Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 113 The Phantom Thief Has Sneaked In

"Our Suzuki Foundation has now entered its 60th anniversary! Thank you for your support and encouragement to the Suzuki Foundation over the years..."

In the banquet hall, Shiro Suzuki was standing on the rostrum of the banquet hall giving a speech.

After the brief speech, his wife, Ms. Tomoko Suzuki, walked up to him, nodded to the guests, and said:

"Everyone, before entering the banquet hall, you all got a small box..." Suzuki Tomoko raised her gloved right hand high and showed the pink square box in her palm.

"Now, please open the box!"

All the guests opened the box curiously.

"This...this is..."


"it turns out……"

One after another, exclamations of exclamation sounded among the guests.

Tomoko Suzuki looked at the surprised guests with a slight curl in her mouth.

The box in her hand has also been opened. In the box is the largest black pearl in the world - [Dark Star].

And in each guest's box, there is also a black pearl that is almost the same as the [Dark Star].

"This is a challenge I prepared for that stupid thief. Some of these black pearls are defective products that failed to be made, and some are high imitations that can be mistaken for real ones. Of course, there is only one genuine one."

"Only I know who has this genuine gem. If Kaito Kidd wants to steal it, let her steal it. But before that, he must determine which one he has within three hours before the ship arrives in Tokyo. Only one is the real dark star!" Suzuki Tomoko said with a proud smile.

All the guests also burst into laughter.

"Now, please wear black pearls on your chest!"

All the guests did as they were told.

"Yuanzi, your mother is really good at it!"

Somewhere in the banquet hall, Akira Hanomiya and his group were chatting with Sonoko. Xiaolan looked at Tomoko Suzuki who was talking eloquently and said to Sonoko Suzuki with admiration on her face.

"Eh? Sonoko, what's wrong with you?" Xiaolan asked with concern when she saw Suzuki Sonoko looking worried.

"It's strange, why can't my sister be seen anywhere? She hasn't left home yet, right?" Suzuki Sonoko said as she took out her mobile phone from her handbag and prepared to call her sister Suzuki Ayako.

"How could it be? Yuanzi, are you thinking too much?" Xiaolan said with a smile.

After a while, the call came through:

"What? Why are you still at home? Hasn't the boat already sailed?...Ah? Dad is next to you!?" Suzuki Sonoko's voice suddenly rose.

When Conan heard this, his expression suddenly changed!

He quickly came to a staff member and asked urgently: "Excuse me, where is Mr. Suzuki?"

"Mr. Suzuki seems to have gone to the toilet."

When Conan heard this, his face became even more ugly, and he ran to the toilet without hesitation.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu, who had expected it, exchanged glances and followed suit silently.

A stall in the toilet.

Conan opened the compartment door.

What caught his eye was the clothes that Suzuki Shiro was wearing just now.

And on the top of the clothes, there is a mask that looks exactly like Suzuki Shirou.

"He indeed sneaked in." Conan said solemnly.

"Isn't this something that has been expected?" Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Detective Hanomiya, what's going on?"

Officer Zhongmori also rushed to the toilet and saw the trio on the roof gathered around the door of a certain compartment in the early morning of April Fool's Day. He instantly had an ominous premonition.

"It's Officer Zhongmori, see for yourself."

Akira Hanomiya stepped aside, allowing Nakamori Ginzo to see the scene in the toilet cubicle.

"This...this is..." Officer Zhongmori's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Yes, the Shiro Suzuki just now was disguised as Kaitou Kid. The real Mr. Shiro Suzuki did not board this ship at all!"

Akira Hanomiya briefly recounted the conversation between Suzuki Sonoko and her sister.

"Asshole! You actually used our police to tamper with the sailing time!" Officer Zhongmori gritted his teeth.

Chamu Police and other police officers also rushed to the scene.

Nakamori Ginzo reported the matter to Chaki Police.

"Notify all mobile personnel to search the entire ship immediately for suspicious persons!" Chamu said in a serious voice.

"Chaki Police, I have some ideas about investigating Kaitou Kidd." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Oh? Detective Hanomiya, what do you think?"

"First of all, under the tight security situation on the ship, Kaitou Kidd must have another disguise besides Suzuki Shirou's disguise, otherwise it would be too easy to be discovered."

"Well, Mr. Suzuki Shiro is fat and fat. Even if Kaitou Kid takes off this layer of disguise, he is fully capable and has the conditions to put on another layer of disguise." Chaki nodded warily.

"If disguise is used, the staff on the ship can be temporarily excluded, because according to my suggestion, the Suzuki Consortium has conducted professional training for all staff, and everyone is familiar with the faces of all staff. Once a new face appears, they will Will report immediately."

"All staff entering the venue must undergo facial pinching and body searches. This also eliminates the possibility of Kaitou Kidd disguising himself as an existing ship staff and sneaking into the banquet hall."

"Well, that's right, then the only ones left are the internal personnel of our police force and the guests on the ship." Officer Nakamori said.

"As for police personnel, they can conduct inspections in groups of two to three people, and if they are found to be acting alone, they will be inspected immediately,"

"Also, within the group, once someone is temporarily out of sight, they must be checked upon their return."

"In this way, the difficulty for Kaito Kidd to infiltrate the police will skyrocket."

"This is indeed a good idea!" The two police officers, Chamu and Zhongmori, nodded in agreement with expressions of conviction.

"The remaining guests can only follow the police's plan and let the guests agree on passwords in pairs to confirm. Their identities are there. If they are ordinary people, they don't have to go to such trouble." Yu Gongming sighed. .

When the two police officers heard this, they also sighed in sympathy: "Yes, Kaito Kidd wants to be arrested, but these celebrities cannot be offended. After all, the police cannot conduct excessive inspections on them like ordinary people."

"However, fortunately, Mrs. Suzuki has produced a large number of fake black pearls. Even if Kaitou Kid sneaks into the guests, it will still be quite difficult to distinguish which one is the real [Dark Star]."

"Well, Mrs. Suzuki is indeed smart." Akira Hanomiya said with a slight smile.


Afterwards, the police informed the guests that Suzuki Shiro was being impersonated, and Chaki Police personally walked up to the rostrum and announced the secret code that the guests had agreed upon with each other.

"Ming, what is our code?" Meng Yu asked with a smile.

"I said detective, you should know what I am talking about later." Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

Meng Yu raised her eyebrows and immediately understood: "Understood."

"Conan, what secret code should we agree on?" Xiaolan looked at Conan.

"Well, as for the code, I'd say Sherlock Holmes..."

"Then I'll say Lupine." Xiaolan smiled.

Mengyu touched Yu Gongming lightly and winked at him.

Yu Gongming smiled and nodded, saying nothing.

Just as the guests were agreeing on the secret code, an accident happened.

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