Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1296 The meeting is over, temporary calm

"Yes!" Judy gestured to the projection screen: "Next, these three people are likely to be killed by Hunter."

Three photos appeared on the projection screen.

"Jack Waltz, 45, is the former Army captain who exposed Hunter's violation of the rules of engagement. He currently runs a military manufacturing company in San Diego."

Kamel introduced the second person: "Next is Bill Murphy, 35 years old, a subordinate of Waltz and a witness who exposed Hunter's violation of the rules of engagement. A former Army sergeant, he worked as a secretary in Waltz's company after retiring."

"If he is going to San Diego to kill people, then the Japanese police can't provide any help, right?" Mouri Kogoro frowned.

"No, in fact, both of them are in Japan now." James said

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

James further explained: "Two days ago, Waltz went to Kyoto with his family, while Murphy was still stranded in Nikko."

"Kyoto and... Nikko?" Everyone silently wrote down the names of these two places.

"Yes, according to the itinerary, they will stay for another 8 days." James said.

"Then the last person..." Judy pointed to a photo of a young man: "Mori Shangren, 34 years old. It was because he canceled the engagement with Hunter's sister that she committed suicide."

"Morisan was once an office worker stationed in Seattle. He resigned four years ago and his whereabouts are currently unknown."

"Two of the three are in Japan!" Sera murmured.

"Obviously, Hunter came to Japan just for them!" Mouri Kogoro said firmly.

"Okay!" Officer Megure immediately ordered in a deep voice: "Immediately contact the Kyoto Prefectural Police and Tochigi Prefectural Police to strengthen the alert, list Timothy Hunter as an important suspect, and issue an urgent wanted order!"

"Yes!" All the police officers agreed.


Akira Hanomiya and his party left the Metropolitan Police Department and headed to the parking lot.

"The SEAL snipers are really tricky!" Mouri Kogoro sighed.

"It's indeed tricky." Shiliang nodded.

"It's just that I don't quite understand why the other party didn't start taking revenge until six years later?" Conan looked puzzled.

"Perhaps you suddenly thought of it?" Mouri Kogoro replied casually, and then looked at Sera with a slightly serious expression: "Isn't your detective game almost over, kid?"

"If boy Hanomiya hadn't followed you today, something might have happened to you and Conan!"

"And you kid!" Mouri Kogoro knocked on Conan's head again: "You are so naive, don't you have any idea? Don't wander around in the future! Xiaolan is very worried about you!"

"Yes!" Conan said with a complacent expression. As for whether he would practice it? Everyone who understands understands.

"Since there's nothing else to do, I'll leave first!" Shiliang said with a smile.

"Yeah! Goodbye, Sera!" Xiaolan replied with a smile.

Seriang waved to a few people, then turned and left.

Mouri Kogoro frowned slightly: "She seems not to have listened at all!"

"So, uncle only advises Conan and Seriang, but has no objection to A Ming's actions?" Meng Yu asked with a smile.

Mouri Kogoro snorted: "Hanomiya boy is already a professional detective who has opened a detective agency after all. He is not as immature as those two brats."

"With his cautious behavior, I feel more at ease."

"Thank you for the compliment, uncle. Compared to uncle, I have a long way to go!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

This is not entirely polite, at least he cannot do what Mouri Kogoro has been doing for ten years. Among the real and fake, even Xiaolan and the sharp-minded Shinichi, who have been getting along day and night, have not found any flaws for so many years.

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro laughed very helpfully and said: "That's right! Compared with my detective Moori Kogoro, you still need to keep working hard! Hahahaha!"

Seeing Mouri Kogoro's behavior, Conan and Xiaolan's expressions were very subtle, and there was even a hint of admiration in Conan's eyes.

If this was Uncle Maori's performance, then Conan said he didn't see any flaws at all.

Afterwards, a few people chatted for a while, then got into their vehicles and left the Metropolitan Police Department.


That night.

Yu Gongming carried a large bag of fireworks sticks and came to the courtyard of the doctor's house with Mengyu.

In order to calm everyone, especially the three children, from the bad mood of the shooting, the doctor specially invited the Young Detective Team to set off fireworks.

As for why it was Yumiya Akira holding the fireworks stick.

Because these fireworks sticks come from [Brown Dessert Shop] downstairs of their home.

Miss Harumi has recently launched some promotions. Anyone who comes here to buy desserts worth more than 1,000 yen can receive a free firework stick.

At that time, Akira Hanomiya returned to the downstairs of the office and happened to meet Miss Harumi and chatted with her about today's events.

When she heard that the doctor was going to ask everyone from the Young Detective Team to set off fireworks, she immediately gave a large bag of fireworks sticks originally used for promotion to Akira Hanomiya.

Akira Hanamiya originally wanted to buy it at the market price, but after Miss Harumi sternly refused, he no longer insisted.

Seeing Yu Gongming coming over, the three little eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wow! So many fireworks sticks!" Ayumi said in surprise.

"Yes!" Hanemiya Akira said with a smile: "This was specially given to me by Miss Harumi of the dessert shop after she heard about your affairs. You must thank her properly later!"

"Wow! That's great!" Yuantai immediately cheered: "In the future, I will definitely go to the dessert shop and buy a lot of cakes to take care of her business!"

"Then I will recommend this dessert shop to the people around me!" Mitsuhiko also said: "However, it seems that this dessert shop is somewhat famous in the neighborhood, right? I think the neighbors nearby sometimes mention it. Come back with the bag from that dessert shop.”

"I haven't seen much of it over there!" Bumi recalled: "Then let me help recommend it! The desserts in that dessert shop are really great!"

Xiao Ai on the side looked at the three little ones actively helping the dessert shop to attract business, and couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, okay! As long as you have the heart, come on! Take whatever you want!" Yu Gongming smiled and opened the bag.

"Okay!" The three little ones cheered and grabbed the fireworks sticks.

Not long after, bunches of brilliant sparks lit up in the doctor's garden.

Half an hour later.

Although Yu Gongming brought a large number of fireworks sticks, after so much squandering, there were not many left.

When the last firework stick burned out, the three little ones all showed expressions of unfinished content.

"What a's just gone!" Mitsuhiko sighed.

"It doesn't matter! I have already expected this situation!" The doctor laughed, and then suddenly opened the white coat he was wearing outside.

Everyone took a closer look and saw a somewhat unique belt wrapped around the doctor's waist.

"This is... a football belt!" Conan is very familiar with this belt. He has a similar one now!

The doctor smiled proudly: "This is an enhanced version! Conan, do you want to try it?"

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