As soon as several people entered the sushi restaurant, they immediately pulled down the louvered window on the window.

Then, the blond man who looked like the leader shouted in fluent Japanese: "From now on, this shop has been occupied by us!" No one is allowed to go out!

"As long as you are obedient, we will not hurt you!"

As soon as the words fell, the customers in the store understood the current situation, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Shouting, running.

The originally quiet store became noisy in an instant.

- "Bang! When

the leading man saw it, he immediately shot at the ceiling.

After the gunshots rang out, the scene instantly quieted down.

"Everyone stay where they are and don't move! If someone moves or shouts again, the next bullet will not hit the ceiling!

After the leading man's words, the men beside him also raised their guns and pointed them at the guests present.

After seeing the muzzle of the black hole hole, some guests had weak legs for a while and sat down on the ground.

The two sushi chefs in the sushi turntable also put their hands behind their heads in fear and lay on the ground.

Conan and Dr. Agasa also led the juvenile detective team to squat down.

Seeing that all the passengers in the store had quieted down, the leading man circled around, smiled evilly, and then took out a mobile phone and sent a text message.

After putting away his phone, he continued to speak, bringing everyone in the store together.

After hearing his order, several of his subordinates also performed their duties, guarding everyone while guarding the surroundings.

At this moment, one of the red-haired men with a gun spoke to the leading man: "BOSS!!

After hearing the subordinate's reminder, the leading man instantly looked over.

I saw that a boy wearing glasses had been picked up by his own subordinates, and the boy was still holding a mobile phone in his hand.

There were also several children crouching around the boy, their faces full of horror.

Seeing this, the leading man walked up, took the mobile phone from Conan's hand, and looked at the mobile phone screen.

After seeing the alarm text message edited above, he smiled.

In the doubtful gaze of everyone, he gently touched Conan's head, and then casually looked at everyone sitting on the ground: "What a smart child!" It's okay, you continue to call the police~"

And you, if you also have a mobile phone, you can also call the police at will!" I won't care.

After that, the man ordered his subordinates to put Conan down, and then turned and walked to the toilet in the store.

After Conan was put down, Dr. Agasa and the others on the side immediately stepped forward.

"Conan! It's too dangerous!

"Exactly! Fortunately, they didn't..."


people from the Young Detective Group comforted Conan.

But Conan didn't seem to care about everyone's comfort at all, and looked down to think.

Dr. Agasa on the side also saw Conan's thoughtful look and asked, "Conan, what's wrong?" Hearing

this, Conan looked around, and then whispered: "These people are not robbers at all!" "

Well-trained, well-equipped and with a clear division of labor."

"I thought they forgot to take away our phones. But now it seems that they deliberately left our phones to make us call the police.

"Since it's not for money, what is their purpose?"

Hearing this, everyone also reacted.

Indeed, if it is purely for the purpose of money, then how can they come to a sushi restaurant? Is it bad to go to a bank or jewelry store?

In addition, they seem to have deliberately left their mobile phones for everyone to call the police.

Why do you want to do this?

I didn't keep the hostages for money, and I wasn't afraid that the police would know the news....

Could it be that they deliberately wanted the police to know about this!?

Thinking of this, Conan's face sank, and the secret path was not good.

The purpose of these people aside, since they want to deliberately attract the police, then the chances of survival of these hostages must not be very high.

No way! Can't sit still!

They must find a way to figure out their purpose, or at the very least, a way to escape!

Otherwise, once things get bigger, the scene will instantly get out of control.

Everyone present will be in danger!


At the same time

, Zero was walking on the street not far from the sushi restaurant.

As he was looking around, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Mr. Sinkya, something happened! "

The gang just sent us a text message, and according to the content, it seems that they are trying to retaliate against our police."

"They seem to have broken into a sushi restaurant and taken hostages inside."

Hearing the news from the other side of the phone, Zero thought for a while and asked, "Where is the location?" "

Near the TV station."

"Huh? Is it so coincidental? I'm right over here, I'll take a look.

"Then trouble you, Mr. Sinkingya!"

After hanging up the phone, Zero looked around for a sushi restaurant while recalling the events of that year.

——Two years ago

, several of their "assistants" in the Mihua area suddenly contacted them.

They all saw several suspicious foreign men in the Mihua area.

One of the facilitators also indicated that the foreign man he saw appeared to be carrying a firearm.

After receiving the news, Zero Kazaya and Yuya Kazami immediately went to investigate according to the information given by the facilitator.

After some twists and turns, they managed to find this group of "foreigners".

According to intelligence, these foreigners appear to be members of the same foreign extremist organization.

They seem to have arrived to avoid being pursued by the CIA.

In order to strangle the danger in the cradle, after obtaining the consent of their superiors, they immediately carried out an arrest operation.

During the operation, they successfully captured the leader of this organization.

But in the end, several members of extremist groups escaped.

Although they had been carrying out the arrest operation, the group seemed to have suddenly disappeared, and there was no trace of them again.

It wasn't until last year that one of the facilitators who provided the information was shot dead at a karate convention.

His killer also died of poisoning.

According to the investigation, this murderer is an amateur killer in the industry.

It seems that he received this assassination mission from someone, so he killed the facilitator in the venue.

This incident immediately alerted Yuya Kazami, who immediately reported it to his superiors and prepared to conduct a detailed investigation of the prisoner.

But before they could take the killer from the officers of the Search Division, he died of poisoning in the interrogation room.

The clue has since been broken.

They are not even 100 percent sure that this is the work of that extremist group.

But just yesterday, another of their facilitators was shot again, and the killer, too, died of poisoning.

At this point, they were completely sure that this was indeed what the remnants of the extremist organization had done.

Therefore, although it is not known how they found out the identity of the "facilitator".

However, Kazami Yuya immediately ordered that people be sent to protect the remaining helpers in the area, and also sent people to search for the hiding place of this group.

At this juncture, this group of people suddenly appeared in an upright manner.

They broke into a sushi restaurant and took a large number of hostages.

Even, they openly issued a provocative war letter to the police?

These people... Is it intended to take revenge on the police?

So what is their purpose in taking hostages?

Zero frowned, constantly thinking.

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