Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1116 Weird Bathroom

Hattori Heiji's expression became a little subtle: "I really wanted to expose that guy's true identity, but at the appointed time, I happened to catch a cold..."

Having said this, Hattori glanced at Kazuha: "Unexpectedly, this guy actually took the key to the house without authorization."

Xiaolan said in surprise: "Huh? Are you going alone with Ye? Going to that house that has been unoccupied for a long time?"

"No!" Heye said with a smile: "I went with a few other friends. After they heard about this, they all regarded it as a test of courage and readily agreed!"

"However, after we went there, we discovered that it was not as gloomy as we imagined. The house was not only very clean, but even the electrical appliances there were still working!"

"So, the president should go back to live occasionally." Mouri Kogoro guessed.

Seriang's eyes flickered slightly and asked: "So, is there anyone waiting for you in that villa?"

"No." Heye shook his head and said, "We rang the doorbell, but no one answered the door, so we used the key to open the door and go in."

"The house is not spooky at all, it is very beautiful. It was originally a test of courage, but it turned into a visit to a mansion - that's what we all thought until we came to the bathroom."

"Bathroom? What's wrong with the bathroom?" Xiaolan's tone became nervous.

He Ye's expression suddenly became horrified: "We were in the bathroom and found a man with long hair that covered half of his face, leaning against the bathroom wall!"

"Eh!!?" ​​Xiaolan couldn't help but exclaimed.

Heye continued with a horrified expression: "We were all startled at that moment. At this moment, all the lights in the whole house suddenly went out, and there were scary rattling sounds from time to time around us!"

"We were discussing what to do when the power suddenly came back on! And the man who was leaning against the bathroom wall... disappeared!"

"Ah!!" Xiaolan screamed, shivering and hugging Conan.

Conan twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, and then asked: "Sister He Ye, did you talk to that person at that time?"

"How could anyone dare to do this at that time?" Heye replied excitedly, obviously she was still worried about this matter.

Mouri Kogoro snorted: "Look, it's probably that person who used the remote control to cut off the power, and then ran away quickly while it was dark!"

"If it was just like this, I wouldn't have to make a special trip to Tokyo." Hattori Heiji said calmly: "After that person disappeared, a note was left in the bathroom."

"There is some typewritten text on it, and the content is: [Only my body disappeared, not the words]."

"Words? What do you mean?" Shiliang asked.

Hattori Heiji said: "On the wall where the man is leaning, near his head, there are some words that seem to be carved with a knife, right Kazuha?"

"Yeah!" He Ye nodded: "Those are three capital English letters [E] [Y] [E]."

"Eye?" Yu Gongming read out an English word.

"Maybe?" Kazuye said with some uncertainty: "After that person disappeared, the words disappeared with him, but the piece of paper said that the words did not disappear."

Mouri Kogoro looked thoughtful: "Could it be that the engraved tiles were exchanged for the unengraved tiles?"

"That's what I thought at the time." He Ye replied: "I checked the wall and found that the tiles below the wall did have some scratches, but the color of the tiles on the entire wall became lighter and lighter from top to bottom. If you swap tiles you can tell immediately.”

"How long was the power outage approximately?" Akira Hagong asked.

"How about five minutes?" Heye replied.

Mouri Kogoro nodded slightly: "It seems that guy is indeed prepared."

Conan looked at Hattori Heiji: "Brother Heiji, have you ever been to that room to see it?"

Hattori sighed helplessly: "I wanted to go in and take a look, but the construction of that house started after that day, and the construction team was very careful. They didn't let me go in to take a look at all!"

"It seems that tiles of the same color should have been prepared in advance, and those tiles with words should have been taken away. This is a more reasonable explanation." Mouri Kogoro said.

"Then this contradicts the note left by the other party." Yu Gongming said.

"Who knows if the person who left the note was trying to be mysterious?" Mouri Kogoro retorted.

"The above are actually fine. The most important thing is the following information." Hattori Heiji said with a deep tone: "When Mr. Wakamatsu was assassinated in Karuizawa, he was also in a bathroom with the same tiles."

"What?" Everyone's expressions changed!

Hattori Heiji continued: "Moreover, when his body was discovered, there should have been death messages left by him, but when the police arrived, those messages disappeared inexplicably."

"How did you know there was a death message?" Meng Yu asked doubtfully.

"Because there is blood on Mr. Wakamatsu's fingers, it is obvious that he wrote something before he died." Hattori replied.

"It seems that the murderer sneaked back to the scene again and erased the death message after seeing it, right?" Mouri Kogoro guessed.

"However, the police did not test for blood stains on the tiles near Mr. Wakamatsu's fingers." Hattori replied.

"Is it possible that the tiles stained with blood were exchanged like He Ye did at that time?" Xiaolan also analyzed.

Hattori shook his head: "The tiles there are the same as the bathroom in that house in Osaka. The color gets lighter and lighter from top to bottom. If they are exchanged, they will be found."

"So, do you think the method of disappearing words that Kazuha encountered is the same as the method of killing Mr. Wakamatsu?" Hanemiya asked with a smile.

"Yes! All kinds of clues have to make me doubt this." Hattori Heiji replied: "I plan to go to Mr. Wakamatsu's home in Tokyo to inquire about the details of the case. I have already said hello to there, and now I will You can go there.”

"Then can I go there too?" Shiliang asked expectantly.

Hattori looked apologetic and said, "Sorry, I've already agreed with them that seven people will go."

"Can't you be accommodating?" Shiliang was a little unwilling.

Hattori Heiji didn't want to let her go, so he refused again: "Sorry, it's hard to change the agreement already made."

"Why is this like this!" Sera said with a disappointed look on his face.

"Okay, okay, now that it's been agreed, Serang-san, just wait for the next opportunity." Xiaolan comforted with a smile.

Shiliang had no choice but to force it.

In the end, she could only watch with envy as Yumiya Akira and his party left the office.

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