After Kazami Yuya left, Amuro Toruya drove back to the apartment to rest.

After all, he still had to work at Polo Coffee Shop as usual tomorrow morning.

However, along the way, his heart was always in a state of "waves".

According to the above practices, they obviously knew that the one who disguised himself as Manager Matsumoto was the "Irish" in the organization.

Otherwise, they would not send Kazami and the section chief to "deal with" this matter.

In addition, the sudden appearance of Superintendent Ueno...

You know, he is an important figure in the faction of the Chief of the National Police Agency.

Even though he has been undercover for a long time, he has heard his colleagues in the National Police Agency mention Superintendent Ueno.

It is said that in two years, he will be promoted to Superintendent of Police and truly become a pillar of the faction of the Chief of the National Police Agency.

How could such a big shot go to the Metropolitan Police Department in person to deal with this matter?

He even brought the order documents and used a fake identity...

In any case, there are probably only a few people who can easily order him around.

The most likely person is Kojima Police Chief!

Thinking of this, Amuro Toru's mind was in a mess.

If Kojima Police Chief is really related to that organization, then he...


The next day

In Polo Coffee Shop.

Shortly after school, Sonoko pulled Sera Masumi and Tatsuno Xiaolan to this coffee shop, saying that there was something important to say.

"Sonoko, are you going to talk about that party?" Xiaolan looked at Sonoko with excitement and asked in confusion.

"No! Not that thing, it's something more important!!!" Sonoko shook her head quickly.

Under the puzzled gaze of Tatsuno and others, Sonoko suddenly stood up from her chair: "Let's form a girl band!"

Tatsuno: "???"

At this time, Sonoko seemed to realize something and smiled at Tatsuno embarrassedly: "That's right, it's a girl band~ Tatsuno, you can be our manager!"

"Why so sudden?" Sera Masumi blinked and rested her head on one hand.

"Haha! In the movie broadcast last night, there was a high school girl band, so cute!" Sonoko said excitedly.

"Sonoko, what instrument are you going to play?" Xiaolan asked curiously.

Sonoko clenched her fists and showed a look of longing: "Of course I'm going to play the drums! The girl in charge of the drums in that band looks very similar to me, so handsome~"

"Eh? Then for me..." Xiaolan seemed to be moved by Sonoko's suggestion and looked up to imagine.

Just as Xiaolan was choosing her own 'instrument' in her mind, Sonoko immediately suggested: "Xiaolan has long straight black hair, so of course she should play the bass! The bassist in that band has the same hairstyle as you~"

"Ah? But I don't know how to play the bass at all!" Xiaolan smiled and shook her head.

"Then let me do it. My brother's friend once taught me a little bass." Sera Masumi smiled.

"Okay! Then the bassist is Sera! Xiaolan, you can be the keyboardist, after all, you can play the piano!" Sonoko nodded immediately.

Seeing that Sonoko had decided the 'responsibilities' of the two band members so quickly, Tatsuno said helplessly: "Sonoko, when and where are you going to perform?"

"Hehehe! Of course it's the 'New Year's Countdown Performance Competition' held by Beihua Town at the end of the year! We are going to win the championship in style!"

As if she had been prepared for a long time, after hearing Tatsuno's question, Sonoko immediately took out a flyer from her pocket.

Just as Sonoko was immersed in the beautiful fantasy of "winning the championship", Sera Masumi beside her reminded her: "But Sonoko, if you want to form a band, don't you need a guitarist?"

"That's right, but there seems to be no girl in the class who can play the guitar..." The little flame in Sonoko's eyes was extinguished on the spot by this sentence. She frowned and kept thinking about this problem.

Seeing Sonoko fall into deep thought, Tatsuno shook his head helplessly, picked up the cup on the table, and drank a sip of juice.

At this moment, Amuro Toru, who was cleaning the table on the side, happened to say: "Miss Xiao Azusa, can you please help me wipe the table?"


Hearing this, a bold idea came into Sonoko's mind.

She stood up instantly, turned her head to look at Enomoto Azusa behind the service desk, and said in surprise: "We have a guitarist!"

After noticing Sonoko's gaze, Enomoto Azusa stopped washing the dishes.

She blinked in confusion, as if she didn't know what happened.

Just when she was confused, Sonoko took two big steps and came directly to Enomoto Azusa: "The guitarist in the high school girl band is a girl named Xiao Azusa!"

"Miss Xiao Azusa, please join us! The championship must be ours!"

EnomotoBen Zi blinked and chuckled, "But I have never played a guitar or other musical instrument before, and I am not a high school student..."

"No problem at all! Miss Xiao Zi, you look so young, as long as you wear a high school uniform, no one can tell!" A little fire ignited in Sonoko's eyes again.

"But, but guitar should be difficult to learn, right?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you practice a little, you should be able to play it soon~"

Just as Sonoko was persuading her, a guest next to her suddenly said to Sonoko, "Then play it and try it. I can lend you my guitar~"

Sonoko looked behind her in confusion. A man wearing a black jacket, a black hat and sunglasses raised a guitar bag beside him with a teasing look on his face.

Without waiting for Sonoko to refuse, the man's companion continued, "I will connect it to a portable speaker, and there will be sound when you play it directly. Come and try it~"

At this time, the man holding the guitar also took the guitar out of the bag and handed it to Sonoko.

Sonoko stood there awkwardly, not reaching out to take the guitar.

Seeing this, the man took advantage of the situation and said, "Won't you be able to play it soon after practicing? In that case, play it for us right now, little sister~"

Just as Sonoko made up her mind and was about to reach out to take the guitar, Ryuno stood up and took the guitar from the man.


Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Ryuno opened the system mall helplessly and bought 'Guitar Mastery A' from the bottom of the mall with five Destiny Coins.

The next second, a lot of knowledge about guitar suddenly appeared in Ryuno's mind.

In addition to guitar playing skills, there are also some strange knowledge such as - 'How to use the fragile headstock and speaker to kill effectively...', 'How to quickly remove the guitar strings and use them to strangle...'.

After quickly absorbing and mastering the skills, Ryuno glanced at the mall again and sighed with regret.

Even this kind of guitar skills that have little to do with force are available, why are there no skills related to singing? ? ?

The next second, Ryunosuke put his guitar on his back and turned to look at the two strange men.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Ryunosuke played a piece of fingerstyle on the spot.

Every string slap, cut, staccato and key change were done just right.

The melodious but passionate tune resounded in everyone's heart.

After a short song, everyone stared at Ryunosuke.

Xiaolan stared at Ryunosuke blankly, and a slightly proud smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Sonoko had long forgotten the previous embarrassment, and her eyes were shining with excitement.

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