Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1148 Winning the bet and dealing with the aftermath

\u003c!--go--\u003e Boom!

Kyogoku punched the glass of the skylight.

In an instant, the entire skylight was blown away, and Kyogoku's rising momentum did not weaken at all, and he rushed to the roof with the flying skylight!


Kyogoku landed firmly on the roof next to the skylight.

Opposite him was Kaitou Kidd, who looked like he had seen a ghost before he could escape.

Kyogoku looked at Kaitou Kid with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, should you give it back to me now, right? That gem, and... Sonoko's heart!"

After hearing this, Kaitou Kidd gradually returned to his usual poker face.

He took a deep look at Kyogoku Makoto and said with a smile: "Since you have come up, it is not impossible to return the gem to you. As for the eldest lady's heart, I can't help you."

"What!?" Kyogoku Zhen immediately clenched his fists,

Kaitou Kidd looked at Kyogoku's real reaction and smiled with a meaningless smile: "Because, there is nothing to repay, and I never stole her heart in the first place."

Kyogoku was really stunned.

Kaitou Kidd explained with a smile; "When I went to her room and proposed this bet to her, she once said this to me..."

[It’s okay if I promise you, but... you also have to promise that I won’t hurt Ah Zhen! Because...because he has a very important game next week]

Kyogoku was completely stunned now.

Kaitou Kid shook his head helplessly: "I was accidentally discovered by the guards of the Suzuki family. The news of my visit could not be kept secret. In desperation, I had to ask Miss Sonoko to help me tell some lies. .”

He glanced in the direction of the skylight, with some displeasure on his face: "Especially to those difficult guys down there... But unfortunately, it seems that you were still hurt a little."

What Kaitou Kid was talking about was that Kyogoku's fist was scratched by the glass when he came up through the skylight just now.

Although it's just a little scratch.

Kaitou Kidd pressed his hat and said with a smile: "That's it for now, then this bet..."

As he spoke, he suddenly threw the Emerald Emperor in his hand towards Kyogoku Makoto.

Seeing this, Kyogoku quickly stretched out his hand and caught the gem.

When he turned his eyes back, Kaitou Kidd had jumped from the roof.

The hang glider unfolded, and Kaitou Kid rode the wind in the moonlight. Only a voice with a smile came: "There is no doubt that Miss Sonoko won!"

Kyogoku looked at Kidd who was gradually disappearing, with a hint of unwillingness in his eyes.

However, feeling the touch of the gem in his hand, this unwillingness calmed down a little.

He jumped out of the skylight.

Akira Yumiya and others have been waiting below. Akira Yumiya, who has unusual hearing, was also responsible for relaying the conversation between the two people above.

Several people were speechless after hearing the bet between Yuanzi and Kidd, and they all lamented that this rich lady was really messing around.

After seeing Kyogoku really come down, several people came forward. Hanamiya Akira smiled and said: "Congratulations, not only won the gem, but also won the heart."

Kyogoku shook his head slightly: "No, Sonoko's heart has always been with me."

Meng Yu rolled her eyes: "Who told you that it was Yuanzi's heart? We knew from the beginning that Kaitou Kidd and Yuanzi had nothing to do with each other. The only one who thinks too much is you!"

Kyogoku was really taken aback: "Then what do you mean..."

"Of course it is the heart of your future father-in-law and mother-in-law!" Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "If I guess correctly, you also made a bet with the Suzuki family's wife, right?"

"Although the specific content is not clear, it should be something like if I don't keep the gem, I will break off the relationship with Sonoko, right?"

"How did you know?" Kyogoku asked in surprise.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "When Mengyu and the others were going to change clothes, I happened to hear what Mrs. Suzuki said to you. I figured it out after a little reasoning."

"That's it." Kyogoku suddenly realized.

"So, for the sake of your lifelong happiness, even if we discovered Kidd's plan, we didn't take action immediately." Meng Yu said with a smile: "Because the best result should be for you to discover Kaidou Kidd's disguise yourself. "

"Of course, if you don't find out in the end, then we can help. Anyway, the whole museum will be knocked unconscious. When the time comes, we will match the words, and you can win the bet."

After Kyogoku heard this, he immediately looked at a few people gratefully: "Thank you for helping me."

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "You're welcome, this help is not in vain. Just remember to give me a discount next time I go to your place to play!"

"No problem!" Kyogoku agreed readily.

"Okay, now that Kidd has left, let's deal with the aftermath. Sonoko should be hiding in a toilet. Kyogoku, go and find it. As for the others, leave it to us." Akira Hanomiya made arrangements. road.

"Okay." Kyogoku nodded.

Afterwards, everyone started to act separately.

Half an hour later.

All those who were knocked unconscious have been revived, and power has been restored to the museum.

"What? You said Kidd knocked you unconscious and then changed into your clothes?" Officer Zhongmori stared at Sonoko.

"Uh, yes, yes!" Yuanzi smiled unnaturally.

Conan, who was not far away, curled his lips: "Tsk~ Kidd must have asked her to say that, right? After all, he is an accomplice."

"Hmph! This guy actually doesn't even spare women! It's so abominable... Wait a minute, if Kidd disguises himself as Sonoko, is that the time to put fluorescent paint on the gas mask?"

"Garden" instantly popped into his mind. When he finally went to the toilet, he enthusiastically waved to the mobile team members and shouted "Thank you for your hard work" along the way.

Thinking of this, Officer Zhongmori suddenly shouted angrily: "Damn Kidd!"

On the other side, Suzuki Jirokichi patted Kyogoku Makoto's shoulder with admiration: "Thanks to you, I saved the gem and foiled Kaitou Kid's plan!"

Kyogoku bowed slightly, looking ashamed: "No, but I still let him run away."

Suzuki Jiroji waved his hand and said: "It's okay! Just have a showdown with him next time you have the chance. Then you must..."

Kyogoku Zhen immediately replied: "Yes! I will definitely defeat him!"

Suzuki Jiroji laughed and said: "That's right! This is the world's most powerful anti-theft system! Hahaha!"

Not far away, the Suzuki couple were watching this scene quietly.

"This young man is still very reliable, isn't he?" Suzuki Shiro said to his wife.

Tomoko Suzuki looked at Kyogoku and her eyes softened a lot, and said with a smile: "Yes, he is a strong man with an upright personality, resoluteness, and polite manners..."

At this point, she suddenly showed a playful smile: "It's worth bullying!"

When Suzuki Shiro saw this smile, he suddenly felt horrified: "His! It's scary..." \u003c!--over--\u003e

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