Ryūno returned the guitar to the two men, and then smiled cordially:

"Thank you for borrowing the guitar~ But I think you've almost finished eating, so it's time to check out and go home, right?"

The two men, who had just been shocked by Ryūno's superb guitar 'skills', saw the inexplicable fierceness in Ryūno's eyes and shuddered.

For some reason, they suddenly felt a little palpitated.

It seemed that the person standing in front of them was not a high school student, but some terrifying beast...

The next moment, the two men lowered their heads to avoid Ryūno's gaze.

"Yes, yes! You're right, we should leave too..."

After answering Ryūno in a low voice, the two quickly packed up their things, checked out and left the coffee shop.

After the two left, Ryuno turned to look at Sonoko and said helplessly: "Sonoko, next time when there are outsiders, let's keep a low profile."

Sonoko nodded to show that she understood, and then embarrassedly stuck out her tongue: "Aren't there the three of you~ I'll pay attention next time, pay attention next time~"

After that, Sonoko changed the subject: "Ryuno, when did you learn guitar?! How come I don't know? No, don't be a manager, be the guitarist of the 'Sonoko Band'!"

"Sonoko Band?" Ryuno smiled helplessly, "You haven't even thought of a name for the band?"

Hearing this, Sonoko immediately frowned, turned around and sat in her seat, grabbing her hair and thinking hard.

Xiaolan and Sera on the side saw Sonoko's look and smiled.

"Why not call it 'Tea Party During Class'?" Ryuno suddenly thought of something and joked.

After hearing the name, Sonoko shook her head: "What's the meaning of this name? Besides, why is it during class? Speaking of tea parties, they are usually held after school, right?"

Ryuno did not explain, but smiled and shook his head.

At this moment, Amuro Toru, who was standing by, cleaned up the table of the two guests and walked to the side of the crowd.

"I'm going to rent a recording studio next. Do you want to come with me?"

After saying that, he pretended to glance at Sera Masumi casually.

Sonoko looked at the strange waiter and asked in confusion: "Excuse me, who are you?"

"Sonoko, have you forgotten? This is Mr. Amuro, haven't you seen him before?" Xiaolan reminded.

"Ah! I remember, he is the detective who worshipped Uncle Mori as his teacher!" With Xiaolan's reminder, Sonoko remembered the identity of the man in front of her.

At this moment, Sera Masumi stared at Amuro Toru closely, revealing a thoughtful look.

Although she couldn't remember clearly, the man in front of her looked like the one who was with Xiu Ge and the others a few years ago...

After realizing that the man in front of her was an 'acquaintance', Sonoko immediately looked at Tatsuno and the others excitedly.

"How about it? Let's go to the recording studio together. We can take this opportunity to rehearse!"

"Well, let's go!" Xiaolan also nodded and accepted the proposal.

She had never been to a recording studio before and was very curious about what it was like inside.

At this moment, Sera Masumi stared at Amuro Toru and frowned, "Have you met me somewhere?"

"No, I think this is our first meeting today." Amuro Toru turned his head to look at Sera Masumi and replied with a chuckle.


Soon after, Tatsuno and the others followed Amuro Toru to the store that rented the recording studio.

Unexpectedly, every recording studio in the store was full, and it would take about an hour to get a seat.

Since it was the first time for Tatsuno and the others to come to the recording studio, they decided to wait.

Fortunately, there is an underground recording studio in this store, which can be used as a rest area, and you can also rent some simple musical instruments and try it out first.

Seeing this, Toru Amuro also spoke up and said that he could play a chord and a single note with the bass first, so that Masumi Sera could feel the atmosphere of the song.

Hearing this, Masumi Sera glanced at Toru Amuro and squinted and said, "So you can play the bass~"

"Yes, but not as good as your brother's friend~" Toru Amuro replied with a smile.

This sentence immediately aroused Masumi Sera's suspicion, but she just glanced at Toru Amuro and didn't say anything else.

After renting the bass, everyone came to the lounge and sat down.

After Masumi Sera got the bass, she tried to play it a few times on the spot.

After listening, Xiaolan and Sonoko immediately applauded in surprise.

"Not bad~"

"Sera, you are amazing~"

Sera Masumi smiled embarrassedly: "No, I just played a few basic notes, you two are exaggerating!"

"No! This is a very good start!" Sonoko crossed her arms, closed her eyes and nodded heavily.

"Really! But these are all I know. After all, my brother'sMy friend only taught me for a short while~” Sera Masumi put the guitar on the table.

Amuro Toru leaned his head with both hands and asked casually: “Do you still remember what the man who taught you to play bass looked like?”

“I have a vague impression, but… I didn’t say whether my brother’s friend was a man or a woman, how did you know he was a man?” Sera Masumi frowned.

“I guessed. "Amuro Toru chuckled.

After hearing Amuro Toru's answer, Sera Masumi's eyes became more suspicious.

Now she was almost certain that this guy named Amuro Toru was the one she met at the train station.

Tatsuno, who was standing by, looked at the two people who were "fighting in the void" and couldn't help but yawn.

A few years ago, Sera Masumi met at the train station three members of the distillery who were out on a mission - rye whiskey, scotch whiskey and bourbon.

That is, Akai Shuichi, Morobushi Kagemitsu and the "Amuro Toru" in front of him.

Thinking of this, Tatsuno couldn't help but smile.

Although he didn't know what mission the three of them were carrying out together at the time, two of the three were undercover police officers and the other was an FBI undercover.

To be honest, he sometimes wanted to call the police for Gin.


"It's too late! There's only one week left before the concert! Yuiko, your bass can't keep up with the rhythm at all, and your voice is not singing. ”

“Sorry, I drank a little too much yesterday…”

“Liu Hai, your keyboard sound sometimes slips suddenly, you didn’t trim your nails well, did you?”

“Sorry, I haven’t played it recently…”

“Hagie, your drum sound is not as sharp as usual.”

“Sorry, I always feel a little sleepy.”


After hearing the conversation at the next table, Ryuno and others looked at them curiously.

It seems that they should be band members who are taking a short break here.

After hearing the slightly ‘professional’ suggestions and discussions from the few people, Sonoko’s eyes immediately sparkled.

This scene is exactly the same as what she saw in the movie yesterday!

This is a real band!

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