Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1147: Exposed, unable to fly?

Hearing Kyogoku's cold question, Sonoko's body stiffened slightly.

Then, she pretended to be calm and laughed: "What are you talking about? Of course I am real! Look, I am still wearing this dress! But the gem in my hand is indeed a fake. .”

"No, this gem is genuine!" A childish voice sounded.

Yuanzi suddenly looked towards the door.

A seven-year-old child wearing a gas mask stepped into the exhibition room, and behind him were a man and two women also wearing gas masks.

Yuanzi's eyes widened and she exclaimed: "Why do you..."

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "You don't think that some sleeping gas can deal with us, do you? Oh, by the way, these are your playing cards, give them back to you!"

Yu Gongming flicked his wrist, and a playing card immediately shot towards "Garden"!


"Yuanzi" turned sideways and narrowly avoided the playing card.


The playing cards were inserted directly into the pillar behind her, and half of the cards were sunk into the pillar.

"Yuanzi" noticed this scene, and the expression under the mask suddenly became extremely exciting: "Although these cards have been specially designed, even a poker gun can't do this, right? This guy actually used his hand... "

However, "Garden" also knew that now was not the time to be shocked.

She immediately looked extremely angry and shouted: "Hanomiya-senpai! What are you doing?"

Akira Hanomiya shook his head for a while: "Tsk, tsk! Even if you deceive Kyogoku, you are just a loser. Do you still want to show off in front of us?"

"Hanomiya, what is going on?" Kyogoku Zhen still didn't understand the current situation and couldn't help but ask.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "You only need to answer two questions and everything will be clear."

He raised a finger: "First, is this gem real?"

The second finger was raised: "Second, what is the situation in this garden that is being captured now?"

"The first question is actually easy to answer." Conan smiled: "As I said just now, this gem is really right."

"The characteristic of Alexandrite is that it will appear dark green when illuminated by strong sunlight in the blue-green spectrum, or the fluorescent lights in this museum; and it will appear dark green when illuminated by strong incandescent lights in the red spectrum, or the flame of a candle. Turns bright red.”

"In other words, the reason for sending those over a hundred letters to the museum was so that we could get the candles to the site and prepare for everything."

"Those letters should have been hidden somewhere in the museum by you, and then handed over to the police after you disguised yourself as Sister Sonoko, right? Because if they were handed over to the post office and heated at some point, there would be no invisible ink The effect.”

"The evidence is that those envelopes did not have post office stamps on them. The stamps used invisible ink that reacts to black light (ultraviolet light that the human eye is insensitive to)."

"But if I am Kidd pretending to be Kidd, wouldn't Kidd want to knock me out and then take off my clothes? He seems to have never done such a thing to a woman, right?" [Sonoko] defended .

"I have to say that Mrs. Suzuki's idea is indeed original, but she is still very careful." Akira Hanomiya said with a subtle smile:

"Hasn't she considered that what would happen if the woman took off her clothes instead of being stunned and the woman took the initiative to cooperate?"

"Yuanzi"'s pupils suddenly shrank!

Yu Gongming chuckled and said: "That's right, if Sonoko takes the initiative to cooperate and give you clothes so that you can disguise yourself as her, this shouldn't violate your so-called gentlemanly behavior, right?"

"But why does Sonoko want to help Kidd?" Kyogoku asked in confusion.

"To make your bet with Kidd stand!" Conan replied.

"Bet?" Kyogoku was really surprised.

"Ha!" Conan chuckled, squatted down, began to adjust his foot strength-enhancing shoes, and said, "The bet, of course, is whether Sonoko, disguised as Kidd, will be seen through by you, or... pass!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Conan kicked the football out of his football belt!


"Sonoko" exclaimed, and the arm held by Kyogoku was slightly shaken.

Kyogoku suddenly felt a sense of numbness, and the hand holding "Sonoko" subconsciously relaxed a little.

"Garden" took advantage of this opportunity to quickly pull out his arm and flashed.


The football passed over the original location of the "garden" and hit the pillar. Dense spider web patterns immediately appeared on the pillar with the football as the center.

"Damn it!" Conan cursed secretly and ran over immediately.

At this moment, a nearby load-bearing column suddenly broke!


The broken pillar instantly fell in the direction of Kyogoku Makoto and Conan.

"Oops!" Conan's face changed slightly.

Before he could make a move, Kyogoku had already grabbed him and dodged him to the side.


The load-bearing pillar crashed to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Kyogoku took Conan to a safe place and immediately looked around: "Where did that guy go?"

"It's up there!" Yu Gongming pointed to the ceiling.

Conan and Kyogoku looked up and saw that Kaitou Kid, who was wearing a white dress, had grabbed the window frame of the skylight and was hanging from the ceiling.

"Hahahaha!" Kidd looked at the people below and burst out laughing: "Emerald Emperor, I will accept it! If I want to complain, I can only blame you for your incompetence in not being able to fly in the sky!"

"I said..." Yu Gongming looked up at Kidd: "You don't think you can escape so easily, do you?"

"Huh? Do you have any backup plans?" Kidd was suddenly shocked.

Akira Hanamiya has repeatedly thwarted his plans, and he is much more wary of Akira Hanamiya than he is of Kyogoku.

Yu Gongming chuckled: "I can only say that you know nothing about real power!"

He turned to look at Xiaolan and Mengyu: "Come on, let's help send Kyogoku up."

The two of them were stunned at first, and then their eyes lit up as they understood what Yu Gongming meant.

Then, the three of them came to the bottom of the skylight, stood in a triangular position, and stretched out their hands.

Several people's hands overlapped in the center of the triangle, forming a foothold roughly large enough for two feet to stand on.

Akira Hanomiya looked at Kyogoku Makoto: "Can you go up?"

Kyogoku Makoto also understood the thoughts of Hanomiya Akira and others at this moment, and nodded heavily: "No problem! But you should be careful!"

Yu Gongming nodded: "Don't worry, unloading force is a basic skill for us. You can restrain your strength a little, and we will help you."

"Okay." Kyogoku nodded and took two steps back.

Kidd looked at the actions of the people below and his eyebrows trembled: "Can we really send people up? No, we have to run away quickly!"

Thinking this, Kaitou Kidd immediately climbed up to the roof along the skylight.

Below, Kyogoku Shin also started running.

After approaching Yu Gongming and the others, he jumped up high.


His feet landed on the foothold established by Yu Gongming and the others.

The three of them, Hanamiya Akira, worked together to remove the impact of Kyogoku Makoto's fall, and then Hamamiya Akira and Kyogoku Makoto used their strength at the same time.


Kyogoku was like a cannonball in an instant, shooting straight into the skylight!

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