After the applause, Moriya Teiji's gaze moved over Tatsuno and Xiaoran.

After a moment, he spoke cordially, "Since you have said the correct answer to this question, then I specially invite you to visit my exhibition room." Miss Xiaolan, please come with you?

"Okay!" Xiaolan nodded happily.

Seeing that Tatsuno and Xiaoran both agreed, Moriya Teiji walked in front and led the two to the exhibition room in the mansion.

The walls on both sides of the exhibition room are covered with photographs of the building.

The buildings in these photos are very different in style but feel very magnificent, and they were all designed by Teiji Moriya himself.

For a while, both of them were immersed in it.

After a while, Xiaolan suddenly pulled Longye's sleeve and was surprised: "Longye, look!" Isn't this Mr. Kurokawa's house?

Tatsuno turned his head and glanced at the photo and found that this was indeed the Kurokawa Mansion he visited a few days ago, and he was slightly surprised.

No wonder he was somewhat familiar with the case that happened before, so it was!

After hearing the words of Tatsuno and Koran, Professor Moriya came over and sighed, "I heard that Mr. Kurokawa was killed some time ago.

"This house is a work designed by me shortly after independence, I was only in my thirties at that time, and many works were immature~" "

The works here are all from that time, they are not very mature, please don't look at it anymore."

"If you can, please come over here. The works here are all the works that I designed later. Seeing

this, Tatsuno and Xiaolan nodded and walked to the other side.

At this time, Moriya Teiji suddenly asked, "What is the relationship between the two and Kudo Shinichi?"

Tatsuno knew that the topic was coming, and replied with a smile: "We have always been classmates, and we can be regarded as friends who grew up since childhood." It seems that you are interested in him?

After hearing Tatsuno's rhetorical question, Professor Moriya laughed dryly twice, and slowly spoke: "He has helped me inadvertently before, and I always want to thank him in person~

" "Hahaha, when I go back, I will convey your "thanks" to him."

"Yes, then thank you!"

Tatsuno looked at the seemingly gentle smiling face of Moriya Teiji and complained in his heart.

Thank him in person? You're afraid you don't want to put a bomb in his mouth in person, right?

The reason why Teiji Moriya cares so much about Kudo Shinichi is because Kudo Shinichi once solved a case of some mayor.

There was nothing wrong with that case itself.

The problem is that the mayor stepped down and went to jail for this incident.

His plan to transform the town was halted when a new mayor took office.

That transformation plan seemed to be the plan that this Moriya Emperor valued very much.

The mayor seemed to have given him a lot of power, and he wanted to design the town to be completely symmetrical....

As a result, Professor Moriya is filled with hatred for Shinichi Kudo, who indirectly led to the bankruptcy of the renovation plan.

After this incident, Tatsuno understood a truth.

In the world of Ke Xue, even if you never take the initiative to cause trouble. It is also possible that for some chain reasons, mentally abnormal prisoners may be provoked.

In the end, the scourge of killing ushered in....


After the conversation, Tatsuno and the two continued to look at the exhibition room.

At this time, Tatsuno stepped forward and pulled Moriya Teiji aside, and said softly: "Professor Morigu, I have a reluctant request.

"Xiaolan and I like your design style very much, and it just so happens that recently, we are preparing to build a new house, can you please help us design the courtyard in the past few days?" The price is yours. "

Oh? New home? Of course... Although I would love to reply to you like this, I still have a very important job on my hands that I have not finished, and I may not be able to help you for the time being!

"It's okay, you don't have to take it to heart."

Seeing that his offer was rejected, Tatsuno didn't care.

He turned and walked back to Xiaolan, admiring the building on the wall with her.

If others don't want to, he can't put a gun in his head and force him to agree, right?

Strong twisted melon is not sweet.

Tatsuno still understands this.


When Tatsuno and Ran were about to finish the tour, Professor Moriya suddenly came over with a smile.

He said kindly: "I suddenly remembered that a director gave me two movie tickets for the VIP hall just now. But I'm celibate after all, and I don't like to watch movies. These two tickets will be given to you!

"Aren't young couples like you the most fond of watching movies together?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's face turned slightly red, and she lowered her head shyly, and a sweet smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Although Tatsuno and Koran pushed back one after another, Professor Moriya still forcefully shoved the ticket into Tatsuno's hands.

Tatsuno looked down at the information on the movie ticket.

It is clearly written on it - Mihua Municipal Building Cinema Hall, VIP special ticket. Special ticket for May 2.

After seeing this address and time, Tatsuno was stunned.

Immediately, he stared at the movie ticket in his hand, his face full of black lines.

Until now, how could he not have thought of the purpose of Moriya Teiji giving them the ticket?

The Mika Municipal Building is a building designed by Teiji Moriya.

At that time, due to the lack of government funds for construction, the building was not built exactly according to the complete symmetrical design of Moriya Teiji.

It is the "shame" that Moriya Teiji wants to erase the most.

Although now Sengu II has not yet stolen gunpowder from the gunpowder depot.

But his meaning of giving these two tickets to Tatsuno and the two was obviously very unfriendly.

Thinking of this, Tatsuno showed a kind smile to Professor Moriya on the surface, and seemed to be very happy to receive the movie ticket sent by him.

But Long Ye silently thought in his heart: "Moriya, you actually calculated me!"

"Okay, that's your head, you're going to play like this, aren't you?!"

Soon after, in an atmosphere of laughter, Tatsuno and the two walked out of the exhibition room with Professor Moriya.

At this point, the afternoon tea is basically over.

After Moriya Teiji finished his thank-you speech, the afternoon tea officially ended, and the guests also scattered in the sound of farewell.

At the invitation of Tatsuno and Koran, Maori Kogoro and Conan followed the two to a famous fugu shop indoors.

Tatsuno and Ran ordered a cup of soju specifically for Uncle Maori and a children's set meal with a puffer fish doll for Conan.

Just as everyone was eating happily, the chopsticks in Tatsuno's hand suddenly paused.

The voice of the system sounded in Tatsuno's mind: [The binding person Zhufu Jingguang is about to encounter a life crisis, may I ask if the host accepts the task?] 】Zhufu

Jingguang... Wasn't that guy already saved by himself?

He is no longer undercover in the black-clad organization, why is his life still in danger? Was he discovered by the Order?

Tatsuno looked at the location of Zhufu Jingguang on the system map, roughly estimated the time, and said silently in his heart: "Accept." At

the same moment

, in the group of warehouses on the outskirts

, a black-clad Zhufu Jingguang ran into one of the small warehouses.

While holding his breath, he quietly looked out the door of the warehouse, as if he was avoiding someone.

After seeing that no one was catching up behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief, closed the door of the warehouse, and carefully inspected the inside of the warehouse.

Inside the warehouse, wooden boxes with seals are placed.

Seeing this, Zhufu Jingguang stepped forward and opened one of the boxes.

Inside the box, there were many small bags, which were filled with white powder.

After seeing the contents of the box, Zhufu Jingguang's face changed significantly.

"Abominable! It's actually a drug trafficking organization! No wonder they all have weapons! "

Are there so many warehouses out there, are they all this stuff..."

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