Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1294 A stained hero?

Two motorcycles speed down the road in Tokyo.

"The gangster's motorcycle stopped!" Conan said: "At that location, if I guess correctly, the gangster has prepared other escape tools!"

"If that's the case, that wouldn't be good!" Seriang frowned immediately.

"It's better to go and take a look first, but be careful!" Yu Gongming said solemnly.

"I know!" Shiliang nodded solemnly.

Later, the two stopped the car near the target point.

"We'll take the walk next time." Yu Gongming said as he got out of the car.

"Yeah!" Neither Conan nor Sera objected, and also got out of the car.

The three of them moved carefully towards the target point together.

Suddenly, Akira Hanomiya stopped Sera and grabbed Conan.

The two looked at him at the same time.

Yu Gongming made a silent gesture and pointed to the corner ahead.

Conan Seriang's expression changed, and he held his breath for a moment.

Yu Gongming motioned for the two of them to stand where they were, while he quietly approached the corner.

He leaned against the wall and cautiously poked his head.

The first thing you see is the motorcycle with a Shinjuku license plate.

Then he turned his eyes and saw the helmeted figure standing next to the motorcycle.

Then, he raised the muzzle of the gun in his hand and pointed it at Yu Gongming.

Yu Gongming screamed in his heart and quickly retracted his head.


The bullet grazed the corner of the wall and passed in front of Yumiya Akira, and finally hit the ground.

Conan and Sera, who were not far behind, shrank their pupils when they saw this scene!

Yu Gongming's face darkened slightly, thinking about how to deal with it.

The safest approach is undoubtedly to retreat immediately.

However, after finally finding the other party again, I would be somewhat unwilling to let the other party leave like this.

Moreover, although he was wearing a helmet the whole time, because Conan was following him, his recognition was not low. If he did not catch the other party, there was no guarantee that the other party would not retaliate later.

He didn't want to have to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

The best result is to keep the other party now.

However, although the three of them have good close combat capabilities, the other party has a gun in his hand, and judging from his bottom-up sniping performance hundreds of meters away, the other party's marksmanship has definitely reached the first-class level.

Standing close to a master shooter's gunfire, you may be killed on the spot if you are not careful!

While Yu Gongming was thinking about countermeasures, a burst of engine roar sounded behind him.

The next moment, a black car rushed into the corner.

Bang bang bang!

Continuous gunfire suddenly rang out from around the corner.

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows slightly. The gangster's reaction was not what he would expect when he saw a strange vehicle.

At this time, another black car suddenly braked and stopped.

The car door opened and a blond woman got out of the car holding a gun.

"Is it Teacher Judy?" Yu Gongming looked surprised.

That's right, the person coming is none other than FBI agent Judy Stelling!

As soon as Judy got out of the car, without any nonsense, she raised her gun and shot in the direction of the gangster.

Bang bang bang!

At the same time, different gunshots were heard from the corner. It seemed that someone in the black car that had rushed into the corner also started shooting.

Yu Gongming didn't have a gun on him, so he could only watch this scene silently.

After a firefight, a violent explosion suddenly came from the corner!

Judy's expression changed slightly and she immediately rushed towards the alley!

After Han Gongming and others looked at each other, they came to the corner and looked inside.

Deep in the corner, I saw a burning car with billowing smoke. In front of the thick smoke, besides Judy rushing past, there was a familiar figure.

FBI agent-Andre Kamel.

Hatemiya Akari glanced at Judy's car, and through the open door, she could faintly see James' figure.

"Hey! It's all here!" Yu Gongming clicked his tongue in his heart.

After a while, Judy and Kamel came out from around the corner.

"Let him slip away." Judy shook her head regretfully.

Yu Gongming walked over and said, "So, is that guy from the United States?"

"Yeah! He is an extremely dangerous person." Judy replied.

"It seems that now we can only hand it over to the Japanese police." James, who didn't know when he got out of the car, sighed.

As soon as he finished speaking, police cars approached one after another.

"By the way, about my pistol..." Judy hesitated.

"Understood! These bullets were all shot by the gangster." Yu Gongming understood clearly.

"Thank you!" Judy smiled.

She crossed her arms and said with some distress: "If we didn't catch him this time, we can only let the Japanese police search all the rock walls in the bay."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch, right?" Kamel was a little less optimistic: "For the SEALs, the sea is like their own yard."

When Conan heard this, his eyes widened slightly: "You mean SEALs?"

"That guy is from the SEALs?" Sera asked in surprise.

"Huh? So you're not with them?" Yu Gongming looked at Sera.

"No!" Seriang was a little innocent: "I just happened to be following the man who was sniped, as a detective."

"Entrustment?" Yu Gongming confirmed.

"Yes!" Shiliang nodded.

Conan suddenly realized that at the [BELL TREE Tower], that feeling of being watched by someone came from Sera!


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, conference room.

The Search Section 1 held a meeting regarding the [BELL TREE Tower] sniper incident.

In addition to police personnel, witnesses such as Yu Gongming, Meng Yu, and Xiaolan were also invited to attend the meeting.

However, the keynote speaker at this meeting was not a police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department, but several investigators from the FBI.

"Everyone, please look here!" James gestured to the projection screen and said, "Based on the photos we got and our sniping ability, he should be the prisoner this time!"

A photo appeared of a Western man with a slender face and a crew cut.

"Timothy Hunter, 37 years old, is a former sniper of the U.S. Navy Poster Special Forces. He once went to the Middle East to participate in exhibitions. He has outstanding military exploits and is a hero on the battlefield."

"Since he is a hero on the battlefield, how could he..." Mouri Kogoro wondered.

"We believe that the cause is this Silver Star Medal." Kamel pointed to a medal on the projection screen.

Judy further added on the side: "This is a medal of honor awarded to soldiers for their combat application when fighting hostile armed forces. The year after Hunter received this medal, it was taken back for violating the rules of engagement."

"Reclaimed?" Shiliang asked in surprise.

"Yes." Judy nodded: "An army officer accused him of shooting an unarmed civilian. Of course, Hunter denied it. As a result of the final investigation, he was not prosecuted due to insufficient evidence."

"But after this incident, Hunter changed from the original war hero to what others call... a stained hero."

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