Hearing the sound, Yu Gongming subconsciously glanced in the direction of the door on the roof, and the movements of his hands unconsciously slowed down a bit.

However, when Akira Hanomiya's eyes turned back to Kaitou Kid again, his pupils suddenly shrank!

He immediately covered his eyes with his hands, stepped back, and shouted at the same time:

"Flash bomb!"

The next moment, a bright light burst out between the two of them!

After being reminded by Yu Gongming, both Conan and Mengyu covered their eyes with their hands in time.

Although the police who had just arrived on the roof had not yet understood the situation, they were well-trained after all, and they responded subconsciously after the flash bomb exploded.

Kidd used a continuous flash bomb. In the flash of white light, Kidd's voice came faintly:

"It seems that today's performance can only end here, Detective Hanomiya, I look forward to meeting you next time!"

As the words fell, the light of the flash bomb gradually weakened.

However, in the weakening light, a cloud of white smoke with a hint of pink suddenly rose up.

After a moment, the smoke dissipated, and Yu Gongming put down the hand that covered his eyes.

Unsurprisingly, there was no trace of Kaitou Kidd in front of him.

A group of policemen had gathered around the smoke at some point. Looking at the empty ground after the smoke disappeared, the group of policemen looked at each other in shock.


The leading police officer cursed and quickly took out his walkie-talkie:

"Helicopter, quick! Track him with radar!"

"However, apart from our helicopter, there are no other suspicious objects flying in the sky!" the pilot reported.

"Damn it! Did you let him run away again?" The leading police officer looked very ugly.

Conan also looked a little solemn:

"How is it possible...it has only been two or three seconds since his voice disappeared. The police were blocking the direction of the roof door just now. He should not be able to get through, but the helicopter did not find any flying objects in the sky. So where can he go?"

"Eh? Look, what is this?" A police officer suddenly pointed at the ground.

Everyone looked around and saw a piece of paper decorated with pink flowers in the lower right corner, fluttering to the ground in the night wind.

"There seems to be writing on the note!" someone shouted.

Everyone looked carefully:

[On April 19th, the Sallybeth will set sail from Yokohama Port, and I want to order the real [Dark Star] on the ship - Phantom Thief Kidd Part 1]

"Asshole! Another warning letter!" the leading police officer said angrily.

"Officer, don't get angry yet. In fact, you still have a chance to catch Kaitou Kid!" Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

"Huh? Who are you? What do you mean by what you just said?" The leading police officer looked sharply at Yumiya Akira.

"My name is Hamiya Akira, and I am a detective. These two are my assistants, Kudo Mengyu and Edogawa Conan." Hamiya Akira said.

"Haminiya Akira...it turns out you are the recently famous detective. Did you also unlock the code and come here?" the leading police officer asked.

"Yes, when the police officer arrived just now, I was fighting Kaitou Kidd, trying to catch him." Akira Hanamiya explained.

"Well, I see, but what do you mean by what you just said? Do we still have a chance to arrest Kaitou Kidd?" The leading police officer frowned.

"That's right, because... Kaitou Kidd is still here!"

"What!?" The leading police officer's expression changed upon hearing this, and he immediately began to scan around.

"Where is he? Is there no place to hide around here?"

"Officer, don't you think it's strange? After Kaito Kidd disappeared, we first spent a few seconds looking around. Then, officer, you used the walkie-talkie to call the helicopter, and then the pilot replied to you. The whole process was over. Has it been more than ten seconds?"

"Yeah, that's right." The leading police officer nodded.

"Then, next, we noticed the note on the ground. Please recall the state of the note when we just saw it."

"Status..." The leading police officer frowned in thought, and then his eyes lit up:

"That's right! When we saw the note, the note had just fallen to the ground. The time when the note was left should have been a few seconds before we discovered the note!"

"That's right. In fact, Kaito Kidd disappeared for more than ten seconds before we found the note. So how did he leave this note?" Akira Hanomiya asked with a slight smile.

"In other words, he is indeed nearby!" the leading police officer said excitedly!

"Officer, I kindly remind you of something." Mengyu said suddenly.

Everyone's eyes turned to Mengyu.

An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of Meng Yu's mouth, and she looked at the police:

"Didn't you realize that there is one more person among you?"


The leading police officer suddenly turned his head and looked at his companions behind him!

All the police officers looked at each other warily, and suddenly...

"This man has a flash bomb on his waist!" someone yelled, pointing at a police officer.

"Catch him! He must be Kidd in disguise!"

As soon as the leading police officer saw the flash bomb on the police officer's waist, he immediately jumped towards the police officer as if he had been shot!

Seeing this, the rest of the people also rushed towards the police officer!

"No, I am not……"

The police officer looked panicked and wanted to explain something, but was thrown to the ground by a group of burly men who looked like wolves and tigers!

At this moment, a burst of dazzling light suddenly erupted from the crowd!

The flash bomb exploded!

Yu Gongming and the others had no choice but to cover their eyes with their hands again.

"Everyone, close your eyes and hold on to this guy. Don't let him get away!"

In a flash of light, the leading police officer’s angry shouts echoed through the roof.

"As expected of Kaitou Kidd, we really let him get away this time..." Akira Hanomiya sighed in his heart.

The light dissipated, but the police officer was still pinned to the ground and unable to move!

"Kid, you can't escape!" the leading police officer shouted.

"Officer, I'm not Kidd!" the police officer yelled.

"Hmph! Stop pretending!" the leading police officer said, grabbing the police officer's face with his hand:

"Let me completely tear apart your disguise!"

Then he pulled and squeezed the police officer's face.

"It hurts, it hurts! Officer, please stop!" The police officer let out a miserable cry.

After pulling for a while, the leading police officer's expression gradually became strange, and then he let go of the police officer's face.

He asked the other people controlling the police:

"Do any of you know him?"

"Report! He is Bei Dao. He was the inspector general of the same team as me." Someone responded.

"Well, I also have an impression of him. His name is indeed Bei Dao." Another person agreed.

When the leading police officer heard this, his expression instantly turned ugly. He stood up and motioned to others to let go of the police officer named Bei Dao.

"Damn it! I was tricked!"

"Officer, I just wanted to remind you how could Kaitou Kidd be so careless as to expose the flash bomb on his waist. This is obviously a way to attract attention. Why did you rush forward in such a hurry?" Akira Hanomiya sighed.

"This...I..." The leading police officer suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Now Kaitou Kidd must have really escaped, and if nothing else, he should have prepared a police uniform. There are so many policemen around now. If he sneaks into the police, it will be difficult to catch him." Hanomiya Mingdao.

"Then we will conduct an internal investigation!" the leading police officer said harshly.

"Then what if he saw the police conducting self-examination and changed into other clothes?" Meng Yu said lightly.

"This..." the leading police officer was speechless.

"Officer, don't worry, we still have a chance to catch him on the Sallybeth on April 19th." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

The leading police officer took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said:

"Kaitou Kidd, just wait, I, Nakamori Ginzo, will definitely catch you!"

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