Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1: One more person?

Tokyo, Japan, Yoneka-cho 3-25.

This is a detective agency. The owner of the agency, Teru Hanomiya, died of a heart attack a month ago, and rescue efforts failed.

His only son, Yu Gongming, ignored the rumors and rumors of others and resolutely gave up the opportunity to study at Teidan University and took over his father's detective agency.


Yu Gongming browsed the information in his mind and raised his forehead helplessly.

"Mika Town...Teidan University..." Akira Hanamiya muttered these two terms and looked at the newspaper spread out on the desk in front of him.

[Sherlock Holmes in the Heisei era solves another mystery! 】

Below the eye-catching bold title, there are photos occupying nearly half of the page.

In the photo, a young man with a handsome face and a smile occupies three-quarters of the photo.

The young man's expression was full of confidence and pride, and the flying look in his eyes seemed to burst out through the black and white newspaper.

"Kudo Shinichi... It seems that it really is the world of Conan..." Akira Hanomiya exhaled slowly to calm down his fluctuating mood.

Perhaps to outsiders, the handsome young man sitting in the study, reserved and quiet, is still the only son of Teru Hanomiya, the new owner of this detective agency, Akira Hanomiya.

But only he knew that a soul from another world had already settled in this body.

Qin Ming, an ordinary urban youth, has a good job. Not to mention rich, at least he lives a worry-free life.

In his spare time, Qin Ming likes to read some cultural works with a mystery and suspense theme, including novels and animations. As a well-known animation, Detective Conan is naturally one of them.

However, Qin Ming never imagined that one day he would travel through this anime.

After discovering that he had traveled through time, Qin Ming was a little confused and at a loss.

Although his parents died early in his previous life, he still had a few good friends, a stable job, and a life that, although not exciting, was not boring.

However, after falling asleep without any warning, after a dreamless sleep, when I woke up, the surrounding environment had changed, and there was a lot of messy information in my mind.

Qin Ming naturally thought of time travel.

Then, after seeing the newspaper on the desk and naturally understanding the Japanese on it, he discovered that he had traveled to the world of Conan.

And he himself became a young man named Yu Miyazaki, the new owner of a detective agency.

After staring at the newspaper for a while, Yu Gongming gradually regained his composure and began to think about the current situation.

"First of all, after knowing that this is the world of Conan, I have two choices. First, regardless of the plot, transfer to the senior year of high school and retake the college entrance examination.

I have inherited most of the male protagonist's memories, and with a year of hard work, it shouldn't be a problem to pass the Imperial College again. After that, with his good academic qualifications, he found a good job and lived a quiet life while avoiding that elementary school student who was the god of death. "

"Second, according to the original owner's decision, become a detective, enter the plot, rely on the understanding of the plot, solve the case in a high-profile manner, become famous, and become a famous detective."

Yu Gongming thought for a moment and gave up the first option.

First of all, the social classes in Japan are very solidified. This is reflected in the original anime. If Akira Hanamiya chooses the first path, I am afraid that the difficulties he will encounter will be much greater than in his previous life. And if he chooses the first path, Yumiya Akira will encounter many difficulties. Gong Ming knew that most of the advantages of the plot were lost. This choice of devaluing information and intelligence was not something Yu Gongming agreed with.

And now that we have come to the world of Conan, it seems a little less interesting to go to college and find a job like in the previous life.

The status of detectives and mystery novelists in this world is unusually high. By becoming a detective and participating in the plot, with the advantage of foresight, not only can I experience many things that I could not experience in my previous life, but my life is also sufficiently guaranteed.

There are also disadvantages to this choice, that is, depending on the plot, you may often encounter murders, robberies, hijackings, explosions, smoke bombs, tear gas, flash bombs, and women's clothing from a thief.

The most important thing is that if you participate in the plot, you will have to interact with the winery.

However, if you know the plot, many dangers can be foreseen and avoided. If you don't participate in the plot, given the frequency of bombs and other items that threaten public safety in Conan, it would be unsafe if you don't participate in the plot.

Therefore, after considering the pros and cons and personal preferences, Akira Hanomiya decided to participate in the plot, use his advantage of foresight to solve the case, and become a famous detective.

"Since you have decided to participate in the plot, let's confirm the current time first..."

Yu Gongming picked up the newspaper in front of him and glanced at the date.

"Well, in Tuesday's newspaper, the description of the case matches the murder of General Manager Yamazaki at the beginning of the first episode, and today..."

Akira Hanomiya glanced at the calendar pinned to the wall and nodded slightly: "Today is Wednesday. According to the original owner's memory, there are no holidays other than weekends this week. In other words, Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan are going to Dorobiga Paradise. The time will only be weekends, that is, at least this Saturday."

"If he hasn't become smaller yet, you can contact him in advance and become familiar with him. It's best to establish a preliminary friendship. This way, after he becomes smaller, he can better gain trust and participate in the plot..."

Having made up his mind, Akira Hanomiya followed his memory to the filing cabinet in the study and began to look for information on the cases solved by Kudo Shinichi.

In fact, for a moment, Akira Hanomiya was confused as to why his cheap father wanted to collect other detectives' investigation information, but then he thought about it, these cases solved by Kudo Shinichi are all of research value. Can Kudo Shinichi become a The famous detective's reasoning process and way of thinking are also worthy of study and reference, and it makes sense to collect these case materials.

As for the reason for looking for this information?

An effective way to leave a good impression on someone is to go along with it.

Since you want to get in touch with Kudo Shinichi, you also need to leave a good impression, chat with him about the cases he has solved in the past, show enough understanding and appreciation for him, and then show the same interest in liking Sherlock Holmes. With Kudo Shinichi as a With his proud temperament and his identity as a fan of Sherlock Holmes, if Hanemiya Akira continues to do this, his impression points will definitely be maxed out.

Yu Gongming came to the desk, spread a thick stack of notes, materials and newspaper clippings on the desk, and read attentively.

It has to be said that Kudo Shinichi is only a high school student, but the number of cases he has solved is really astonishing. The number of cases collected by Akira Hanamiya's father alone is estimated to be hundreds.

Akira Hanomiya browsed the content quickly, because Kudo Shinichi explained clearly every time he reasoned, whether it was newspaper clippings or information, there was a relatively detailed case process and reasoning process.

Akira Hanomiya was also a fan of reasoning in his previous life. After reading this information, although he did not agree with some of Kudo Shinichi's behaviors that were obviously childish and lacked emotional intelligence, he still recognized his wisdom.

At a certain moment, Yu Gongming's eyes suddenly solidified.

In a newspaper clipping, the media, as usual, praised Kudo Shinichi.

But one of the words caught Yu Gongming's attention.

[Kudo Shinichi is not only a famous detective who has solved countless cases, but his sister also has amazing talents. She joined the karate club in the first year of high school and won the national high school girls karate competition that year! 】

"Kudou Shinichi...'s sister?" Akira Hanomiya narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughts racing in his mind.

Akira Hanomiya recalled the memory of the original owner, and it seemed that he did have some impressions about Kudo Shinichi's sister.

This impression comes from the fact that the original owner was the leader of the Didan Men's Karate Club before his senior year in high school, and he once won the runner-up in the National High School Men's Karate Competition.

As for the championship?

It is Kyogoku Shin, who is known as [Kuaikai's noble son].

"Did the original owner actually fight against a man with one of the peak combat abilities of Conan... Looking at the memory screen, he still fought back and forth? Damn, this body's fighting ability is quite strong..." Akira Hanomiya complained silently in his heart. .

Closer to home, since we are in the same karate club, although boys and girls do not train together, as members of the same club, the original owner is naturally deeply impressed by this school girl who won the national championship in her freshman year of high school.

He even met Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi's sister a few times, but they always passed by each other and had no communication.

"Judging from the memory, Kudo Shinichi's sister is indeed a person. So, now there are only two possibilities left. First, what I traveled through was not the original world of Conan, but some similar parallel world. In this world , Kudo Shinichi has a younger sister."

"The second possibility is that Kudo Shinichi's sister is a time traveler like me!"

Thinking of the second possibility, Yu Gongming frowned slightly.

"No matter what the possibility is, this is a variable. It seems more necessary to get in touch with Kudo Shinichi..."

Akira Hanomiya finished browsing the remaining information, arranged the information neatly, and placed the information about Kudo Shinichi's sister at the top. And marked a name in bold with red pen.

【Kudo Mengyu】

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