Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1127 Toru Amuro’s Thoughts

"Oh? Brother Hanomiya, what did you find?" Officer Megure asked.

"It's a crime plan." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"What?" Officer Memu was shocked and immediately came over.

I saw Yu Gongming browsing a document, which recorded a series of preparations for robbing the bank.

Akira Hanamiya even found something similar to "Are the guns ready?" in the personal mailbox of this computer. ] Such a blatant email title.

"They are indeed bank robbers!" Officer Memu's eyes lit up!

"Yes, and there are even photos." Yu Gongming said and clicked on a photo.

The background of the photo is this room. There are three people in the photo, two men and one woman. What is particularly eye-catching is that all three of them have pistols in their hands!

The man in the middle has the same appearance as the corpse just found, and the man on the right is Keizuka Kei.

On the left is a slightly fat woman.

"It's completely confirmed." Yu Gongming smiled.

"Well! Although one of them is dead, the other one has been arrested and brought to justice. The last woman will be caught soon." Officer Megure smiled.

"The 200 million yuan can be recovered quickly." Hanemiya Ming said: "The guy named Kenzuka found a reason to ask me to help find a locker."

"If I guess correctly, they hid the money in the locker, but only the thin man knows which locker."

"However, he was killed by Miss Kamagawa. Mr. Katatsuka did not find the body and mistakenly thought that he had escaped. However, because he did not really escape, he kept the key to the locker."

"That's why Katsuka found the detective and asked him to help find the locker. Miss Kamagawa, who was secretly eavesdropping, also knew his itinerary, so the incident in the office came about."

"That's it." Officer Megure nodded and said, "Without further delay, I will immediately interrogate Kenzuka Kei, investigate his mobile phone and the key, and strive to arrest the third robber as quickly as possible. Stay and recover the 200 million yuan!"

"Then I'll leave the rest of the matter to you, Officer Megure!" Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

"No problem! Brother Hanomiya, you have been a big help this time!" Officer Megure said with a smile.

Yu Gongming waved his hand and said: "Where! It's just a coincidence, I wish everything goes well!"

Afterwards, Akira Hanomiya and his party left Keizuka Kei's apartment and handed over the rest of the matter to the police.

Having already grasped so many clues, it would be unreasonable for the police to fail to catch the robber.

Half an hour later, the group returned to the Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Yu Gongming sat down on the office chair: "Really, this afternoon was wasted again."

Amuro smiled and said: "Don't say that, Detective Hanomiya solved a bank robbery in three strokes, five divided by two!"

"However, the police will not pay me the commission fee." Yu Gongming said helplessly.

Amuro smiled and said, "Then how about I treat you two to a meal? Just pay for this tuition?"

Yu Gongming waved his hand: "No, I didn't teach you anything, how can I let you spend money?"

"Detective Hanomiya, you are so humble. When faced with emergencies, your response is truly amazing. This is what I need to learn!" Amuro Toru said with a smile.

Yu Gongming spread his hands: "If you really want to thank me, then prepare another dessert for each of us."

"It's a trivial matter!" Toru Amuro agreed.


In the evening, downstairs of the Hanomiya Detective Agency.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Amuro." Akira Hanomiya thanked him.

"As long as you two are satisfied." Toru Amuro smiled and said, "If there is nothing else, I will go back first. I still have some things to deal with at home."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

After saying goodbye, Toru Amuro left.

Turning out of Sanchome, Toru Amuro looked around for a while. After seeing no suspicious person, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Mr. Fukitani." The voice of his assistant Kazami came from the other end of the phone.

"The operation is cancelled." Toru Amuro said calmly.

"Excuse me, what happened? The operation was suddenly interrupted before, and now it was canceled directly?" Feng Jian asked doubtfully.

Toru Amuro replied: "The target's security measures are somewhat unexpected. If we follow the original plan, we may be able to alert the enemy."

"Yes! I understand, shall I evacuate now?" Feng Jian asked.

"Withdraw." Toru Amuro said and hung up the phone.

Toru Amuro took back his phone and let out a breath.

This time, he took advantage of a rare opportunity to take a break to visit Akira Hanomiya. He wanted to use the name of the visit to see what was going on inside the Detective Agency, and to have someone sneak into the agency to investigate after confirming that Akira and Akira Hanomiya were not there. .

A similar investigation should have been carried out a long time ago, but the incident with the man in black robe some time ago distracted most of his attention.

On the one hand, he is actively investigating clues about the man in black robe. On the other hand, he is also collecting information about the organization intentionally or unintentionally to prepare for the next "intelligence transaction".

However, he did not forget the mission of the organization to find the traitor Shirley, so he decided to investigate Akira Hanomiya who might be related.

The reason why he suspected Hanamiya Akira was that, on the one hand, Hanamiya Akira was the last person to come into contact with Reina Mizuna, and he was also a very good detective.

On the other hand, he sorted out the organization's operational data during this period, and using the authority within the public security department, he discovered that on the day Shirley appeared at the Cupido Hotel, Akira Hanamiya and Mengyu were also in the hotel.

Although they seemed to have two children with them at the time and seemed to just come to eat, Toru Amuro still felt that it was a bit too coincidental.

Therefore, he focused on Yu Gongming and conducted this investigation.

In his plan, with him watching from outside, he could keep track of the whereabouts of Akira and Yumiya at any time, allowing Feng Jian who had sneaked into the office time to clean up the traces and evacuate in time.

However, what surprised him was that just after leaving the office, Akira and Hanomiya had already received a reminder that the office had been invaded.

He was surprised at the time, thinking that Feng Jian had already started to act.

It wasn't until he saw Pu Chuan on the surveillance screen that he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, the operations of Yu Miyazaki and the two made him even more frightened. The entire office seemed to be equipped with surveillance cameras, and the surveillance cameras could be viewed remotely through mobile devices.

In particular, the office is also equipped with a quite advanced alarm system, which can not only alert the two Akira Hanomiya when they are out, but can even prevent intruders from being alerted.

All these make it extremely difficult to sneak into the office quietly.

At least relying on Kazama alone may not be enough. Even if you come by yourself, you won’t dare to try it without complete preparation.

Toru Amuro cursed in his heart, you said that you are a detective agency, there is nothing valuable in it, how could you have such a complicated security system.

Even if the office was invaded before, was it still the agents who invaded? Otherwise, why bother arranging such a strict security system?

"However, if you think about it from another angle, maybe there is some ulterior secret inside, which is why such a strict security system is installed... It seems that we have to sneak in and take a look."

Amuro Toru had some concerns in his mind, so he quickened his pace and returned to his residence.

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