Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1053 The evasive client, the bomb?

At noon the next day, Mihua Department Store, sporting goods counter.

"The mystery of the red long-sleeved T-shirt...are you saying that someone will come to solve this mystery today at noon?" The receptionist at the counter looked at Akira Hanamiya and the Kudo siblings in surprise.

Because the black organization was involved, Conan was naturally called.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Yes, the client asked us to meet here at noon. Have you ever had such a guest?"

"No, not yet." The waiter shook his head, and then asked with some confusion: "But why did you choose to meet here?"

Yu Gongming spread his hands: "We don't know either."

"Excuse me, does this department store only have one sports counter?" Conan asked.

The clerk nodded: "Yes, if we talk about the sports goods counter, then we are the only one in the whole department store."

"It seems that we are not in the wrong place, but it seems that the mysterious client has not arrived yet." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"By the way!" The clerk seemed to have thought of something and said, "A customer came to us today to ask about hats."

"Hat?" The three of them were startled.

"That's right!" The clerk pointed in one direction: "Here, look, it's that Wei woman."

The three of them looked over.

I saw a blond foreign woman holding a black hat in her hand, staring at another clerk impatiently, and yelled: "How many times do I have to say it before you understand?"

She turned the hat in her hand to the back, pointed to a pattern on it and said: "Embroidery like this is an original design of your store!"

"In other words, this should be a limited product, right? Don't you really remember anyone buying a hat like this?"

In front of the foreign woman, the clerk's face was full of embarrassment: "Sorry... I don't even have a clue whether that customer has been to our store..."

The foreign women's expressions became even more ugly.

At this time, a burly man came to her and asked: 'What is going on? Why do you suddenly come here to find the customer who bought this hat? ’

The foreign woman glared at the burly man impatiently: "Don't speak yet!"

Not far away, Yu Gongming and three others looked at this scene and looked at each other for a while.

These two are all acquaintances.

FBI investigators - Judy and Kamal.

"Is it a coincidence?" Meng Yu frowned.

"Maybe?" Yu Gongming whispered.

"Want to say hello?" Conan asked.

"Forget it." Yu Gongming shook his head.

Afterwards, Judy asked relentlessly before leaving with Kamel somewhat unwillingly.

"Let's go, let's wait nearby. Maybe our client will be here soon?" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Afterwards, a few people found a place outside the sporting goods counter and started waiting.


"It's already one o'clock." Conan said as he glanced at his watch.

"It seems that this client doesn't want to meet with us. This is not good news." Yu Gongming's voice was low.

"Indeed, what should we do now?" Mengyu asked.

"Let's go to the elevator." Yu Gongming said calmly: "Assuming that the client is actually spying on us, then he won't allow us to leave easily, right?"

The Kudo brothers and sisters nodded when they heard this, and then the three of them walked towards the elevator.

Arriving at the elevator door, Yu Gongming pressed the button to go downstairs.

"Huh? Look, what's going on with this bag?" Conan suddenly shouted.

The two of them took a look and saw that there was a paper bag about knee high leaning against the wall next to the elevator.

The paper bag was sealed and what was inside was unknown.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu immediately gathered around the paper bag.

"This doesn't look like someone was left behind." Meng Yu said quietly.

"Well... I advise you not to touch that paper bag." A somewhat submissive voice sounded from behind everyone.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a thin, middle-aged man looking at them, it should be said that he was looking at the paper bag behind them.

"Don't touch this paper bag? Why?" Yu Gongming asked.

The embarrassment on the face of the thin middle-aged man gradually turned into fear, and he replied: "Because...because this paper bag...may contain a bomb!"

The expressions of the three people suddenly changed.

"Uncle, why did you know there was a bomb inside?" Conan asked.

"The reason why I know..." the thin middle-aged man said while putting his hand on the zipper of his coat.

The next moment, he suddenly unfolded his coat and shouted: "Because this is the situation I am in!"

The pupils of Yu Gongming and the three others shrank at the same time!

I saw a bomb strapped to the middle-aged man's coat!

"Why were you tied up with this thing?" Yu Gongming asked in a deep voice.

The middle-aged man explained in a panic: "I don't know the details. When I was going to the bathroom, I was suddenly knocked unconscious from behind. When I woke up, a masked man tied these bombs to me. It’s on me!”

"The man said that besides me, there was a paper bag like this next to the elevator, escalator, and stairs, and they were all filled with bombs!"

"He said if you didn't do what he asked, then he would blow up all the bombs!"

"What else did he say?" Conan asked.

The middle-aged man replied: "He also said that he must not call the police. If he finds a police car approaching the department store, he will also detonate a bomb. Also, if anyone on this floor dares to escape, the outcome will be the same." Same!"

The middle-aged man seemed to have deliberately raised his voice, and many people nearby heard what he said.

Then it was spread from person to person, and gradually, more and more people knew about it, and the people who were shopping leisurely suddenly became panicked.

Countless years flashed through Yu Gongming's mind and he said, "So, did that man make any request?"

The middle-aged man raised a bag in his hand and said shakily: "He...he said he wanted to find the person who sent thirteen red T-shirts, and said that person must be on this floor! "

"Red T-shirt?" The expressions of the three people changed again.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man nodded fiercely: "He said that no one is allowed to leave here until the sender is found!"

"He asked all escalators in the mall to stop, and the elevators were not allowed to stop at this floor, and no one was allowed to go near the stairs!"

Yu Gongming narrowed his eyes slightly; "It seems that this guy wants to trap everyone here!"

The people around him became more agitated.

"No! I don't want to be trapped here!" A young woman said with fear on her face.

"Yes! I don't want to stay here!" Another man also shouted, and suddenly rushed out of the crowd and rushed towards the elevator!

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