Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1052 Not a simple commission

Yu Gongming came to the mailbox at the door with an expressionless face.

After some rummaging, he took out a letter from it.

After opening the envelope, there was two hundred thousand dollars in cash.

Yu Gongming looked at the envelope again. There was no name and address of the sender on the envelope.

"Ha! Interesting." Muttered, Yu Gongming took the money and walked up to the third floor.

At this time, Mengyu just came down from the third floor, holding a shopping bag in his hand, obviously ready to buy something.

"Can you go back later? Help me check something." Yu Gongming said seriously.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Meng Yu saw that the original relaxed look on Yu Gongming's expression was gone.


"It has been found." Mengyu stopped what she was doing and said, "That call was made at a phone booth in the 1-chome of Miwa Town."

"I called up the surveillance near the phone booth. During Dadi Anu's time, a total of 12 people passed by that area."

"Three of them are women who went out with their children and should be ruled out. The most notable one is him."

Mengyu tapped the keyboard, and oh, a blurry surveillance picture appeared on the screen.

In the picture, a man wearing a black coat, a cap and a beard is walking on the sidewalk.

As soon as Yu Gongming saw this person, he immediately frowned: "This person... seems to be deliberately avoiding the camera and not letting the surveillance camera capture his face."

"That's right." Mengyu said, and then operated for a while, and several more pictures appeared on the screen.

That was the man passing by other cameras.

Yu Gongming looked carefully and nodded slightly: "Yes, he is indeed avoiding surveillance, but this does not seem to be intentional, but like a... habit?"

"Those who are used to hiding in the dark don't want to expose themselves to too many people's eyes." Meng Yu said lightly:

"And here is the key evidence that allows me to finally confirm that there is something wrong with this person!" She called up another surveillance screen.

In the picture, the man walked into a public toilet.

"What's going on here?" Yu Gongming asked.

"This is the surveillance half an hour ago. I marked this person's appearance. As long as this person comes out of the toilet, I will receive a prompt."

"But until now, I have not received any prompts, and I checked the surveillance near the toilet, and I have never seen this person again."

Mengyu called up several other surveillance images and explained:

"Either his previous appearance was disguised and now he has taken off the disguise, or he took advantage of the complicated road conditions nearby to avoid all surveillance."

"No matter what the possibility is, this guy is anything but simple!"

"From the moment he used a voice changer to contact me and hung up the phone suspiciously, I already knew that he was not simple, but it seems that this guy's [not simple] is a bit beyond expectations... huh? Wait a minute ?”

Yu Gongming suddenly pointed at a surveillance screen and said: "Rewind this screen to five seconds ago!"

Mengyu didn't ask why and just did it.

"Pause!" Yu Gongming said again.

Mengyu clicked pause.

Yu Gongming pointed to the lower right corner of the screen: "Look here."

Mengyu took a closer look, and in the lower right corner, half of his head was under surveillance, with a beret on his head.

"Enlarge the picture." Yu Gongming said calmly.

Mengyu enlarged the picture at the head position and tried his best to adjust the clarity of the picture.

"Okay! That's it." Yu Gongming said.

Dream Whisper stopped amplifying.

Akira Hanomiya pointed to the lower left side of the beret-wearing head: "Golden hair!"

Under the half of the head exposed in front of the camera, a strand of hair is looming.

Mengyu's expression sank slightly: "Golden...the blond hairs we meet are not kind."

"Yes, and without exception, they are all related to that organization." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"So, is this commission the work of the organization?" Meng Yu frowned.

"Not necessarily." Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "Don't forget, these blond guys we met are all mavericks, maybe it's just their individual actions."

"You are suspicious..." Meng Yu understood what Yu Gongming meant.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Yes, I think this is probably a new temptation, but I don't know, is it just for us, or..."

"Would you like to ask Miss Qingmei?" Meng Yu suggested.

Yu Gongming said: "Okay, let's go downstairs to find her in the name of Chi Dessert after dinner."

Hearing this, Meng Yu suddenly patted her smooth forehead: "Wait! Speaking of dinner, I said I was going to buy ingredients before, but I have been busy until now because of your affairs."

She glanced at the time on the computer: "I'll go! It's almost six o'clock! I guess I can't buy fresh ingredients now!"

"Don't worry about these things. At worst, we can just order takeout? Or just go to the dessert shop downstairs to eat?"

"Then let's have cake for dinner! According to our tradition, there must be hot dishes!" Meng Yu immediately denied.

"Then order takeout, or go to that Chinese restaurant?" Yu Gongming suggested again.

"Then who will pay for it?" Meng Yu asked.

Yu Gongming laughed: "Of course it was me! After all, you have been busy for so long just now, so I treat you as a reward!"

"Okay! Let's set off quickly!" Meng Yu's interest immediately rose.

All I can say is that no matter what happens, prostitution can make people happy!


After dinner, Yu Gongming and others returned to the downstairs of the office.

The dessert shop is getting ready to close at this moment.

Harumi Yasuda and a waiter were at the counter, seemingly counting today's sales.

Upon seeing this, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu walked in naturally.

"Good evening, Miss Harumi!" Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

Yasuda Harumi raised her head when she heard the sound, and also showed a smile: "Good evening, you two, why are you here now? We are already closing!"

Yu Gongming laughed: "I'm going out with my friends today, and I'm going to handle some commissions in the afternoon. I've just come back from dinner, and I'm planning to get a dessert for a late night snack!"

"Oh! That's it!" Harumi Yasuda nodded slightly, then showed a look of regret: "But it's really a pity. If you had come ten minutes earlier, Mr. Amuro would still be here!"

"Oh? Mr. Amuro has left?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"Yes!" Yasuda Harumi replied: "And you won't be able to eat his desserts tomorrow!"

"Huh? Why?" Yu Gongming showed a puzzled expression.

"Because Mr. Amuro has a day off tomorrow!" Another female clerk said with a smile: "But the cakes made by our boss are just as delicious, so Detective Hanomiya doesn't have to worry!"

Yu Gongming's eyes flashed: "Oh? Take turns to rest..."

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