Ever since Zhufu Jingguang left the organization, he had been secretly collecting intelligence about the organization.

But there has been little real progress.

The reason is also simple.

Since Gin Jiu took charge of the Neon Force, many measures have been formulated to prevent espionage and undercover agents.

From the organization's stronghold, to some important laboratories and arsenals.

All of them have implemented a strict management system to the point of inhumanity.

He also knew when he was organizing that many of the organization's small strongholds were changed every three months.

If the location does not involve important items or information, then it is good to have the personnel clean up the site and evacuate completely.

But if any important item or information is involved, even a little, the gin will be ordered to be burned directly.

Not to mention the lab.

Under normal circumstances, all relevant persons are not allowed to enter and exit at will.

With the exception of Gin Jiu himself and a few individuals, any member of the organization must be examined at all times when entering or leaving the laboratory or the large premises of the organization, and will be accompanied by more than three members of the organization to monitor.

Especially in recent years, Zhufu Jingguang feels that the rules set by gin wine are becoming stricter.

If nothing else, although he had long been mixed with the name of the wine, he had never entered the organization's laboratory, let alone the specific location of the laboratory.

A few years ago, his friend Zero had gone on a lab-related mission.

But after the mission, before Zero could report the location of the laboratory to the public security superiors, Gin Jiu directly ordered the laboratory to be blown up.

The two of them had also complained, and they didn't know what Gin Jiu was guarding against, and even the middle class of the organization with the name of the wine could not get the slightest trust from him...

Did he do this, really not chill the rest of the organization?


Three months ago, while gathering intelligence on the organization, he accidentally saw a long-bearded foreign man with a pistol in his pocket walking into an alley with a man wearing a black trench coat and a black hat.

In order to avoid being discovered, he had to look at the two from a distance.

Under his gaze, the foreign man took out a note from his pocket and handed it to the man in black.

After seeing the note, the man in black also handed the suitcase in his hand to the foreign man.

Although it is not known whether the men in black are members of the organization, since the foreign men carry guns with them, they are obviously not buying and selling pencils and erasers.

Based on this, it is worth him to pursue deeply.

A few days earlier, he had finally succeeded in tracking the foreign man and followed him to a building on the outskirts.

After hiding in the woods for two days, there was finally movement and a car drove out of the building.

Zhufu Jingguang followed the trail of the car and came to the vicinity of the current warehouse.

To his surprise, there were also several watchtowers around the warehouse, and there were many patrols around.

All patrolmen were foreigners, all wearing green field uniforms and holding AUG assault rifles.

Seeing this scene, he was dumbfounded.

For a while, he even thought he was in some jungle in Southeast Asia.

How the hell did these people, these weapons, get in ?!

After a moment, after he came to his senses, he decided to retreat tactically first.

Just kidding, this is not something he can handle anymore.

If he stays here any longer, his life may be....

Thinking of this, he immediately turned around and prepared to escape.

——“Perhatian! Perhatian! Ada orang di hutan!"

Just then, a patrol near the warehouse seemed to spot him and shouted loudly.

"Boom! Boom! Tap-Tap! "

The crowd who was on patrol opened fire and ran to his location.

After realizing that the situation was not good, Zhufu Jingguang immediately pretended to run towards the depths of the woods.

Fortunately, he set several traps on the way and succeeded in leading those people in the wrong direction.

While most of the patrolmen ran into the woods, he immediately turned and sneaked into the warehouse, looking for a glimmer of life.

No way, this forest is too small.

He had nothing on him except a small pistol. It is simply impossible to escape from the hands of so many people.

The only chance of life is to blend into the warehouse, find the car that just drove in, and find a way to drive out.

He then slipped into what is now the warehouse and found the boxes of drugs.


In the fugu shop

, Tatsuno called the waiter and added two more plates of fugu.

"Xiaolan, I'll go to the toilet and come back soon. If Uncle Maori doesn't have enough wine, order him another glass.

"Hahaha, boy! I really didn't misunderstand you!

"It's really Tatsuno, you're used to him!"


quietly sneaking out of the hotel door, Tatsuno found a no-man's corner, summoned his wings, and flew towards the location on the system map.

In less than three minutes, Tatsuno flew over his destination.

After seeing the warehouse group on the ground, Tatsuno directly turned on the Hawkeye skill and carefully observed the situation below.

"I'll see... Boy! AUG? AK-47? What kind of violent organization is this? How did Zhufu Jingguang provoke these foreigners?

After being surprised, Tatsuno asked, "Xiao Jia, is this distance enough?" Can you scan what is in the warehouse besides the scenery? "

[Yes, it is being scanned...]

[According to the analysis of the scan results, the high probability is drugs. "

Drug trafficking organizations? Then there is no need to make up those who are dumbfounded.

Long Ye Evil smiled and took out Barrett in the system's backpack, and instructed: "Xiaojia, you will take over the control of the wings!" I'll see if I can neutralize the recoil with my wings alone and achieve a real air strike! "


The moment Xiao Jia made a sound, Tatsuno pressed the trigger in his hand.


The sound of gunshots echoed throughout the woods.

With this gunshot, a patrolman outside the warehouse fell to the ground, and his upper body was also shattered.

After hearing the gunshots, the remaining patrolmen immediately hid behind cover and looked around in horror, looking for the enemy.

Seeing this scene, a trace of excitement flashed in Tatsuno's eyes.

"Yes! Again!! "

Bang!! Bang!! Bang! With

the roaring gunfire, the people behind the bunker were killed one by one.

Until the moment before their demise, they only heard gunshots from the air, and did not find the specific location of the attacker.

Or rather, they simply could not imagine that someone could fire at them in the air ....

[All marked objects have been suppressed except for the binder.] Hearing

Xiao Jia's pleasant voice, Tatsuno withdrew Barrett into the system backpack, looked down at the mess on the ground, and he exhaled deeply: "It's over, the excitement is too much." This... How is this supposed to end? "

[It is recommended to mix and match high explosives and high-temperature incendiary explosives.]

After hearing Xiao Jia's suggestion, Tatsuno twitched his mouth helplessly.

It is worthy of the artificial intelligence produced by the system.

- Wow, again?

Last time, the warehouse of Pingmihua Wharf was just bombed, is it going to blow up here again this time?

"Uh... That one... Isn't it okay to simply sprinkle some gasoline and set a fire? "

I used to call others bomb maniacs, and I really blamed them.

Compared to Little Ja, they can only be called bomb cherubs at best.

——The real bomb maniac is actually by my side!

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