In the sushi restaurant

, Conan instructed the people of the Young Detective Group with a cautious look.

"Listen up to you guys! From now on, each of us will have to target a bad guy separately. If the staring bad guy disappears from sight, report it immediately! Everyone

in the detective team looked at Conan suspiciously, seemingly not understanding Conan's purpose in letting them target the bad guys.

"Huh? Conan, why do you do this?

"Yes, Conan, is there any point in doing that?"

"Since they're not for the money, there must be something else why they chose this sushi restaurant."

"If we can't find out the reason, it's hard for us to escape!"

"No time to explain. Fast! There were five of them, and the four of us plus Dr. Agasa were each eyeing one!

When Dr. Agasa heard this, he blinked his eyes in surprise: "Do I want to stare too?"

"That's right!"

Seeing Conan's serious look, everyone nodded nervously and began to carry out the tasks assigned by Conan.

Not long after, Mitsuhiko whispered, "The person I was staring at walked into the room over there, and it seemed to be written on the door... Staff room!

Immediately afterwards, Ayumi also spoke: "Conan, the person I was staring at also disappeared, he went to the bathroom..." Conan

looked at the leading man he was staring at, while thinking about the motives of these people.

At this moment, the man he was staring at suddenly walked into the staff room with a large sports bag.

After about 3 minutes, the lead man and his subordinates who had just entered the staff room walked out.

Conan keenly noticed that the sports bag in the lead man's hand was missing.

Just when he had some clues, the leading man gathered his subordinates and walked towards them.

"Tie the hands of these people! By the way, seal their mouths again! It must be sealed well, understood?!


After receiving the order, two of his subordinates walked to the hostages with ropes that had been prepared long ago.

The remaining two subordinates held guns and watched the hostages' movements.

Seeing this, Conan gritted his teeth deadly.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

If it is the same as he guessed, the bag just now is likely to contain a bomb!

Although the purpose of these people has not yet been analyzed, since they are armed, it is not impossible to have a bomb.

The bag just now looked very weighty, if it was really a bomb, then once the bomb exploded, all of them would die!

In addition, this group of people does not seem to care whether they call the police, and even seems to be deliberately guiding them to call the police.

In this way, this gang is a real outlaw.

Is their purpose -

to take revenge on the police?!

Then the significance of these hostages is probably only to attract the police.

If this is the case, then the value of these hostages may disappear the moment the purpose of this group of people is achieved.

No way! Gotta think of a way!

Just as one of the men was about to help Conan's arm, Conan suddenly shouted, "Ah! I really can't hold it anymore!

"Big brothers! Please let me go to the toilet!

"I'm really going to have diarrhea!!"

After hearing Conan's ghost call, the red-haired man instantly set his gaze on Conan's body and said cautiously: "Little ghost! Shut up! If you yelled again..."

he said, holding a gun to Conan's head.

This scene immediately frightened the surrounding Ayumi several people.

"Ko... Conan! At

this time, the leading man discovered the situation here and also walked over.

He patted the red-haired man on the shoulder and told him to put down the gun.

"Anyway, it's not time yet, don't make a difference. You take him. Anyway..." After

the leading man's words were finished, the red-haired man smiled grimly: "It's still the captain merciful~ but yes, then I'll take him ~" "

That's right!" Remember to tie his arms first, even if it is a little ghost, you can't be careless! "



At this moment, Zero has found a nearby sushi restaurant.

In the daylight, the curtains of this sushi restaurant were completely closed.

Coupled with the intelligence just now, it seems that the group of people is holding this sushi restaurant hostage.

He carefully looked around the sushi restaurant, looking for clues to the game.

Soon after, Zero set his eyes on the alley behind the sushi restaurant and calmly thought about it.

The immediate task is to understand the situation inside the store and the hostage-taking purpose of this group.

At this time, the situation at the back door of the sushi restaurant caught his attention.

"Although the back door can't be entered, the size of that bathroom window next to the back door... It seems that you can give it a try~"

After making a decision, he quietly walked to the back door of the sushi restaurant.

After observing, he carefully turned into the bathroom.

Just as he was about to put his ear to the bathroom door and listen to the situation in the room, a conversation came into Zero Zero's ear - "Move quickly!" "

Falling valley zero's heart is not good.

Just as he was about to hide, the bathroom door was opened.

A teenager with glasses and a red-haired foreign man with a weapon appeared in front of him.

After seeing each other, for a while, the scene seemed a little silent.

Looking at the strange man in front of him, Conan's eyes widened.

This man was clearly not an accomplice of these foreigners.

Who is he!?

Zero immediately put his hand close to his trouser pocket and prepared to take out the heavy pistol.

In the next second, the red-haired man grabbed Conan on the ground, and then shouted: "Captain! There is a situation in the bathroom! After

hearing the movement from the bathroom, the leading man in the hall immediately ran over with a gun.

Seeing this, Falling Valley Zero immediately took out the gun in his hand and aimed it at the red-haired man in front of him.

Seeing this, the leading man chuckled and aimed his muzzle at Conan: "It's okay, you can give my subordinates a shot

~" "Similarly, when you shoot, I will also press the trigger in my hand~

" "This child's life is in your hands!" One life for one life, no loss~"

After hearing the words of the leading man, the red-haired man directly put down the weapon in his hand, slowly stepped forward, aimed his heart at the muzzle of the falling valley zero, and looked at the falling valley zero with a smile.

Zero noticed the crazy look in the eyes of the two, and after repeated hesitation, raised his hands.

After seeing the action of Falling Valley Zero, the lead man and the red-haired man laughed dryly a few times and stepped forward to tie Falling Valley Zero.

At this time, the leading man took a deep look at Valley-Zero and teased: "It seems that... You're a cop, right!? Hearing

this, an inexplicable look appeared in both Zero and Conan's eyes.


Tatsuno near the sushi restaurant

has scanned the inside of the store.

In addition to the mission target of this trip, Dr. Agasa and Zero after Yi Rong, there are several old acquaintances.

- Conan, and the Juvenile Detective Corps.

Why are they there? How come they are everywhere?

According to Xiao Jia's tips, there seems to be a large package of time bombs in the store.

Seeing this, Tatsuno rubbed his forehead.

"How is it a bomb again? Can't you play something new? "

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