Kogoro Maori held his chin with one hand and nodded, "I see, no wonder he said before, 'I will never go back to Team Leader Takeda's team even if I die'. It turned out that it was because the police officer surnamed Takeda shot and killed his best friend."

"That's right, and he was killed in front of him." Zhuofu Takaaki said lightly, "At that time, Gansuke was still a member of the Takeda team, so he was also at the scene."

"But since there were casualties in the random shooting, Gansuke also thought that the shooting was a last resort."

Morofu Takaaki's words made Kogoro Maori and Conan look solemn.

If so... Could it be that Officer Yamato...

After chatting with Tatsuno and others for a few words, Officer Yui and Officer Takaaki went back to work.

Since no useful clues have been found so far, Section Chief Kuroda asked Tatsuno and others to stay in the police station for a while.

Tatsuno looked at Conan who was "observing" around the window of the police station not far away, and suddenly thought of something.

The next second, Ryuno walked slowly to Conan and whispered, "By the way, Conan, there is one thing I forgot to tell you. Xiao Ai said before that the second-in-command of the organization is a guy with a scary face and an artificial eye..."

Conan: "!!!"

After that, Ryuno turned around and walked back to Xiaolan, and discussed with Xiaolan and Uncle Maori what local specialties to eat after leaving the police station.

Conan stood there, looking out the window with horror on his face.

Ryuno's words instantly brought back his memories.

"Rum?! So, this Section Chief Kuroda has an artificial eye and a scary face."

"Plus, he seems to have been in a coma in the hospital for ten years, and his appearance has changed after waking up. It is said that his memory has also been broken..."

"Wait!! That Officer Yamato seems to be...hiss!!!"

For a moment, Conan stood blankly by the window, his brain working rapidly.

Soon after, a loud call interrupted Conan's thinking and the discussion of Ryūno and others.

——"Where is Yamato? Where did that guy go?"

Officer Sanzhi took Section Chief Kuroda to Officer Morobushi Takaaki and Officer Yui and asked about Officer Yamato's whereabouts.

"What happened?" Officer Yui was slightly stunned when she saw Officer Sanzhi with a slightly unfriendly look.

Section Chief Kuroda said: "Sanzhi and others just got a message that a witness said that a man who looked like Yamato was seen near the bridge at the crime scene this morning."

Officer Yui's face changed, and he quickly explained: "Ah? But Ah Gan... No, Officer Yamato said he didn't pass by there this morning!"

"Anyway, ask him first." Section Chief Kuroda said lightly.

——"Ding Ling Ling"

Just then, Morobushi Takaaki's mobile phone rang.

Seeing that it was Officer Yamato calling, Morobushi Takaaki immediately answered the phone.

"Hello, Gansuke."

"Is Mr. Shikano there?" Officer Yamato asked anxiously whether Officer Shikano was with Officer Gaoming without being polite.

After noticing Officer Yamato's tone, Zhufu Gaoming looked up at Section Chief Kuroda and others and relayed Officer Yamato's question to everyone.

Upon hearing this, Officer Akiyama Shinsuke on the side immediately said: "Mr. Shikano said that he noticed something and he has to go home first."

"That person will keep a copy of the case materials he handled at home. He should have gone home to check those materials." Officer Sanzhi speculated.

After getting the answer, Officer Yamato hurriedly said: "I have more than a dozen missed calls on my mobile phone, all from Mr. Shikano. After I called back, he didn't answer. I can only guess that he is in trouble. I will rush over immediately, and you guys should come too!"

After speaking, Officer Yamato immediately hung up the phone.

Zhufu Gaoming relayed what Officer Yamato said on the phone to everyone.

After thinking for a few seconds, Section Chief Kuroda immediately gave the order to lead the team to Officer Shikano's home and meet up with Officer Yamato.

Before leaving, Section Chief Kuroda stopped Officer Gaoming and told him in front of Ryunosuke: "Zhu Fushi, don't let Yamato out of your sight. Today is the day of the random shooting nine years ago, and it is also the anniversary of the death of that guy's best friend. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes..." Zhu Fushi Gaoming nodded.

After telling Zhu Fushi Gaoming, Section Chief Kuroda turned around and looked at Ryunosuke and others, bowing his head slightly.

"Sorry, I have to trouble you to stay for a while. Today's weather forecast says it will rain, and you can just take shelter here. After the matter is over, I will personally send you away."

Seeing this, Maori Kogoro quickly got up, scratched his head embarrassedly, and said it was no problem.


Half an hour later

Section Chief Kuroda led the team back to the police station.Bureau.

After finishing the work at hand, Yui, Yamato, and Gao Ming walked up to Tatsuno and the others and told them what happened.

"The officer Shikano we saw during the day was killed?!" Maori Kogoro said in surprise.

"Well, he was strangled to death at home." Officer Yui looked gloomy.

"We filtered out those who might have a grudge against Officer Takeda and Officer Shikano, and found that everything pointed to the 'random shooting incident' nine years ago and the 'bank hostage incident' six months ago."

"But didn't the families of the criminals in those two cases almost all pass away?" Maori Kogoro asked in confusion.

Not long ago, Officer Yamato and others said that among the families of the two incidents, only the grandmother of the criminal in the random shooting incident was still alive.

But she was very old and it was impossible for her to commit these two cases.

Thinking of this, Maori Kogoro frowned and said, "That is to say, there are no suspects worth noting at present."

——"No, there is another person worth noting."

In the astonished eyes of the crowd, Officer Gao Ming slowly spoke: "It is the person who witnessed his friend being shot nine years ago and also objected to the shooting six months ago..."

Officer Yui realized something and looked panicked, "You mean..."

Officer Yamato on the side also turned his head to look at Officer Gao Ming, "Gao Ming, you can't be saying..."

"That's right, Ganzhu, it's you. There is a saying - 'worms on the lion's body, worms eat the lion's flesh'." Officer Gao Ming looked at Officer Yamato seriously and said lightly.

"Damn, you guy..."

Officer Yamato glared at Officer Gao Ming, as if the two were going to fight in the next second.

At this moment, Officer Akiyama Shinsuke came over and said, "How could Officer Yamato be the murderer? And Officer Morobushi, you should know this very well, right? After all, you are close friends who grew up together, right?"

Although no one noticed, Ryuno noticed it.

At the moment Officer Akiyama appeared, both Officer Yamato and Officer Gao Ming, who was just doubting him, turned to look at Officer Akiyama.

A glimmer of unknown meaning flashed in the eyes of both of them.

"Best friend? This is the first time I've heard of this." Officer Gao Ming looked at Officer Yamato with disdain, denying that the two were close friends.

"Yeah, I don't have this idea at all!" Officer Yamato also stared at Officer Gao Ming with disdain.

Without waiting for Officer Yui to persuade him, Officer Yamato turned around with a hint of anger in his tone:

"Hmph! I'm going to investigate the case by myself next! Tell Section Chief Kuroda for me!"

"Whatever you want." Officer Gao Ming said indifferently.

Officer Yui looked at Officer Yamato's back and hurriedly called Officer Yamato's name, trying to stop him.

But Officer Yamato ignored him and only left his back to everyone.

Seeing this, Officer Akiyama's eyes flashed with joy, and then he pretended to be embarrassed and lowered his head and said: "Did I... did I say something I shouldn't have said?"

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