Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 2: First meeting Kudo Shinichi

next day

Kudo Shinichi, wearing the uniform of Teidan High School, was walking home from school as usual. Beside him were two beautiful girls, one on the left and one on the right.

The girl on the left has a soft and beautiful face, warm and clear eyes, cloud-like hair hanging casually behind her shoulders, and a well-fitting school uniform that perfectly outlines her slim figure.

As she walked, with a faint smile on her lips, she listened to Kudo Shinichi chattering about the case and Holmes.

Although this was not the first time she heard it, the girl did not show any impatience. There was a tenderness in her eyes that she tried hard to hide when she looked at Kudo Shinichi.

The girl on the right, compared to the girl on the left, has a more three-dimensional and delicate face and facial features. Her eyes are clear and starlight seems to be shining in her eyes. Her hair has a few air bangs in front of her forehead, and the rest is black and shiny. Her hair is scattered casually on both sides of her shoulders.

Although she is not as tall as the girl on the left, her slender and well-proportioned figure combined with her exquisite face that is like a work of art makes her look particularly pure and lovely.

The girl on the right looked at Kudo Shinichi, who was still talking about the case and Sherlock Holmes, and then glanced at the girl on the left, who was still smiling. She curled her lips slightly, and looked at Kudo Shinichi with a look that seemed to reveal something. The stock hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.

As the three of them were walking, suddenly, a young man with a handsome face came towards them. He stopped just before meeting them and stood in front of them.

Seeing this, the three of them stopped. Kudo Shinichi looked at the young man in front of him and recalled it in his mind. It seemed that he had never seen him before.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Kudo Shinichi asked in confusion.

The handsome young man glanced at the three of them without leaving a trace, and said with a smile: "Hello, are you the classmate Kudo Shinichi who is known as the Sherlock Holmes of the Pingchen era and the savior of the Japanese police?"

Kudo Shinichi was stunned when he heard the words, and then a smile appeared on his face, but then he touched the back of his head as if embarrassed: "It's not that exaggerated, it's just the nonsense said by the media. Holmes and I still have a lot of There is a big gap, but Kudo Shinichi is definitely me."

The handsome young man's smile did not change and he said: "That's right. Let me introduce myself. My name is Akira Hanomiya. I am a detective at the Hanomiya Detective Agency, 3-chome, Yoneka Town."

This handsome young man is none other than Akira Hanamiya who came to contact Kudo Shinichi.

Akira Hanomiya originally wanted to visit Kudo House directly, but considering that he and Kudo Shinichi were strangers, and Kudo House was not a detective agency for the public, it might be inappropriate to visit rashly.

So I decided to get in touch with Kudo Shinichi through an "accidental encounter" on the road.

After introducing himself, Yumiya Akira continued: "That's it. I took over the detective agency from my deceased father a month ago. Regarding the detective business and reasoning, I feel that I have many shortcomings."

"I have always heard that the famous detective from Tedan High School lives near my home, and I have always wanted to visit him. However, after all, Kudo-san and I have not had much contact before, so it would be inappropriate to visit him rashly."

"Now I happen to meet Kudo-san here. I wonder if Kudo-san can discuss reasoning and detective work with me?"

"This..." Kudo Shinichi didn't expect that Akira Hanamiya actually wanted to discuss detective reasoning with him, and he didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while.

"Hasn't Hanomiya-senpai completed the college entrance examination and been admitted to Teitan University? How could he take over the detective agency?" The girl on Kudo Shinichi's left suddenly asked, her voice soft and melodious, and extremely pleasant.

Hearing this, Akira Hanomiya replied with a look of embarrassment: "Oh, I'm sorry, I was a little excited when I saw Kudo-san. Don't blame me for being rude. Hello, Moori-san, Kudo-san."

"Eh? Xiaolan, do you know him?" Kudo Shinichi looked at the girl on the left in confusion.

The girl on the left is Kudo Shinichi’s childhood sweetheart Maori Ran (the following description refers to Xiaolan).

"Well, Senior Hanemiya was once the leader of our Teidan High School Boys' Karate Club, and won the national runner-up." As she spoke, Xiaolan cast an admiring look at Akira Hanamiya.

"I was there to watch the match between Hanomiya-senpai and Kyogoku. It was really exciting. Maybe I am not even Haemiya-senpai's opponent now."

"He's even more powerful than Xiaolan?" Kudo Shinichi's brows twitched, and he looked at Hanomiya Akira's delicate face and not-so-strong figure. He felt doubtful and a little scared at the same time.

He turned his head slightly and saw the admiration in Xiaolan's eyes, and suddenly felt inexplicably unhappy in his heart, so he was about to refuse Yu Gongming's request.

Hanemiya was aware of Kudou Shinichi's movements and facial expressions. He had already guessed what he was thinking and quickly said:

"To express my sincerity, I know there is a very good Japanese restaurant nearby. I will treat you to dinner today. Kudo-san's girlfriend and sister can also come together."

"Who said Xiaolan is my girlfriend!"

"Hanomiya-senpai, you have misunderstood. Shinichi is not..."

An unusual blush appeared on both of their faces at the same time, and they defended in unison.

"This synchronization rate..." Hanamiya Akira muttered in his heart, but pretended to be surprised: "Isn't it true? The entire Teidan High School is rumored that Kudo-san and Mori-san are dating. Is it a misinformation? That's really embarrassing. ”

Saying that, Akira Hanomiya bowed slightly towards Kudou Shinichi.

"Ah, yes, that's right. Of course it's a misinformation. Xiaolan and I are just ordinary childhood sweethearts..." Kudo Shinichi said quickly.

"Hmm..." The blush on Xiaolan's face had not faded yet, and she agreed with a slight hum.

Akira Hanomiya smiled and nodded, and said, "Then Kudo-san, can you agree to my unkind invitation?"

After a pause, Yu Gongming continued: "My mother passed away when I was seven years old. It was my father who raised me. My father loved the detective career very much during his lifetime. It was also through his detective career that he was able to provide for me. I read books and raised me up.”

"Now that my father has passed away, I really don't want the detective agency my father left behind to disappear in my hands. This is why I gave up the opportunity to further my studies at Teidan University and chose to take over my father's detective agency. I also asked Kudo-kun for your advice. .”

Saying that, Yu Gongming bowed deeply again.

"This..." Kudo Shinichi saw that Hanemiya Akira was so solemn, and his original intention to refuse was slightly shaken.

"Brother, since she is so sincere, just agree. This is not an embarrassing thing." The girl on the right who had been silent before, Kudo Mengyu, Kudo Shinichi's younger sister, suddenly said.

Compared with Xiaolan's, her voice has a different timbre, like a clear spring gurgling down from the snow-capped mountains, or like the cry of a bluebird outside the clouds in the sky, with a hint of ethereal clarity.

"Yes, Shinichi, Hanomiya-senpai is also willing to treat us to dinner because of his deceased father. Please agree. Today, my father has to make a commission and will come back very late. I don't have to prepare dinner for him. I can go with you." ..." Xiao Lan also said at the side.

"...Okay." Seeing that his sister and Xiaolan were already interested, Yu Gongming's request was not too excessive.

In addition, Hanomiya Akira had just said that Xiaolan was his girlfriend. Although he did not admit it, Kudo Shinichi was still very happy. His impression of Hamiya Akira improved a lot, so he nodded in agreement.

"Thank you very much! Please come with me." Seeing this, Akira Hanamiya's smile did not change. After thanking him, he led Kudo Shinichi and others towards the Japanese restaurant in his memory.

Along the way, Akira Hanamiya and Shinichi Kudo chatted. As a mystery enthusiast in his previous life, Akira Hanamiya had dabbled in world-famous mystery novels. He also read a lot of analyzes of these masterpieces, which naturally included [Sherlock Holmes]. Detective Collection]

Based on the insights he saw in his previous life, combined with his own understanding, Hanamiya Akira discussed it with Kudo Shinichi, and for a while there was actually a pleasant atmosphere.

Kudo Shinichi's mood was getting higher and higher. After a few words, he could see that Akira Hanomiya had indeed done some research on Sherlock Holmes, and many of his insights were refreshing to him.

Along the way, Kudo Shinichi started calling him "Hanomiya-senpai". Later, he started calling "Hanomiya" one after another. He basically treated Hanamiya with a "brothers are good" attitude.

When Hanemiya Akira was chatting with Kudo Shinichi, he would also bring the topic to some common experiences or interesting things between Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan from time to time, so that Xiaolan could also participate in the topic to a certain extent.

Then, using Xiaolan as a bridge, I also chatted a few words with Kudo Mengyu, Kudo Shinichi's younger sister.

I don’t know if Kudo Mengyu’s character is like this, or if she is wary of the stranger Hanomiya Akira. Unless Yumiya Akira takes the initiative to strike up a conversation, Kudo Mengyu hardly participates in the conversation.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, the Japanese restaurant Hanemiya Akira mentioned came into view.

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