After listening to the conversation, Conan walked up to Officers Sanzhi and Akiyama, holding a juice can in one hand.

"The reason why the officer named Shikano went home must be that he found something. Do you remember the situation at that time?"

Although he was a little puzzled by Conan's sudden appearance and question, Officer Sanzhi still answered: "I remember that he put his finger on his forehead for a long time. Then suddenly he had an idea and seemed to remember something."

Officer Akiyama also added: "He probably thought of the woodpecker footprints on Team Leader Takeda's forehead."

"What happened after that?" Conan asked.

"After we told the section chief and Yamato about this, we went to find out the news separately... Wait? Why do we have to tell this kid all this?!"

Officer Sanzhi suddenly realized something halfway through his speech and turned his eyes away from Conan.

At this time, Officer Gao Ming on the side thought: "In this case, he must have known that Mr. Shikano was going home..."

Hearing the doubt in Officer Gao Ming's words, Officer Yui interrupted quickly, "Wait a minute! Are you really doubting him?"

Zhu Fu Gao Ming glanced at Officer Yui indifferently, "Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is a problem!!" Officer Yui said loudly.

At this time, Officer Akiyama smiled and said, "Officer Mori Fu, you are really something. How could Officer Yamato kill someone!"

After saying that, Officer Akiyama's mobile phone suddenly rang in his pocket.

After apologizing to everyone, Officer Akiyama took out his mobile phone and took a look at the text message.

After reading the text message, Officer Akiyama's eyes flashed with a strange color, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Seeing this, Officer Gao Ming and several others on the side immediately asked if there was any problem.

But Officer Akiyama quickly put the phone back and turned around and said, "Nothing, my home is nearby, I'll go back and change my clothes first. I was just trying to find out the news in the rain, and my clothes are all wet."

After that, Officer Akiyama turned around and walked out of the police station.

Just then, Ryunosuke noticed with his peripheral vision that Officer Gao Ming was staring at Officer Akiyama's back with a thoughtful expression.

After Officer Akiyama left, Officer Yui and others told Ryunosuke and others the content of the text message that Officer Yamato had received before.

——'I am Bishamonten, the military god who destroys woodpeckers. '

After hearing this sentence that was similar to a criminal declaration, everyone vaguely guessed something.

If nothing unexpected happens, this "destroying woodpecker" incident has not ended yet, and there will definitely be more officers who will be killed.

After a while, Section Chief Kuroda walked in front of everyone with the inspection report.

According to the forensic examination, the head of Officer Takeda found this morning matches the big toe of the right foot found on the body under the bridge.

At this time, Officer Kuroda looked at Officer Yui and Officer Gao Ming in front of him and asked about the whereabouts of the other officers.

Before the two could explain, Officer Gao Ming's cell phone rang. The caller was Officer Sanzhi who had just gone out.

At the signal of Section Chief Kuroda, Officer Gao Ming turned on the hands-free.

——"Moruofu, this is Sanzhi."

"What happened?"

——"Listen to me! After changing clothes at his hometown, Akiyama drove his car to the direction of Tsuma-onoyama!"


——"Yes, it is said that it is the hiding place of the wanted robber we wanted to catch this morning. I am rushing there, you guys come too!"

After Officer Sanzhi finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Section Chief Kuroda lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then made a decision, "In this case, let's go to Tsuma-daughter Mountain to support them first."

After saying that, Section Chief Kuroda turned his head and looked at Tatsuno and the others.

"It's getting late, why don't you all come with us? When we return, I will send you directly to the station or something like that."

Mouri Kogoro turned his head to look at Tatsuno and Xiaolan, and when he saw the two nod, he also nodded in agreement with Section Chief Kuroda's proposal.


Half an hour later, everyone arrived at Tsuma-daughter Mountain and met up with Officer Sanzhi.

According to the intelligence, the robber should be hiding in the hut on the mountain.

But when everyone opened the door of the hut, they did not see the shadows of the robber and Officer Akiyama, but only saw a pile of household garbage.

It seems that the intelligence is correct, and the robber did live here for a while.

Just as everyone was about to search for Officer Akiyama around the hut, a man's scream came from the edge of the cliff in the distance, and everyone hurried to the source of the sound.

At this moment, Officer Akiyama's neck was tied to the back of the car with a rope.

Although there was no one in the car, it was slowly driving towards the cliff.

After seeing everyone,Officer Akiyama looked horrified and shouted, "Help, help me!"

After saying that, as if realizing that he was already hopeless, Officer Akiyama turned and shouted, "Cellphone! My cellphone!"

Although the crowd was not far from the car, the car had slowly driven to the edge of the cliff, and it was too late to rescue Officer Akiyama.

Tatsuno glanced at the car that was about to fall off the cliff, and for some reason he suddenly felt itchy.

Then, Tatsuno used his eagle eyes to carefully observe Officer Akiyama who was being dragged by the car.

After seeing his bulging hood, Tatsuno's mouth corners slightly raised.

No wonder he had "deliberately" provoked Officer Yamato and Officer Gaoming when he was at the police station before.

However, according to the situation at the time, Officer Yamato and Officer Gaoming seemed to have been "deliberately" provoked.

They seemed to have begun to suspect Officer Akiyama and Officer Sanzhi a long time ago.

Although the two's eyes were very obscure, Tatsuno clearly discovered that as long as Officer Akiyama and Officer Sanzhi were present, Officer Yamato and Officer Gaoming would glance at the two from time to time.

The next moment, in the surprised eyes of everyone, Tatsuno instantly appeared beside Officer Akiyama.

Without waiting for Section Chief Kuroda and others to say anything, Tatsuno knocked Officer Akiyama unconscious with a punch, and then reached out to grab the car that was about to fall off the cliff.

Seeing this outrageous scene, all the police officers stared at Tatsuno and the car stupidly, and were stunned for a while.

Xiaolan, Maori Kogoro and the other two did not behave so exaggeratedly.

After seeing Tatsuno stop the car, Maori Kogoro and Conan immediately ran forward and turned off the engine of the car.

Just as Conan was about to untie the rope around Officer Akiyama's neck and asked Tatsuno why he knocked him unconscious first, he noticed the weirdness of the rope around Officer Akiyama's neck.

The rope was not tied directly around his neck, but he simply crossed the rope from behind in front of his neck, creating the illusion that his neck was "trapped".

The next second, Conan also saw the fake head and blood bag in Officer Akiyama's hood.

Now, Conan also understood why Ryunosuke knocked Officer Akiyama unconscious first.

Based on these things, Officer Akiyama was obviously preparing to create a "fake death" scene.

There is probably only one reason why he did this - he is the real murderer of this "woodpecker" incident!

Thinking of this, Conan stood up and looked at Ryunosuke, squinting and said: "Takeda, when did you start to be sure that he was the criminal?"

Ryunosuke smiled and shook his head: "What are you talking about? I just found out."

Hearing this, Conan snorted lightly, obviously not believing Ryunosuke's words.

If Ryunosuke had not already begun to suspect Officer Akiyama, how could he have knocked him unconscious before stopping the car?

Did this guy find any clues that I didn't notice? !

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