing behind everyone, staring at them coldly.

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