In the early morning of April 1, a taxi was driving on the road in Mihua Town.

A young man with a handsome face and slightly messy hair was sitting in the back seat of the taxi with his eyes slightly closed and a slightly tired expression.

"Master, it seems that today's operation is not going well." An old voice came from the driver's seat.

Hearing the sound, the young man slowly opened his eyes, exhaled softly and said: "The first half went quite smoothly. Although Officer Zhongmori cracked my code and made certain arrangements in advance, I detoured from the Toto Tower. , and arrived at the rooftop of Abeido Hotel as scheduled."

"It's just that I didn't expect that there were already three people waiting for me on the roof, and they weren't from the police."

"Really? It seems that there are talented people among the people... who are they?" the old voice asked.

"Aki Hanomiya, one of the two famous detectives who has become quite famous in Tokyo recently, his assistant Yume Kudo, and a child named Edogawa Conan, about seven or eight years old, these three are not simple characters. ." The young man said.

"Oh? What exactly happened?" The old voice seemed to be interested.

The young man described what happened on the roof in a concise and concise manner.

Yes, the boy sitting in the back seat of the taxi was none other than Kaitou Kidd, who had a brief confrontation with Akira Hanomiya and a group of policemen on the rooftop.

He is also a second-year Class B student at Ekoda High School - Kuroba Kaito.

And the person sitting in the driver's seat is not an ordinary taxi driver, but Terai Kinosuke, the assistant who disguises himself as a taxi driver and responds to Kuroba Kaito's operation.

After listening to Kuroba Kaito's narration, Terai Huangnosuke was silent for a while and sighed: "It seems that the young master has met his opponent again!"

"Yeah..." Kuroba Kaito said.

"Haminiya Akira, you are very strong in close combat, and after I used the first flash bomb, you could tell that I was still at the scene just by leaving a subtle clue like the note I left."

"Edogawa Conan, he deciphered my password in a clear and logical manner. According to Akira Hanamiya, the kid was the first to decipher the password. In this matter, I think there is no need for Akira Hamiya to lie to me. It means that child has wisdom beyond his years.”

"In addition, he also used the watch-style launcher on his hand to launch a sneak attack on me in conjunction with Akira Hanomiya. Although I don't know the specific effect of the short needle, since it is a sneak attack weapon, it must be inevitable after being shot. It’s going to have a huge impact on me.”

"The last one, Kudo Mengyu, seems to be the most ordinary one among the three, but I noticed that no matter how the situation changes, her expression is very calm, and it seems that everything is as she expected."

"When I used the first flash bomb to sneak into the police, the little brother Conan, like the other police officers, looked surprised and panicked, but she didn't, not from the beginning to the end."

"If Akira Hanamiya is calm because she has seen through my tactics, then what is the reason for her calmness?"

"Moreover, at the end, she said in a joking tone that there was an extra person in the police force. That tone was definitely not like she had just discovered it."

"So, either she saw through my tactics like Akira Hanomiya, or she has superhuman powers of observation and figured out the number of police officers in the short time it took them to rush onto the roof."

"None of these three people are easy to deal with. The actions of the Sallybeth on the 19th seem to be more cautious."

"Master, if you need help, just ask."

"...Let's talk about it when we get back."


Kudo House.

Yu Gongming, Meng Yu, and Conan were leaning leisurely on the soft sofa, each holding a cup of steaming black tea, chatting and sipping.

Even though it was almost two o'clock in the morning, the three of them didn't have much sleep.

"Well, if Officer Nakamori hadn't been too impulsive, we actually still had a chance to catch Kaitou Kidd." Conan sighed.

"Not necessarily. After the second flash bomb was discovered, the flash bomb exploded immediately. We had no protective measures, and we could only do nothing until the flash bomb effect disappeared. During this time, Kaito Kidd was enough to do many things. .”

"Yes, he can complete the disguise in a few seconds and blend into the police. He can also quietly hang a flash bomb on a police officer's waist. Who knows how long it will take to give him another flash bomb? Will he just put on a gas mask and give us sleeping gas? This is also one of the tactical auxiliary weapons used by Kaitou Kidd." Dream Whisper also said.

"What a difficult guy!" Conan muttered.

"The more difficult it is, the more sense of accomplishment you will feel after catching it, right?" Yu Gongming said with a smile, but he added in his heart:

"Of course, it is impossible to catch him. Just like Conan will always have cases wherever he goes, Kaito Kidd can escape in a physically difficult way even if he is swarmed by a group of police. They are both causal-level abilities. .”

"On the 19th, on the Sallybeth, I will definitely catch him!" Conan said solemnly.

"Well...Officer Nakamori often says similar things, and the result...So, just based on your flag, I dare say you won't be able to catch him." Hamamiya complained secretly.

After the three of them chatted for a while, Conan and Akira Hanomiya went home.


April 19, Yokohama Port.

"I request to stop this banquet. The other party is the notorious Kaitou Kidd. It is easy to pass this level of inspection!" Officer Nakamori said anxiously.

Since the banquet was attended by celebrities from all walks of life, the police were unable to use methods such as face searches and body searches, and could only conduct basic searches of the guests' luggage and belongings.

However, Officer Nakamori, who has dealt with Kaitou Kidd many times, knows that such an investigation cannot prevent Kaitou Kidd from sneaking into the ship.

"No, the people attending this banquet are all celebrities from all walks of life. Such a banquet cannot be stopped if you want to." Chamu shook his head vigilantly.

After a pause, he approached Officer Zhongmori and whispered: "Besides, if we do this, wouldn't we admit that our police cannot protect [Dark Star]? This will make us lose face."

Officer Zhongmori also knew that what Chamu said was indeed reasonable, so he could only nod his head and said: "Then we can only strengthen our vigilance."

"You don't have to worry too much. It takes three hours for this ship to arrive at Tokyo from Yokohama Port. During this period, this is a prison on the sea. If Kaito Kidd dares to sneak in, he will only be a turtle in the jar!" Police Chamu said Shi said comfortingly.


Akira Hanamong and his party have passed the preliminary inspection before entering the ship.

However, because he and Kogoro Mori were important members in protecting [Dark Star], the police proposed to check the faces of their group.

Of course, the police also said that they could confirm each other's faces themselves without the police having to do anything.

So, in addition to Conan, Mouri Kogoro and Hanemiya Akira, Xiaolan and Mengyu began to pinch each other's faces.

After a while, after confirming that there were no traces of disguise, several people were finally allowed to board the ship.

Walking in the aisle between the cabins, Yu Gongming rubbed his face that was still a little sore and said in a bad tone:

"I said Uncle Maoli, did you do it on purpose just now?"

"How could it be? I did that to make sure you weren't pretending to be Kaitou Kid!" Mouri Kogoro laughed.

"You are the only one who believes in ghosts!" Similar thoughts flashed through Yu Gongming, Conan, and Meng Yu's hearts, and even Xiaolan cast a suspicious look.

Afterwards, a few people found their cabins and waited for the dinner to begin.

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