Metropolitan Police Department Search Lesson -

"Yes! I know! We'll be on site right away!

Officer Twilight put down the phone and said solemnly, "Sato! Take someone to Mika Station! "

The third lesson of search came across a shooting by chance in the process of hunting down the fugitive."

"Although the gunmen have been arrested by them, they will continue their mission of hunting down the fugitives."

"You immediately take someone to hand over the prisoner!"


After receiving Officer Twilight's instructions, Officer Sato led people to the scene.

Half an hour later

, Officer Sato had arrived at the scene.

Just as she was handing over to the police officer of the third search class, the prisoner suddenly covered his throat and fell to the ground convulsively.

Within a moment, his body was silent.

Looking at the dead prisoners, the faces of the police officers present were very ugly.

Miwako Sato immediately took out the phone and called Officer Twilight.

"Hey, Police! Something happened..."


At the same time,

two men in an office

of the National Safety Committee of the Metropolitan Police

Department were talking face-to-face.

"Officer Kazami, just now, No. 3 was killed!"

After hearing the report of his subordinates, the man wearing narrow-rimmed glasses roared lowly: "What!? Damn it... Send someone to protect the others!

After thinking about it, he continued: "When necessary, direct contact is allowed!" "


After the subordinates left, Kazami Yuya took out his mobile phone and typed a line.

- "The operation failed, the relevant facilitator is dead."

After sending the text message, he sighed weakly.


Soon after

, the Metropolitan Police Department

searched the conference room of a class

, and in an atmosphere of silence, a forensic officer pushed open the door and walked in.

"Report, the identification results have come out!"

"We found poison in the prisoner's stomach... Preliminary judgment, it should be tetrodotoxin. After

hearing the forensics report, the officers present began to discuss in a low voice.

After hearing the name of the toxin, I don't know why, the Twilight Police Department suddenly had a familiar feeling.

At this time, Officer Sato in the audience suddenly stood up and said in surprise: "Police Department! Do you remember the case that happened at the karate competition a year ago? "

A year ago... Nani!?

After hearing Officer Sato's reminder, the Twilight Police Department immediately recalled the incident a year ago.

A year ago, at the Karate Genre Convention, a competitor was shot dead.

With the help of Brother Tatsuno, they successfully brought back the prisoner.

But the prisoner was poisoned in the interrogation room.

According to the subsequent autopsy report, it was tetrodotoxin!

Thinking of this, the expression of the Twilight Police Department became more serious.

These two seemingly unrelated things have inexplicable things in common.

Both prisoners killed seemingly unrelated people with guns before they were caught.

After being caught by the police, they also died of tetrodotoxin.

Could it be that these two things have anything to do with each other?!

Just as the police department was pondering, the police officers below also had a heated discussion.

Reminded by Officer Sato, they also remembered the case from a year ago.

At that time, they were preparing to investigate, but they were suddenly notified by the Twilight Police Department to close the case.

After some questioning, everyone also knew the general reason for the closure of the case - the order of the superior.

Although helpless, everyone gritted their teeth and obeyed the orders of their superiors.

A year later, they actually encountered a similar case again.

So this time....

Thinking of this, the police officers below all stopped discussing and looked at the twilight police department on the stage.

Noticing everyone's gaze, Twilight sighed and took out his mobile phone.


At this moment

, the three of Tatsuno in Tatsuno's home

are sitting on the sofa watching a movie.

After a tense and exciting plot, Xiaolan suddenly spoke to Longye beside him: "Longye, I suddenly remembered." Does Xiao Wei need to go to school? "

Huh?" After hearing this, Tatsuno glanced at the gray plain mourning beside him.

Obviously, Haiyuan also heard Xiaolan's words, and his expression became dull.

At this time, Xiaolan continued: "Although Xiao Wei is indeed very smart, but she is only 7 years old after all, how can she not go to school?

"What's more, usually the two of us are not at home when we go to school, and only Xiao Wei is at home alone. She must feel lonely alone, right?

After speaking, Xiaolan also looked at Haiyuan Mourning.

Noticing the gazes of the two, Haibara immediately shook her head, as if to indicate that she was fine alone.

After seeing Haiyuan mourning shake his head, Xiaolan smiled gently: "It's okay Xiaomour, don't be afraid." Going to school is actually very interesting~"

After hearing Xiaolan's words, Haibara opened his mouth, but he was never able to speak.


some discussion, Tatsuno also agreed to Xiaolan's proposal.

The two are ready to take Haihara to Mihua Primary School tomorrow to go through the relevant transfer procedures.

After hearing the decision of the two, there was a hint of despair in Haihara's eyes.

But just for a moment, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Such a life... It seems to be good...

"The next day

, under Tatsuno's rhetoric of "knowing the reason, moving with gold", the school very happily agreed to Haihara's transfer application.

After filling out the simple procedures, Tatsuno led Xiao Wei out of the school gate.

At this moment, the system's prompt suddenly sounded.

[The binding person Zero and Dr. Agasa are about to encounter a crisis. ] Do you want to accept the task? This

hint made Tatsuno a little distracted.

Did he hear you right? It's actually two people?

This was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

And... Valley Zero?

This guy has a crisis?

It can be said that the longest-lived guy in the police academy five-person group is him.

Thinking that Dr. Agasa was also in crisis, Tatsuno directly opened the system map.

After seeing the location of the two on the map, Tatsuno was a little uncertain.

The two were not far away, both near the TV station.

In this way, the crisis encountered by these two people may be the same thing!

Seemingly... Things don't seem to be simple.


Thinking of this, after Tatsuno glanced at the time, he quickly sent Haibara back home.


At a sushi restaurant near Nikko TV

, Dr. Agasa leads the Young Detective Group to eat spinning sushi.

Seeing the children's satisfied expressions, he smiled gratifyingly.

I don't know why, but since Shinichi became younger and came into contact with these children, he seems to like children more and more.

He even developed the urge to have a child. However, it is only impulsive.

For so many years, he liked only one person.

But with the passage of time, he has buried this feeling deep in his heart.

After all, he was in his fifties.

And his first love was more than forty years ago.

Presumably, that person has already been married....

- "Doctor, look out the window! Just

as Dr. Agasa was caught up in his memories, Conan suddenly interrupted him.

After hearing Conan's words, everyone immediately looked out the window.

At this moment, several foreigners wearing sunglasses are standing outside the window.

They all have pistols in their hands.

One of the men had his arm bandaged, and the white bandage oozed a trace of blood.

Not only Conan and the others, but also the diners in the sushi restaurant had noticed several men outside the window.

"Is this filming some kind of TV series?"

Just when everyone was wondering, these people pushed open the door of the sushi restaurant and walked in with guns in hand.

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