Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1315 All parties

After a while, Yu Gongming hung up the phone.

Reminding Officer Megure to be careful of the murderer's other assassination methods is the limit of what he can do as "Detective Akira Hanomiya".

As for personally going to Waltz's location in this capacity to participate in the protection, that would easily expose himself and Mengyu to Gin's sight.

Even though he was a witness to the sniper case and had a close relationship with the police, Gin would not think of Kudo Shinichi or the "mysterious force" that had always been against the organization.

But don't forget, Kudo Shinichi originally provoked the organization because he peeked into the organization's secret transactions. After becoming Conan, he has concealed his identity until now.

According to the information revealed by Toru Amuro, Gin's sniper waltz was probably a channel for arms smuggling with Yoshino, and he must have taken this very seriously.

If I sabotage his plan as Yu Gongming, there is no guarantee that he will not target me.

Regardless of the reason, letting Gin's eyes fall on him is a danger in itself.

Of course, now that he knew about the actions that might involve Gin, it was impossible for Akira Hanomiya to do nothing.

After pondering for a while, he called Conan.


Outside a luxurious suite in a hotel in Tokyo.

"Are you really not thinking about letting our police escort Mr. Waltz to the airport?" Officer Sato looked at the two bodyguards guarding the door and said with a slightly anxious tone.

The sturdy bodyguard in a black suit said expressionlessly: "I'm sorry, the boss has made a decision, and we will escort him to the airport."

"Please believe in our professionalism, we are fully capable of protecting the safety of our employers!"

"But the opponent is a dangerous sniper! And the opponent's assassination method may not be limited to sniping!" Officer Sato couldn't help but said in a more serious tone.

One of the bodyguards frowned slightly and said, "The company we belong to is the top security company in the United States. We have rich experience in dealing with various situations. Don't worry."

"Rather than protecting the target, the real job of your police should be to catch the prisoner who tried to threaten Mr. Waltz's life, instead of wasting each other's time here."

"You!" Officer Sato's face suddenly became angry!

Upon seeing this, Officer Takagi immediately tugged her arm, stepped forward and said with a smile: "Ahaha! Since Mr. Waltz insists, then we won't disturb you!"

Then, he pulled the somewhat indignant Officer Sato away.

After turning a corner, Officer Sato still looked unhappy: "I really don't know what that guy was thinking. He told us where he was going to stay, and when the police arrived, they couldn't even see anyone!"

Officer Takagi laughed dryly: "Who knows? But since we are all here, we should help patrol the surroundings. Maybe we can find some suspicious characters?"

Hearing this, Officer Sato nodded slightly: "Okay! I don't know if Shiratori's survey of possible sniper points around him has found anything..."

"I hope you can gain something, right?" Officer Takagi smiled.

The two police officers drifted away while talking.

On the other side, after the two police officers left, one of the bodyguards knocked on the door gently: "BOSS, those police officers are gone."

After a while, the door opened, and another man with a Western face in a black suit appeared and nodded slightly towards him: "I understand, you continue to guard the door. Don't let anyone in without my permission! "

"Yes!" The two bodyguards nodded at the same time.

Then, the door closed again.

The man with a Western face returned to the room and sat down on the sofa. He glanced around and made sure that there were no gaps in the curtains for prying eyes. He took out his mobile phone and started dialing.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Hello! Wilson?" came a voice from the other side.

"Mr. Waltz, according to your arrangement, I have checked into this hotel using your identity and brought the police here." The man named Wilson said respectfully.

"Oh? So what are they doing now?" Waltz asked.

"Yes! According to my observation, the police have sent people to investigate the surrounding area, especially the commanding heights." Wilson replied.

"Very good! Then you stay there and wait. I'm on my way to the airport now. I'll contact you when I get back to the United States!" Waltz smiled.

"Understood!" Wilson replied.

"Yeah! You should be careful too!" Waltz warned and then hung up the phone.


A white Porsche 356A in Tokyo.

"Okay! I understand!" Vodka put down his phone and turned to look at Gin:

"Brother! The people who went to investigate sent word that a lot of police officers have arrived near the Burtner Hotel. They are not only active inside the hotel, but they have also patrolled the nearby commanding heights."

"Moreover, Jack Waltz's information was also found in the check-in record. It seems that he is really at the Burtner Hotel!"

"Yeah!" Ginjiu nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Vodka looked at Gin hesitantly: "Brother... should I rush there right now?"

"There's no rush." ​​Gin said calmly.

To be honest, he had underestimated the enemy before. Unexpectedly, Waltz hired a team of well-trained bodyguards to help Waltz block the fatal blow he was determined to get.

Although this is also related to the fact that the power he can call upon in Kyoto is relatively limited, failure is failure, and Gin will not make any excuses.

Fortunately, after many setbacks, he acted more cautiously, so he also made arrangements after failure.

While sniping Waltz, he also installed a transmitter on Waltz's car.

With the help of the transmitter, he successfully grasped the other party's movements back to Tokyo.

Afterwards, the transmitter ended up at a hotel called Burtner in Tokyo.

Gin sent people to investigate, and the result of the investigation was the information reported by Vodka before.

All indications are that Jack Waltz is now at the Burtner Hotel!

However, Gin thinks things are not that simple.

Waltz had just encountered such a sniper in the morning. In the afternoon, he not only checked into the hotel with his real identity, but also even asked the police to come and patrol the area with great fanfare, for fear that others would not know that there was a special guest living in the hotel.

After all, Waltz was a man who had been in the navy, so he would not make such a stupid mistake. "

Therefore, in order to verify his doubts, he needed further information.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

After the call was connected, a voice came from the other side: "Brother! After investigation, it was found that one of the guests who booked business class on the plane to Washington at 3:15 in the afternoon was the bodyguard captain hired by Waltz, Henry Wilson! "

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