Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1316: The old suspicion array?

Listening to the report on the phone, a glint suddenly flashed in Gin's eyes, and he immediately had a guess in his mind.

The "Waltz" staying in the hotel, including the police who arrived, were just a cover-up. The real Waltz had already bought a plane ticket and was preparing to fly back to the United States at 5:15 p.m.!

"Hmph! Rats always like to play tricks!" Gin sneered in his heart and looked at the time.

4:12 p.m.

"One enough." He murmured in his heart, and Gin asked the vodka to start the white Porsche with a calm expression.


At 4:20 in the afternoon, Akira Hanomiya took Subaru Okiya's car and arrived near the hotel where Waltz was staying.

"How's it going? Have you found any traces of Gin?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Found it." Mengyu stared at the phone and said: "The road surveillance captured a Porsche 356AA, and one of the surveillance cameras captured the driver's seat. The driver was Vodka, but..."

There was a hint of hesitation in her tone: "Judging from their route, they seem to be heading towards Narita International Airport."

"Oh? Going to the airport?" Hanemiya Akira was startled: "Are they planning to ambush Mr. Waltz at the airport?"

"Is it because I'm afraid of the police here?" Meng Yu speculated: "I just saw a lot of police patrolling nearby, and I also saw their presence in many commanding heights around."

"If the assassination is not limited to sniping, then with Gin's ability, the police here alone should not be able to stop him." Subaru Okiya said calmly.

Gin is also his old rival, and he is extremely aware of how difficult the opponent is.

"Is that so..." Yu Gongming frowned slightly and turned on the communicator: "Conan, what's going on in the hotel now?"

"I was about to contact you!" Conan said: "I just met two police officers, Sato and Takagi. They told me that Mr. Waltz has not left the room since he arrived at the hotel. No one except his bodyguards. Not seen."

"I asked the front desk again, and the other person said that there was indeed a Mr. Waltz staying at the hotel, but all the formalities were handled by the bodyguard, and he had never actually met the gentleman."

Hearing this, Yu Gongming's eyes flashed: "Could it be that..."

A guess flashed through his mind, and he said to Conan: "I know, Conan, please come back, we are going to the airport now!"

"Airport?" Conan wondered.

"Come back and explain! Move quickly!" Yu Gongming urged.

"Got it!" Conan seemed to realize something, agreed and hung up the communication.

In less than two minutes, Conan opened the rear door and got into the car.

As soon as Conan closed the car door, Subaru Okiya immediately started the car and sped towards the airport!

On the road.

"So that's it! Mr. Waltz wanted to use this method to confuse the murderer and make him think that he was still in Japan. In fact, he had secretly boarded the plane back to China!" Conan said suddenly.

"Unfortunately, looking at the direction of the Porsche 356A, Gin has probably seen through Waltz's trick." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"In the final analysis, he underestimated the enemy too much." Meng Yu shrugged: "There are many flaws in his arrangement. For example, he has been avoiding guests, and he used his identity as the bodyguard captain to buy the plane tickets."

"The bodyguard he hired belongs to a company that is well-known in the United States. I did a little search and found the other party's information."

"Such an arrangement would not be a problem under normal circumstances, but in the face of a hacker who can hack into the surveillance system in advance and paralyze it, this is considered an oversight."

"Judging from his attitude towards the police, I'm afraid he doesn't know that the surveillance near the sniper site has been hacked." Okiya Subaru said.

"But, don't you think it's strange?" Akira Hanomiya narrowed his eyes and said, "If it is because he is worried that the other party may ambush him at Kansai Airport and secretly return to Tokyo."

"Then after returning to Tokyo, why did he bother to raise suspicions and make such a big fanfare to let the murderer know that he was back in Tokyo?"

"Shouldn't the normal operation be to secretly return to Tokyo and then immediately take a flight back to China?"

Conan also looked thoughtful: "Indeed, I remember when you went to the Metropolitan Police Department for a meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon, you learned that Mr. Waltz had come to Tokyo."

"And judging from the current clues, this is likely to be deliberately revealed by Mr. Waltz. If he really wants to return to the United States, he will be able to board the plane after returning to Tokyo, even before your meeting."

"Yet, he went so far as to create suspicion and gave the murderer such a smoke bomb..."

"As a former SEAL sniper, this behavior seems a bit too procrastinating." Meng Yu said thoughtfully.

"It's more like a trap to lure the enemy than a formation to create suspicion." Subaru Okiya said solemnly.

The expressions of Hanemiya Akira and Kudo brother and sister changed at the same time!

Meng Yu frowned slightly: "But does Waltz have the capital to lay a trap? You know, he only came to Japan this time as a businessman."

"Although we brought some bodyguards, those bodyguards don't have guns in their hands. It may be enough to protect ourselves, but if we want to catch a sniper, I'm afraid it's too much, right?"

"Don't forget Waltz's identity." Subaru Okiya pointed out: "He is a former SEAL sergeant, and this sniper incident also originated from the SEALs."

Akira Hanomiya's expression changed slightly when he heard this: "Mr. Subaru, do you mean that the consultant to the US military in Japan, former Rear Admiral Mark Spencer, also ended up?"

"It's not impossible if you think about it carefully." Conan pushed up his glasses: "The whole incident was caused by internal conflicts in the US military. This may have had some impact on the prestige of the US military."

"As the U.S. adviser in Japan, Spencer has every reason to intervene in this matter in order to maintain the prestige of the U.S. military."

Hearing this, Meng Yu looked hesitant: "If this is the US military's game, then do we still want to go there and get involved?"

"Go! Of course you want to go!" Akira Yumiya said with absolute certainty: "It is Gin who takes action, and the US military's plan may not be effective."

"You should definitely go and have a look." Subaru Okiya nodded slightly: "However, since the US military may be involved, we may have to adjust our plan a little."

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.


"Brother! The people sent to investigate have discovered a person suspected of being Waltz in the waiting room near the business class boarding lane!" Vodka Hui reported, while passing a photo to Gin's tablet.

Gin looked at the photo.

The photo clearly shows the waiting room inside the terminal building.

In one of the seats, a tall man was sitting.

None other than Jack Waltz!

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