\u003c!--go--\u003e “How...how could it be possible?” The young woman looked at the trio of Akira and Hanomiya who opened the door and walked into the office in shock.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "I'm sorry, the office's anti-theft system has already notified me since you started breaking the door."

The woman's expression changed for a while, and then she suddenly reached into her arms and took out a pistol from her jacket!

However, before she could pull the safety button, Akira Hanamiya stepped forward and kicked the woman's pistol out of her hand!


The pistol fell in front of Mengyu. Mengyu lightly lifted his right foot and kicked the pistol far away.

The woman covered her wrist and looked at Yu Gongming in shock.

Yu Gongming's expression was slightly cold: "Not only did you break into private houses, deliberately attack, and even possess firearms, miss, you are much more dangerous than I thought!"

The woman pursed her lips, then sighed helplessly and raised her hands: "Okay! I surrender."

Yu Gongming signaled to Mengyu.

Mengyu understood, came to the woman, and said calmly: "To ensure safety, I need to search you."

She didn't wait for the woman's consent before she started groping her body.

The woman's expression changed for a while, but she didn't say anything in the end.

After a while, Mengyu returned to Yu Gongming: "Confirm safety."

Yu Gongming nodded slightly and smiled at the woman: "Okay, now we can talk."


"My name is Kamagawa Serina. I used to be a clerk in a bank." The woman introduced herself.

"What about this man?" Yu Gongming asked.

"He was one of the three robbers who robbed the bank where I worked earlier." Kamikawa replied.

"Robbers?" Yu Gongming and the others asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's a robber!" The woman's face showed resentment.

"Is it the case where three robbers robbed 200 million yuan a week ago?" Tohru Amuro asked.

"That's right!" Kamikawa Serina nodded.

"How did you know about this?" Yu Gongming asked.

Kamawa's expression gradually became sad: "Because, this guy named Kenzuka Kei was a friend of my deceased boyfriend."

"The deceased boyfriend?" Amuro looked thoughtful and asked, "The boyfriend you are talking about is the cashier who was killed in the bank robbery, right?"

"Yes." Kamagawa Serina replied: "At that time, he recognized Kenzuka's identity and originally wanted to stop him, but he was silenced by the robbers."

"So, you followed the clue of your boyfriend to find Keizuka Kei, and wanted to find the other two robbers through him?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"Well! I want to avenge my boyfriend!" Kamagawa Serina said.

"Then how many people have you found now?" Yu Gongming asked.

Kamawa hesitated for a while and then said: "In addition to Keizuka Kei, there is another robber, and that person is roommate with Kenzuka."

"Oh? Was he killed by you?" Yu Gongming asked.

Kamawa nodded: "Yes, I originally wanted to visit Keizuka Kei on the pretext of helping my boyfriend pick up things, but it turned out that it was his roommate who opened the door."

"Later I found a pistol in their room. The roommate attacked me because he was afraid that his identity would be exposed, but I ended up killing him."

"Where is the body?" Yu Gongming asked.

Pu Chuan replied: "Still in that room, originally I planned to ambush the tomb there, but later I found a lot of food on the table in the living room, as if there was a banquet."

"I was afraid that his friends would come in too, so I hid the man's body first."

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Okay, you can take us and the police to the apartment to have a look later."

"Yes!" Pu Chuan did not refuse. At this point, she could only cooperate with the investigation.

A moment later, the police arrived at the Hanomiya Detective Agency.

After understanding the situation, Officer Megure immediately controlled the confused Keizuka Kei and Kamagawa Serina.

Afterwards, everyone set off to Keizuka Kei's apartment.


As soon as he opened the door of Kenzuka Kei's room, Mengyu immediately frowned: "Hey! It's definitely the smell of corpses!"

Officer Megure looked at Serina Kamikawa and asked in a deep voice: "Miss Kamikawa, where did you hide the body?"

"It's in that room." Kamagawa Serina pointed to a room in the house.

The police and Akira Hanomiya came to the room together.

In the suitcase in the room, the police found the body of a thin man.

The corpse exuded a strong corpse odor, and it was presumed that the time of death was more than a day.

"Is he also one of the robbers?" Officer Megure asked.

"Yes, when he saw that I found the pistol, he immediately attacked me, and then I killed him with the pistol." Pu Chuan replied.

"Yes!" Officer Memu nodded. According to the autopsy, the deceased was indeed killed by a bullet in the neck.

"Officer! What do you think this is?" A forensics officer handed something that looked like a patch to Officer Megure.

"Eh? This is..." Officer Megure frowned at the patch.

"This seems to be a listening device." Amuro said.

"Eavesdropping equipment?" Officer Mumu was surprised.

"Let me see." Mengyu took out her special mobile phone and scanned the patch.

There was a beeping sound.

"It's indeed a bug." Meng Yu nodded.

"What's going on?" Officer Megure asked doubtfully.

"I installed it." Kamagawa Serina said: "I wanted to eavesdrop on Katsuka's reaction after discovering the body, so as to find the third robber. In addition to this, I also installed bugs in other places in the house. "

"Can you please help us find it?"


Under the guidance of Kamikawa, forensic investigators found several bugs throughout the house.

"Officer!" Officer Takagi ran over: "A computer was found in another room, but the computer had a password set."

"Oh?" Officer Memu rushed over immediately.

But in that room, Akira Hanamiya, Mengyu and Toru Amuro were already huddled in front of the computer.

"Hey! You three..." Officer Memu, your daughter's brows jumped.

Yu Gongming turned around and smiled: "Don't worry, I'm wearing gloves!"

"That's not the question...forget it, Brother Hanomiya, do you know the password?" Officer Megure asked in a slightly complicated tone.

"The password is posted here! Officer Takagi didn't find it just now." Akira Hanomiya knocked on the gap between the desk and the drawer, where there was a small piece of paper with numbers and letters written on it.

"Takagi!" Police Memu glared at Takagi dissatisfied.

"I'm sorry!" Takagi could only apologize awkwardly.

He is helpless! Who would have thought that the password would be posted in a place like that?

Officer Megure stopped arguing with Officer Takagi and looked at Akira Hanomiya: "Brother Hanomiya, what did you find?"

"There is indeed quite a big discovery." Yu Gongming said with a smile. \u003c!--over--\u003e

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