After seeing the two, Conan's expression changed drastically, thinking that it was not good.

Mitsuhiko and the other two looked at the two middle-aged men in horror, and then they realized their current situation.

Only Huihara Ai shook her head helplessly, with a slight smile on her lips, as if she had expected the scene in front of her.

"You little brats are really amazing! Just a few words with you, you can see that we are not demolition companies, but kidnappers~" The thin man waved the hammer in his hand casually and chuckled.

"Yeah, we were almost tricked by you little brats." The fatter man also sneered.

While the two were talking, Conan had already come up with a countermeasure for the moment, and a confident smile appeared on his face again.

"I just chatted with you to confirm it. In fact, I have already called the police and reported that someone was imprisoned in this building~"

At this point, Conan smiled and waved behind the two men: "Am I right, Officer Takagi?"

Seeing this, the two men turned back instantly, but found that there was no one behind them.

After realizing that this was the track of the little ghosts, the two of them instantly breathed a sigh of relief and turned their heads back.

Only then did the two of them realize that the little ghosts had already taken the opportunity to run away.

"Damn it! They fooled us!"

"We split up and must catch them all before they call the police!"


At this moment, in the room closest to the two of them.

Conan and his companions, who were hiding behind the door, relaxed and took a few deep breaths after hearing the footsteps of the two men going away.

Conan quietly opened the door and saw one of the thin men walk into a room. He immediately waved and said, "Hurry, now!"

After that, everyone ran out of the room and ran downstairs.

Conan carefully glanced behind him, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket while running, ready to call the police.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, Conan was tripped by the gap in the old floor, and both the man and the mobile phone flew out.


The sound of Conan falling was not small, and the two men who were searching for Conan and his companions heard it clearly.

After falling to the ground, Conan immediately looked at them and shouted: "Go downstairs and run out! I will catch up with you soon!"

Hearing this, Mitsuhiko and his companions did not hesitate, and turned and ran downstairs while answering.

The thin man in the room not far away opened the door and chased after Conan: "Stinky kid! I found you!"

Seeing the thin man running towards him, Conan was not panicked at all, and murmured: "Okay! Take care of one first!"

He squatted down and turned the button on his shoe with his right hand, then pressed the button on the football belt with his left hand, and "summoned" a football.

After aiming at the thin man's head, Conan immediately raised his foot and kicked the football.

At this moment, the door of the room in front of Conan was suddenly opened by the fatter man: "Where are those little brats?!"

Looking at the door that suddenly appeared in front of him, Conan was startled.

But his foot had already made a kicking motion and could not be retracted.


The football that was supposed to hit the thin man kicked the door, making a strong impact.

The next second, due to the reaction force brought by the door, the football was rebounded to Conan's face.


After the two strong impacts, the two middle-aged men were shocked to find that the door in front of them had been deformed, and Conan also fainted on the ground with a round red swelling on his face.

"Ah? Why did this little brat faint by himself?" The thin man asked in confusion.

The fatter man sneered: "Although I don't know what happened, we are really lucky! Anyway, let's tie this little brat up with tape first!"


The first floor of the building.

Mitsuhiko and others looked at the iron door that had been tightly closed and panicked.

No wonder the two kidnappers didn't rush to search the room, it turned out that they had already blocked the "escape route".

The control lever of the rolling door was at a very high position, and they couldn't reach it at all.

Even if they could reach it, they couldn't pull it with the strength of a child.

Mitsuhiko used all his strength to lean over and try to lift the rolling door.

Genta punched the rolling door, shook his hand in pain, and then pushed the door outward with force.

But no matter how hard the two tried, the iron door in front of them didn't change at all.

After a few seconds, Mitsuhiko turned back to Fumi and Huihara Ai with sweat on his head: "No, we can't open it with our strength!"

"It seems that the two had already anticipated that we might escape, so they took the initiative~" Huihara Ai said with her head down.

After Huihara Ai finished speaking, Ayumi looked around and said worriedly: "Where is Conan? Didn't he say he would follow soon?!""There has been no movement for such a long time, he should have fallen into the hands of those two people." Huiyuan Ai said lightly, "Besides, they know that we will definitely come to the first floor in order to escape."

Mitsuihiko glanced at the stairs nervously, his voice trembling slightly: "This... If that's the case, they will catch up soon!"

After a few seconds of silence, Mitsuhiko looked up and said: "Then can't we call the police quickly?"

Huiyuan Ai shook her head and said lightly:

"Although we can call now, this matter cannot be explained in a few words. Before the explanation is clear, they may snatch our mobile phones at any time."

"Plus, we are just children, they can easily get away with it by explaining that this is a 'police and robber' prank played by children."

"There is no way, who let us have Officer Takagi's phone number except Edogawa."

Hearing this, Mitsuhiko rubbed his hair with both hands, nervous.

Genta looked at the window on the side and suggested: "Then let's just break the window and escape!"

"Look, the window is sealed, and there are wires around it. It's not so easy to break." Without waiting for Mitsuhiko and Ayumi to answer, Haibara Ai turned her head to look at the window on the side and said lightly.

When Mitsuhiko and Genta were "working on the door", she had already observed the surroundings and came to the conclusion that "it is impossible to escape from the first floor".

Seeing that his suggestion was rejected, Genta looked at Haibara Ai in panic and asked hurriedly: "What should we do now?!"

Hearing this, Haibara Ai smiled lightly: "Don't worry, we just need to delay for a while, I already..."

Before Haibara Ai finished speaking, two running footsteps came from the stairs, and two kidnappers also appeared in front of them.

"Finally found you! You little devils are really here~"

"It's pitiful, but since you have discovered our secret and seen our faces, don't even think about walking out of here alive!"

Hearing this, Guangyan and the other two turned pale.

Although they wanted to escape, their hands and feet instantly lost strength and became limp.

In a second, the two kidnappers showed an evil smile and slowly walked towards the few people.

Just as they were about to reach out and grab the few people, there was a loud noise.


After hearing this unusual sound, everyone present instantly turned their heads to look in the direction of the rolling door.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the rolling door had already flown to the ground not far away.

A figure walked in from the 'empty' door.

Then, a voice mixed with laughter appeared in everyone's ears: "How is it, Ai, I'm not late~"

After hearing this familiar voice, Huihara Ai raised a smile: "Well, you came just in time~"

Mitsuhiko and the other two excitedly said: "Brother Tatsuno?!"

Without waiting for the two kidnappers to figure out the situation, Tatsuno walked up to the two and knocked them to the wall behind them, leaving two terrifying "human marks" on the wall.

"By the way, Conan is not with you? It seems that he is in trouble~"

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