Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1115 Letter from the Dead

"What? Why is it a draw?" Conan was a little unconvinced: "Obviously it was Brother Shinichi who solved the case first!"

Sera smiled and said: "But Hattori was the one who found the evidence of homicide first, which played a vital role in the detection of the case."

"Without Hattori's solution to the mystery, Kudo might not have thought of this, right? Later, relying on Kudo, a local in Tokyo, he successfully discovered the murderer's flaw, so I think both the East and the West contributed half and half."

"However, that little detective learned about the case over the phone. In terms of reasoning ability, I still think that kid is slightly better." Mouri Kogoro also expressed his opinion.

"Yeah, right!" Conan immediately smiled.

Hattori was not happy anymore, and rushed directly to Conan, threatening in a sinister tone: "You kid, if you dare to be arrogant again, I will reveal your identity!"

Conan finally restrained himself after hearing this.

He turned to look at Yu Gongming: "Brother Yu Gong, what do you think?"

"I also think it's a draw." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "Because if Shinichi or Hattori were alone, they would get stuck on this case."

"Only by complementing each other's information in their respective local languages ​​can this case be solved quickly. In this case, I think a draw is more appropriate."

"That's right, let's let it be a draw." Mouri Kogoro also agreed with this statement.

The three referees reached an agreement, and the East-West detective competition was concluded.

At this time, Hattori Heiji looked at Hamamiya Akira: "Speaking of which, how did you notice the problem in Mr. Kamel's words at that time?"

"Because Mr. Kamel's account sounds a bit inconsistent. Even if we are childhood sweethearts, [I] cannot agree to such a thing. It is [I] who gave poison to little Abe."

"Mr. Kamel was repeating the deceased's original words. Do we usually say this?"

"Maybe it is used this way in some literary works, but in daily spoken language, at least I haven't seen it." Sera said.

"I see, it's really weird now that I think about it." Mouri Kogoro suddenly realized.

"Then when did Brother Yumiya identify the murderer?" Conan also asked curiously.

Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "That Amakasu's first sentence revealed a flaw. He said, 'I am a native of Tokyo. Are you satisfied with this? A young man from Osaka?'"

"I understand!" Seraichi clapped his hands: "Obviously the other two people don't know Hattori, they all call him [this young man], but that Amakasu, who is obviously [a native of Tokyo], knows that Hattori is a big man. It’s from the edition.”

"Can't he just happen to know me, a famous detective?" Hattori Heiji asked.

Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "He said [a young man from Osaka], not [a famous detective from Kansai]. In other words, he did not recognize your identity, but the country where you came from." place."

"I remember that Kansai accent isn't only spoken in Osaka, right? It's also spoken in Kyoto, Kobe and other places, and there's even a big difference. If he can tell you that you're from Osaka, there must be something wrong."

"That's it." Hattori Heiji said with some annoyance: "At that time, I just noticed that he was sweating profusely, and I actually ignored it. If I had noticed it at that time, and coupled with his weird accent, I would definitely be better than him. Kudo found the murderer first!"

"This is indeed easier to think of in Tokyo." Sera smiled: "Hattori grew up in Osaka. For him, the language around him is all Kansai accent, and he has long been accustomed to it, but there are no outsiders like us. So sensitive."

"So, no matter what, we in the east are more powerful, hahahaha!" Mouri Kogoro laughed.

"Hey! There are many people here in the east and you bully the few people. What kind of skills do you have!" Hattori yelled.

"Tch~ We didn't exchange information. Brother Hanomiya made it up entirely on his own. Admit it! You, the Westerner, are so inferior!" Conan mocked.

Hattori's expression immediately turned to shame even the African brothers.

He gritted his teeth, squatted down and grabbed Conan's neck, saying coldly: "If you do this again, I will really expose you! If nothing else, if Uncle Maoli knows your identity..."

When Conan heard this, he immediately surrendered: "Okay, okay! I know!"

"You're so good!" Hattori rubbed Conan's head hard in retaliation, causing Conan to roll his eyes.

Opening Hattori's hand, Conan looked a little more serious: "Speaking of which, what are you doing in Tokyo this time?"

When Hattori heard this, his expression was equally solemn: "Well..."


Maori Detective Agency.

"Eh? A dead person sent a letter to Hattori?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"Yes!" Hattori Heiji nodded: "He is a person my mother knows. He is the president of a design company in Tokyo. His name is Wakamatsu. I have met him several times before."

"But I heard that he was killed in his villa in Karuizawa last month."

"Killed?" Mouri Kogoro said in surprise.

Hattori Heiji replied: "Yes, I asked Officer Otaki from the police station to help investigate. The day of the incident happened to be Mr. Wakamatsu's wife's birthday, and there was a party in the villa that night."

"After investigation, the police believed that someone sneaked into the villa to steal during the party, and he happened to be discovered by Mr. Ruosong, so the murderer killed Mr. Ruosong."

"Is this letter confirmed to have been sent after death?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Definitely." Hattori affirmed: "Because the postmark on this letter was only stamped ten days after the incident. Although it is signed by Wakamatsu Kohei, it is obviously a letter sent by someone else."

"And judging from the content of the letter, it seems that it was sent by the murderer."

"The murderer?" Conan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, that's what it says in the letter." Hattori took out the letter and read:

[Dear Mr. Hattori Heiji, because I really want to meet you, a famous high school detective, I want to confess to you the crimes I have committed. 】

[However, even if we meet, I still doubt whether you can see me clearly? The reason I say this is because I am a fictional creature created by you humans without permission. I am an abnormal existence and a phantom that you cannot truly see. 】

[If you still want to meet me, I will wait for you at the house of the man I killed on the night of the next full moon. 】

Hattori Heiji paused and continued: "At the end of the letter, I also wrote the address of Mr. Wakasong's old villa in Osaka, and the envelope also contains the key there."

"That is to say, have you already gone there to see it?" Yu Gongming asked.

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