Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 125 Meeting Hattori Heiji again

This short-haired woman is none other than President Nagato’s personal secretary—Hyuuga Sachiko.

"Yes, President." Hinata Sachiko picked up a piece of information.

"This lady's name is Akagi Harumi. She was born in Kanagawa Prefecture. After graduating from high school, she didn't get married until she was 29 years old. She and her husband Yukihei Yamato had a child, but she suddenly disappeared four or five years after giving birth."

"Missing?" Yu Gongming was confused.

"Yes, at least no trace of that woman's activities has been found in Japan." Hinata Sachiko said.

"This... I'm afraid this is news from more than ten years ago..." Mouri Kogoro frowned.

"Yes, that's why I have to ask you two famous detectives." Nagato Dōsan said with a smile.

"Um, which friend introduced us to you?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

He really wanted to kill the friend who introduced them to President Nagato!

"it's me."

The door to the room suddenly opened, revealing the figure of a middle-aged man.

"It's the man downstairs... Now that I see his face, I suddenly feel a little familiar..." Yu Gongming thought to himself.

"Excuse me, are you..." Mouri Kogoro looked at the middle-aged man.

"Ah! He is one of my old friends, Hattori Heizo, who is now serving as the chief of the Osaka Police Station!" Nagato Douzan took the initiative to introduce.

"What!? are that Hattori Heizo!" Mouri Kogoro was shocked.

"Yes, he is the person who will appear on TV whenever a big case occurs in Osaka!" Xiaolan also seemed to recognize Hattori Heizo.

"I see, no wonder I always feel like I've seen this person somewhere...Eh? Wait!" Conan's face suddenly changed slightly.

The next moment, a dark head suddenly popped out from behind Hattori Heizo's burly body:

"Hi, Kudo, Hanomiya, how are you doing lately?"

"Hattori Heiji?" Mouri Kogoro asked in surprise.

"Wait, did you just say Kudo?" Xiaolan keenly noticed some important points.

Mengyu turned her eyes and saw that Conan seemed to be jumping around, so she quickly pretended to be calm and said:

"Hattori, we are friends after all. Isn't it appropriate for you to just call me Kudo like this?"

"Long time no see Hattori." Akira Hanamiya greeted with a smile, and then looked at Conan:

"Conan seems very excited to see you."

Conan, who was a little confused because of Xiaolan's words, immediately understood and said in a sweet voice:

"Hello, Heiji-nii~"

Yumiya Akira, Meng Yu, and Conan looked at Hattori Heiji silently.

Hattori Heiji saw the reactions of several people and was stunned for a moment. Then he hurriedly scratched the back of his head and walked out from behind Hattori Heizang:

"I'm sorry, Mengyu. After all, I called your brother before and I'm used to calling Kudo..."

"Eh? Did Shinichi talk to you on the phone too?" Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I have already obtained Kudo's mobile phone number from Meng Yu. After that, I would occasionally talk to Kudo on the phone to exchange some reasoning matters." Hattori Heiji always did it with his mouth when he fooled people.

"That's it..." Xiaolan suddenly realized.

"Huh... I finally got through... Damn Hattori! I shouldn't have told him my true identity in the first place!" Conan breathed a sigh of relief and cast a resentful look at Hattori Heiji.

Seeing this, Hattori Heiji could only continue scratching the back of his head and laughing.

It's true that he didn't think carefully.

"Eh? Are there guests at home?" A soft female voice said, and two young women walked into the room.

The face of the woman on the left has clear outlines. Although her skin is fair, her facial features are a bit less soft. With a serious expression and a hint of contempt in her eyes, she doesn't look easy to get along with.

The woman on the right has much softer facial features and a faint smile at the corner of her mouth. At first glance, she seems to be a well-educated lady.

"These are my two daughters, Nobuko and Yasue." Nagato Dōsan introduced.

"It looks like there's not just a guest, but a vixen as well!" Nagato Nobuko's tone was mocking, and she pointed at Hinata Sachiko very rudely:

"You've been sleeping here these days, right? What's going on in your heart as a woman?"

"Nobuko, I have been lying in bed unable to move during this period. Many company decisions..." Nagato Dōzo seemed to want to explain something.

"Can't we just fax this kind of thing?" Nagato Nobuko interrupted his father directly.

"Things are not as simple as you think..." Nagato Dosan sighed.

Nagato Nobuko ignored her father and turned to look at Hanomiya Akira and the others: "Who are these?"

"I'm a private detective." Mouri Kogoro said.

"We accepted the commission from President Nagato and came here." Akira Hanomiya added.

"Entrustment? What entrustment?" Nagato Nobuko asked.

"That's right, because the president is looking for his first love, so...ah!"

Before Hinata Sachiko finished speaking, Nagato Nobuko raised her hand, slapped Hinata Sachiko, and slapped her directly onto the bed!

"Has anyone asked you anything?" Nagato Nobuko said in a bad tone.

Hinata Sachiko looked around, and suddenly picked up an old pen that fell on the bed with a look of panic.

"Hmph! You still keep that dirty pen. I don't care if it's your father's relic. I feel sick when I see this pen!" Nagato Nobuko said coldly.

"Sister, stop talking..." Nagato Yasue couldn't stand it anymore.

"Kang Jiang, you have to be careful. If you don't pay attention, your brightness will be taken away by this vixen, hahahaha..."

Nagato Nobuko walked out of the room with a mocking laugh.

"Hey! Sister..." Nagato Yasue also hurriedly chased after him, with a hint of displeasure on his face.

Yu Gongming and others looked at this scene and frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry, Miss Hinata, because Nobuko hasn't gotten married yet at this age, so I've been feeling a little irritable recently..." Nagato Douzan apologized.

"It's okay..." Hinata Sachiko's expression was quite normal, and she didn't seem to take this matter to heart.

"I'm curious, how tolerant someone must be to be willing to marry Miss Nobuko..." Yu Gongming cursed in his heart.

"Well, President, if nothing happens, I will go back to the company to deal with the matter." Hinata Sachiko said.

"Wait a minute, Miss Hinata..." Nagato Dosan raised his hand to hold back:

"I will announce that tonight, if you still have sympathy for my son..."

"My feelings for Hidetomi have never been sympathy..." Hinata Sachiko directly interrupted President Nagato:

"This is the fate of Hidetomi and I. We have been tightly bound by fire since a long time ago."

After Sachiko Hinata said these meaningful words with a smile, she nodded to everyone and left the room.

"It seems that the relationship between the eldest family is a bit complicated... the bond of fire... seems to have some impression... keywords with unknown meanings like this are usually important clues in the case. Write them down first..." Yu Gongming I thought to myself.

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