All the lights in the entire venue suddenly went out!

The guests suddenly made a slightly panicked noise.

"What's going on? What happened in the power distribution room?" Officer Zhongmori picked up the intercom phone and contacted the personnel in the power distribution room.

"Report to the team leader..." Before the reply from the power distribution room was completed, a new situation occurred! ,


Over the banquet hall, a light suddenly lit up, and among the flying white doves, a figure appeared in the light!

Wearing a white dress and a white top hat, there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, and the monocle in his right eye reflected a faint light.

"It's Kaitou Kidd!" someone shouted.

"Hahahaha!" Kaitou Kidd laughed at everyone. :

"It's useless even if you agree on a secret code, because..." A box suddenly appeared in his hand. When he opened the box, there was a black pearl inside!

"[Dark Star] has been stolen by me a long time ago!" Kaitou Kidd showed off the [Dark Star] in the box in a circle.

"Asshole! How is this possible?" Officer Zhongmori gritted his teeth.

All the guests also expressed shock.

However, there are always a few exceptions.

For example, Akira Hanomiya, Mengyu, Tomoko Suzuki, or... Sonoko Suzuki.

The previous few were able to remain calm for one reason or another. Although Suzuki Sonoko was not so calm, compared to the shock of other guests, her reaction was more like...surprise?

If anyone could observe Suzuki Sonoko, they would definitely find that her eyes suddenly lit up the moment Kaitou Kid appeared.

"What a troublesome thief. It looks like we need to deal with him as soon as possible!"

An inexplicable smile appeared on Suzuki Tomoko's lips, she suddenly took out a pistol from her handbag, and without hesitation pulled the trigger at Kaitou Kid in the light!

boom! boom! boom!

Kaitou Kidd was hit repeatedly without any resistance and screamed in agony.

Then, Kaitou Kidd could no longer maintain his airborne state, and fell directly from the air under the illumination of the light!


Kaitou Kidd landed on an empty ground.


The lights in the banquet hall were turned on again,

"Ah!" a guest exclaimed.

I saw Kaitou Kidd looking at the ceiling with wide eyes and a ferocious expression, as if he was unwilling to rest in peace.

Suzuki Tomoko gracefully blew out the gun smoke and chuckled: "Solved."

"Husband... Madam, do you know what you just did?" Officer Zhongmori said in shock and anger.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

A burst of applause suddenly sounded in the banquet hall.

Everyone looked around, looking for the source of the sound.

Soon, everyone's eyes were focused on Yu Gongming.

Akira Hanomiya didn't care about the attention of everyone. While applauding, he looked at Tomoko Suzuki and chuckled:

"Mrs. Suzuki's sideshow is really exciting!"

"A side show?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at her mother in surprise.

"Oh? Why did Detective Hanomiya say this?" Tomoko Suzuki looked at Akira Hanomiya with interest.

Yu Gongming smiled lightly and said:

"Actually, I was shocked at first. I couldn't understand why Kaitou Kidd stole the Dark Star without anyone noticing?"

"However, when you fired the shot, I had a glimmer of doubt."

"You know, Japan strictly prohibits guns. How could a celebrity like you shoot a thief in such a public place in front of countless guests and the police? This really doesn't suit you. identity of."

"Then, when Phantom Thief Kidd was shot by you and fell down, I discovered another suspicious point."

"Eh? What's the suspicion?" Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously.

"It's just the lights." Yu Gongming smiled lightly and said:

Let's recall, when Kaito Kidd fell, we clearly saw the whole process, because the light kept shining on Kaitou Kidd, and he fell together with Kaitou Kidd. "

"This is strange. Logically speaking, from the sudden power outage, to the appearance of the spotlight in the sky, to the appearance of Kaito Kid, we can see from this series of phenomena that these lighting effects are all the work of Kaito Kid."

"However, Kaitou Kidd would not have expected that he would be shot. Moreover, in the state in which he was shot several times, how could he control the lights to follow his whereabouts? This is logically and unreasonably unreasonable. "Meng Yu took over the words in a leisurely tone.

"And one last thing!"

Conan, who was still a little confused at first, gradually recovered the truth after Akira Hanomiya started to reveal the first doubt. He also said unwillingly:

"After Phantom Thief Kidd fell to the ground, the lights in the banquet hall turned on immediately. Isn't this too much of a coincidence? Combined with Sister Mengyu's analysis of the spotlight, we can believe that it is definitely not Phantom Thief Kidd who controls these lights! "

"Yes, then, combined with Madam's abnormal reaction, this can only be a little joke prepared by Madam for us. The man lying on the ground is not Kaitou Kidd, and he is not dead."

"Based on the way he appeared, he should be some magician invited by Madam, right?"

Akira Hanamiya stopped talking and looked at Tomoko Suzuki with a smile.

There was silence.

Countless guests cast surprised glances at Yu Gongming, Meng Yu, and Conan. Of course, most of the eyes were focused on Yu Gongming.

Tomoko Suzuki looked at Akira Hanomiya with a blank look on her face, then chuckled and said:

"As expected of the guardian knight of the [Dark Star] recognized by our Suzuki family, he is indeed extraordinary. Even a child of Mr. Mori's family can have such reasoning ability!"

There was a sudden murmur among the guests and even the police.

What Suzuki Tomoko said just now is equivalent to a disguised admission that the reasoning of Hanomiya Akira and others is completely correct!

Some people took a deep breath.

In such an unexpected situation, with the help of inconspicuous details, you can calmly analyze the hidden truth. This keen observation ability, this calm moral character, is something only a few people can have!

Tomoko Suzuki turned to look at "Phantom Thief Kid" who was lying on the ground, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Sanada, you have heard the reasoning of Detective Hanomiya and the others. It seems that our carefully arranged performance may have to end hastily."

The "Phantom Thief Kidd" also got up from the ground, bowed slightly towards Tomoko Suzuki and said:

"Madam, you are joking. I am very honored to hear the reasoning of the famous detective Hanomiya!"

He immediately took off his hat and monocle, revealing his complete face, and introduced himself to the guests around him:

"Hello everyone, I am the magician Kazuzo Sanada. I'm sorry for scaring everyone."

"No wonder he appears in such a way, he is indeed a magician!" said a guest.

"I recognized him when he took off his hat. He is the famous genius magician Sanada Ichizo!" said another person.

"His performance is indeed good, but it's a pity that there is a master of deduction like Detective Hanomiya present. His good performance only highlights the brilliance of Detective Hanomiya!"

Sanada Kazuzo listened to the whispers of the guests, the smile on his face was a little stiff.

He was somewhat embarrassed to have his performance exposed in front of so many people.

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