Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1337 A satisfactory result for both parties

Several people were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chelsea at the same time.

It was her cell phone that rang.

Chelsea frowned and took out his phone in confusion.

The next moment, Chelsea's expression changed!

"Sorry, I'm going out to take a call." After saying this to the others, she hurriedly left the conference room.

Judy and Kamel showed puzzled expressions, while Nakajima glanced at James, his eyes thoughtful.

The calmest one was James. After the initial surprise, he already understood what happened.

In such a delicate atmosphere, several people began to wait silently.

A moment later, Lieutenant Chelsea re-entered the conference room with obvious anger and a hint of disbelief on his face.

She looked directly at James: "Is this your confidence?"

"After all, the opponent is the military, so we have to make more preparations." James said with a smile.

Looking at James' confident look, Chelsea really wanted to punch him in the face!

Unfortunately, she could only think about it.

After adjusting her expression, she turned to look at the Nakajima Police Department and said calmly: "Gin and related personnel no longer need to be handed over to us. However, the Metropolitan Police Department needs to clarify our actions yesterday afternoon."

The Nakajima Police Department did not hesitate and nodded lightly: "Of course there is no problem. The police cooperated with the US military to arrest the KB elements. Although the KB elements were eventually caught, they still accidentally hurt innocent citizens."

"For this negligence, all parties involved in the action are very guilty, express their most sincere apologies to the injured innocent citizen, and promise to provide corresponding compensation. The relevant compensation amount and process will be made public, and supervision from all walks of life is welcome."

After finishing the above words quickly and fluently, Nakajima Police Department smiled and said: "How about it, Second Lieutenant Chelsea, this clarification should be enough, right?"

Chelsea looked at the Nakajima Police Department who looked prepared, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Enough!" She almost squeezed out the words from between her teeth. .

Now that things have happened, she finally understands that the Metropolitan Police Department had no intention of handing the person over to them from the beginning, but chose to hand the person over to the FBI.

Moreover, the police are quite clear about their demands and bottom line, and this "clarification" is indeed sufficient.

It's just that in this way, he was so cold-faced and overpowering just now, and now he looks like a clown!

I really can’t hold on to face!

"Now that the matter has come to an end, it's time for me to go back and resume my life." After Chelsea finished speaking, without waiting for anyone else to react, he quickly left the conference room with his briefcase under his arm.

Judy and Kamel looked at each other for a while. Was the matter resolved just like that?

Judy couldn't help but look at James: "Is it over there at the headquarters?"

James smiled and nodded: "This time, it is the other side that is unreasonable, and Spencer cannot represent the entire US military stationed in Japan."

He just clicked on it, but Judy and Kamel also vaguely guessed something.

Most likely, the higher-ups contacted other high-level officials of the US military stationed in Japan and reached an agreement, and Spencer could only accept the content of the agreement under pressure from all parties.

As for the specific content of the agreement, Judy and Kamel were not curious at all.

For them, they only need to ensure that the gin can be transferred smoothly, and they don't need to care about anything else.

On the other side, the Nakajima Police Department's expression also softened a lot, and he smiled and said: "Guys, let's talk about the specific transfer matters next."

"With pleasure." James also smiled back.


Subsequently, the two parties began to discuss details in a relatively harmonious atmosphere.

Half an hour later, the group walked out of the conference room.

The final plan is that Yoshino, Gin, and Vodka will be handed over to the FBI, while Tequila and other members of the organization will still be handled by the Japanese police themselves.

In addition, if the information the FBI obtains from Gin involves Japan, it needs to be shared with the police.

Both parties are quite satisfied with this plan.

For the FBI, Yoshino is their main target this time, not to mention Gin and Vodka. Gin has been the person in charge of the organization's Tokyo affairs for a long time and has mastered the secrets of many organizations.

Although there is information that Gin has been demoted, as someone who can directly talk to the BOSS, he must have a lot of valuable information.

And vodka, having followed gin for many years, may also have mastered many secrets.

And compared to gin, vodka's willpower should be weaker, making it easier to achieve a breakthrough in interrogation.

As for Tequila and others, the FBI actually wanted to pack them up and take them away together, but the police would definitely not agree to such conditions.

They have been busy for a long time, but they can't all make wedding clothes for others.

Besides, the FBI helped the police block the pressure from the US military, but if the police really wanted to hand Gin and the others over to the US military, it would be difficult for the FBI to get them over so easily.

Even if the two parties are considered to be cooperating, they still have to leave some room for each other.

Although Tequila, an organization cadre and other organization members, are not key figures, they can still gain something. Coupled with the intelligence that the FBI promised to share, the police will not lose money this time.

"Now that it's settled, can you take us to see the situation of gin and vodka?" James requested.

After talking for so long, I had to meet someone.

"Of course this is no problem, please come with me." Nakajima Police Department said cheerfully.

Subsequently, after a series of procedures, the three FBI men met Gin and his wife in a ward.

Both Gin and Vodka suffered serious injuries. Out of "humanitarian" concepts, the police arranged for him to be admitted to the hospital for recuperation.

At this time, Gin had his eyes closed tightly, his hands and thighs were bandaged, and special detection equipment was installed on his body.

Vodka's condition was not much better, and he seemed to be in a coma.

"Did they never wake up after they were caught?" Judy asked.

"Yes, these two guys are quite difficult to deal with. We were inevitably a little heavy-handed when we arrested them, so they haven't woken up yet." Nakajima explained.

"You should be careful!" Judy reminded: "Maybe he is pretending to be faint and waiting for an opportunity to escape!"

She was thinking of the incident with Sui Wu Reina.

The Nakajima Police Department nodded lightly and said with a smile: "Of course we have taken corresponding precautions and will not give them a chance."

When Judy heard this, she didn't say anything more.

James glanced at Gin and the two of them and said, "Although the person has not woken up, it does not affect our ability to send him back to the United States."

"Let's do this. It would be a long night and a lot of dreams. We will arrange for someone to come and pick them up tomorrow. Is that okay?"

"I need to ask for permission on this." Nakajima replied.

James made a gesture of invitation.

Nakajima took out his cell phone and walked out of the ward.

After a while, he returned to the room and nodded to the FBI trio: "The superiors agreed."

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