A stained hero?

Yu Gongming was a little dissatisfied.

The U.S.'s involvement in the situation in the Middle East is, to put it bluntly, a mess that is constantly being sorted out and added to chaos. The armed conflicts that occur there are difficult to define as just wars in all senses.

As for the other party's bravery and outstanding military exploits, Yu Gongming could only say that he was an excellent soldier, but that was all.

Not to mention that he is now the biggest suspect in a sniper incident! ,

Not mentioning Yu Gongming's thoughts, Judy's explanation continued:

"Perhaps affected by the Silver Star incident, Hunter lost his original calmness, was isolated on the battlefield, and was hit in the head by an enemy bullet."

"This..." Everyone did not expect that things would develop like this, and their expressions were a little subtle.

"What happened next?" Yuanzi couldn't help but ask.

Judy said: "Fortunately, the operation was successful. He saved his life, but he was discharged from the army and returned to his country."

"However, his misfortune did not end there." Kamel took over: "After returning to China, in order to live a peaceful life, he moved to the countryside of Seattle, Washington."

"It's just that he has never been able to forget the past events on the battlefield. These memories have been tormenting Hunter, and these misfortunes not only happened to Hunter alone, but also affected his wife and sister who lived with him."

"The investment failure led to bankruptcy, my sister committed suicide because her engagement was cancelled, and my wife died of a drug overdose,"

"Hunter lost his reputation, property, and beloved family, and became completely destitute. For the next six years, Hunter disappeared."

"But why would such a person be considered a suspect in this sniper incident?" Officer Shiratori asked.

Judy explained: "It happened three weeks ago. In Seattle, a local newspaper reporter named Brian Woods was shot and killed by a rifle."

"The police launched an investigation into the victim and found that the reporter had written a series of tainted heroic reports and pursued and beat up Hunter and his wife, causing them to suffer from mental weakness and a great impact on their lives. .”

"For this reason, the police listed Hunter as an important suspect. After investigation by the police and the FBI, it was found that he had entered Japan two weeks ago. Therefore, the FBI headquarters ordered the three of us who were on vacation in Japan to arrest Hang as soon as possible. Special arrest and prosecution.”

"I see, that's why this situation happened today!" Officer Megure suddenly said.

The situation he mentioned was that the three FBI men intervened in a case that was originally handled by the Japanese police.

However, this kind of thing cannot be explained clearly, and Officer Megure can only be so vague.

"Yes!" James nodded: "What is Hunter's current whereabouts?"

Officer Megure replied: "We are still searching in the bay, but we haven't found anything yet."

"It's no wonder." Kamel said: "I think you also know that SEAL's [SEAL] is the abbreviation of Sea, Air and Army, among which swimming is a strong point, alongside rifle sniper skills. "

"About the sniper..." Officer Shiratori stood up and reported: "We found unusual items on the roof of the building where the sniper was suspected."

"What's unusual?" Judy asked.

"Chiba!" Officer Shiratori looked at Officer Chiba.

"Yes!" Police Officer Chiba stood up and said, "We found the dice and a 51 mm long empty bullet casing in the hanging track of the exterior wall cleaning trolley of [BELL TREE Tower]. The bullet casing was the same as the 7.62 mm bullet used in the crime. Bullets of the same caliber.”

James raised his eyebrows slightly: "This is exactly the same as the NATO ammunition (NATO standard ammunition) of the AK11 rifle that Hunter loves to use!"

"So, it's true..." Chiba seemed to have concluded that Hunter was responsible for the sniper attack.

Officer Shiratori was not so arbitrary and asked: "Aside from bullet casings, were there also dice in the sniper attack in Seattle?"

"We have no corresponding information about this." Kamel shook his head: "But there is some connection between Hunter and the dice."

"Oh?" Everyone looked interested.

Kamel explained: "I heard that Hunter likes dice games very much, and he still has a tattoo of dice on his right arm."

"Is that so?" Officer Shiratiao frowned, lost in thought.

"Although the connection is a bit weak, we don't rule out the possibility that Hunter will use this method to convey the message." Officer Megure said solemnly.

"Yes!" James nodded slightly: "If this crime was committed by Hunter, then the victim is the best evidence."

"Oh? Do you mean that Hunter had sufficient motives to kill Mr. Fujinami Hiroaki?" Officer Megure asked doubtfully.

"Yes!" Judy gestured to the photo of the victim on the projection screen: "This Fujinami Hiroaki was the one who sold bad real estate to Hunter seven years ago, causing him to go bankrupt."

"So, the murderer must be Hunter!" Mouri Kogoro immediately made a conclusion.

Yu Gongming's eyes flashed slightly. Since Uncle Maori said so, I'm afraid the murderer may not be Hunter.

After all, the first murderer identified by Uncle Maori was basically innocent.

Although this is a bit metaphysical, in the world of Conan, you still have to believe it. After all, Xiaolan's luck in lottery and mahjong cannot be explained by common sense.

However, everything still needs to be supported by rigorous reasoning and evidence. The above is for reference only.

"That's right!" Conan suddenly looked at Sera: "What commission did Sister Sera receive to follow Mr. Fujinami?"

"Oh! That's it!" Sera explained: "A relative of a classmate of mine in the same grade is planning to marry Fujinami recently. Maybe he thinks there is something wrong with him? So he entrusted me to conduct a net worth survey."

"According to my investigation, Fujinami seems to have approached some women and then sold bad properties to them. Although it is unfortunate that he died, the cancellation of the marriage was also a blessing for the relative."

"Hmph! Net worth survey? You really don't know how high the sky is!" Mouri Kogoro muttered unhappily.

Xiaolan and Conan could only smile helplessly at Mouri Kogoro's sour muttering.

"Judging from the current situation, I'm afraid Hunter will never give up!" Officer Sato said solemnly.

"Indeed." Officer Shiratori agreed.

"So, is there anyone else that Hunter might have killed?" Officer Megure looked at the three FBI agents.

"Judy!" James said.

"Yes!" Judy began to operate the projector, and James explained at the same time: "According to the intelligence we have at the FBI, there are three people who meet the conditions for Hunter's killing."

"Three people? So many?" Officer Megure was startled.

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