Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 124: Commission from Chairman Nagato (Ten thousand rewards will be added!)

A few days later.

"Wow! It is indeed the house of the president of the Nagato Group, which is on par with the Sonoko family. It is really different!" Xiaolan exclaimed as she looked at the mansion surrounded by gardens in front of her.

"It is peaceful and quiet here. It is indeed a good place to live and cultivate, but it is indeed different from the style of Yuanzi's villa!" Meng Yu agreed.

"Everyone knows the second young lady of the Suzuki Consortium. She came here several times when she was very young!" Musashinosuke, the housekeeper of the Nagato family who led the group, said with a smile.

"However, what is the purpose of someone with such status as President Nagato coming here to find dad and Hanomiya-senpai? He actually wants to dispatch two famous detectives." Xiaolan was confused.

"It must be an earth-shattering case! Otherwise, how could you find me, Maori Kogoro?" Maori Kogoro said proudly.

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe it's investigating an affair or searching for someone?" Conan said sarcastically from the side.

"Asshole! What nonsense are you talking about?" Mouri Kogoro said angrily.

"Uncle Maori, don't be angry. Even if you are looking for someone to investigate an affair and inviting both of us at the same time, it must be very difficult. We won't be useless." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Two days ago, the butler named Musashinosuke came to the Hanomiya Detective Agency and claimed that Chairman Nagato had important matters to entrust, and he also directly paid a reservation fee of 500,000 yuan.

When he knew that Mouri Kogoro was also invited, he decided to accept the commission.

Anyway, when Conan is around, a case is bound to happen. No matter what commission he entrusts, it will probably turn into a murder case in the end.

Conan's murder cases have always been solved very quickly. Compared with tracking, investigating an affair is much more time-consuming and labor-intensive.

All you need to do is wander around the limited crime scene, look for key evidence, and finally make a pretense of reasoning, and then leave everything else to the police.

How cool!

It's not like investigating an affair, where I have to run around miserably with a camera on my back, take the photos myself, and write the investigation report myself...

How tiring!

Therefore, Yu Gongming happily accepted the commission.

While Yu Gongming was thinking, he suddenly felt someone patted his shoulder heavily.

Hanomiya Akira turned around and saw Mouri Kogoro looking at him with a face full of hatred:

"Kid Hanomiya, what you said is wrong. As detectives, we should solve major and important cases. No matter how difficult it is to investigate an affair or find a person, the essence is still to find a person or to investigate an affair."

"If the media reported news like [The famous detective Akira Hanomiya finally caught so-and-so's affair partner after rigorous reasoning!], wouldn't that sound like a loss of status?"

Yu Gongming's mouth twitched.

Meng Yu quietly rolled her eyes.

Xiaolan turned her head to the side silently.

Conan's half-moon eyes hung up again.

Musashinosuke showed an awkward yet polite smile.

"Please, Uncle Maori, please wake up! Let's not talk about how much water you have as a famous detective. Who hasn't been commissioned to investigate an affair when there is no case? And if the media reports this kind of thing, doesn't it mean that we Didn’t the detective protect the client’s privacy? This will cost you money!”

"And you said that in front of the housekeeper, if what President Nagato entrusted us with was really to find a person or investigate an affair, wouldn't you have offended someone?" Akira Hanomiya complained crazily in his heart.

Therefore, Yu Gongming, who was extremely speechless in his heart, just smiled and did not answer any questions.

However, when he was about to look away from Moori Kogoro, suddenly...


Several people moved their eyes downwards and saw Kogoro Mouri with his legs in the air, his butt stuck in a hole about half a meter in diameter.

"Mr. Mori, are you okay?" Musashinosuke asked with concern.

Mouri Kogoro stood up in embarrassment and complained:

"Why is there a hole here!?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, because we plan to plant some trees by the pond next week, so we dug the holes in advance." Musashinosuke apologized.

"Oh, bad luck!" Mouri Kogoro complained again and said no more.

After all, this is President Nagato's place, and it's obviously not a wise move to dwell on this kind of thing.

After this episode, Akira Hanomiya and his party entered the mansion under the guidance of Musashinosuke.

Stepping on the soft red carpet and looking at the gorgeous interior decoration, several people couldn't help but sigh at the generosity of Nagato's family.

"Strange, why are there so many guards here?" Conan looked around in confusion.

On the first floor alone, he had already spotted no less than ten guards.

"So, it must be an earth-shattering case! Boy Hanomiya, it seems we are going to show off our skills!"

Yu Gongming smiled and said nothing, and continued to admire this unique building.

At a certain moment, Yu Gongming's eyes paused.

In the lobby on the first floor, a middle-aged man wearing a black suit, tall and dignified, was standing near the stairs.

He didn't know whether it was habit or nature, his eyes narrowed slightly, but Yu Gongming instinctively felt a little oppression.

His intuition told him that the man's eyes under his lowered eyes must be extremely intimidating!

"This person is definitely not simple!" Yu Gongming instantly made a judgment in his mind.

He silently withdrew his gaze and followed everyone to the room of Nagato Dozo, the president of the Nagato Group.


""What? You want me to help you find your first love! ? "

"That's right. I heard that you two are famous detectives who solve crimes quickly. Many old friends have introduced you two to me."

"Because both of them are famous detectives, I struggled for a long time about which one to invite, and finally I just invited them both, so that I can find my first love faster." Nagato Michizan, who was sitting on the bedside. He said with a smile.

However, Nagato Douzan didn't know how much his words hurt Mouri Kogoro!

Mouri Kogoro's current expression is very exciting.

Shock, confusion, loss... countless complex emotions seemed to be perfectly expressed by Mouri Kogoro's expression at this moment.

"It's not a big case!" Conan stabbed him for the first time.

"Sure enough, Uncle Maoli shouldn't have high expectations." Meng Yu calmly delivered the combo.

"It's expected." Akira Hanomiya used a calm tone and gave Mouri Kogoro the final blow.

Mouri Kogoro's body became extremely stiff in an instant, as if he were a sculpture without a soul.

The next moment, he returned to normal. After coughing slightly, he said seriously:

"Since it is the president's entrustment, I, Mouri Kogoro, must do my best. Do you have a photo of your first love?"

"I met her when I was in elementary school. I don't have any photos, but I have her name and some news over the years. Please forgive me, Miss Hinata."

Nagato Douzan looked at the intellectual short-haired woman who had been standing quietly aside.

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