Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1338 A complete show

At noon the next day, Hanomiya Detective Agency, living room on the third floor.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu were eating lunch and watching TV.

On TV, a press conference organized by the Metropolitan Police Department was being held.

At the press conference, Administrator Matsumoto served as the police spokesperson, flanked by Megure, Sato and other front-line police officers who were directly involved in relevant operations.

In addition, there were two police officers whom Akira and Hanomiya didn't recognize, and a brown-haired lady in military uniform.

"All parties are quite guilty for the accidental injury caused to the citizen during the operation. At present, they have contacted the other party and discussed an appropriate compensation plan."

“Relevant compensation content will be made public later, and friends from the media and all walks of life are welcome to supervise!”

"Please believe that both our police and our friends in the United States are staunch guardians of the citizens and are always ready to do their best to eliminate all threats to public safety!"

After some impassioned speeches, the press conference came to an end and was soon over.

Meng Yu took a sip of juice and said: "The news has come out. It seems that the treatment of Yoshino and Gin should have results."

"Probably, I'll call and talk to Officer Megure later." Akira Hanomiya replied.

Meng Yu blinked: "Why are you calling Officer Memu?"

Akira Hanamong explained with a smile: "As witnesses and reporters of the case, we were involved in the case to a certain extent. Now that the case has a [public] result, I will not ask [internal information] 】Isn’t it strange?”

Mengyu suddenly said: "So that's the case, it should really be more natural."

Akira Hanomiya smiled and nodded: "Wait a moment, Officer Megure has just attended the press conference and may have to deal with some finishing matters. I will call you later."

"You can take care of this yourself, I won't interfere." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Akira Yumiya nodded, turned his attention away from the TV, and began to seriously eat the lunch in front of him.

After about an hour.

Akira Hanomiya thought it was almost time, so he called Officer Megure.

"Hello! I'm Megure!" Officer Megure's slightly tired voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Officer, it's me!" Yu Gongming greeted.

"It's Brother Hanomiya! What's the matter?" Officer Megure cheered up a little.

"That's right. I read on the news that Yoshino has been caught, and that the US military and KB elements are also involved. What is going on?" Akira Hanomiya said straight to the point.

"Oh! That's what happened!" Officer Memu suddenly realized, and then said: "The thing is like this..."

He roughly told Hanamiya Akira about what he learned. Of course, some confidential contents were also stated by Officer Megure that he could not disclose them. He hoped that Hanamiya Akira would understand.

Akira Hanomiya had a thorough understanding of the whole process, and asking Officer Megure was just a formality. Naturally, he listened patiently and expressed his understanding.

After the two chatted for nearly twenty minutes, Officer Megure hung up the phone first, saying that he had business to attend to.

Yu Gongming took back the phone and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Although Akira Hanomiya already knew the cause and effect of the incident, Officer Megure also revealed some additional information.

For example, the three FBI personnel were also invited to participate in the investigation of the incident and made an extradition request for those involved.

Although he just mentioned it accidentally, Yu Gongming was able to analyze a lot of information.

The extradition request for relevant persons should refer to members of organizations such as Gin and Vodka.

Gu Ya

The FBI came to Japan for the organization, so it was natural that they would not be uninterested in the arrested Gin.

But what is interesting is that the FBI, together with the police officers from the First Investigation Section, was tricked by Waltz and stayed in the hotel where "Waltz" stayed, and had almost no knowledge of things at the airport.

Although Gin was subsequently hunted, Gin managed to escape in the end.

If they and the men in black robes hadn't taken action, neither Gin nor Yoshino would have fallen into the hands of the police, and the FBI trio would not have been able to obtain relevant clues.

In other words, the news of Gin's arrest was intentionally revealed to the FBI by the police.

As for why the police would do this.

Combined with the lady wearing a U.S. military uniform and second lieutenant epaulettes at the press conference, it is not difficult to think that the U.S. military is also involved.

If the Metropolitan Police Department faced the U.S. military alone, it would not be because Akira Hanomiya looked down on the Metropolitan Police Department, but because of the delicate relationship between the United States and Japan. He did not believe that the Metropolitan Police Department could withstand the pressure of the U.S. military.

Therefore, the FBI is the means used by the Metropolitan Police Department to check and balance the US military.

In the end, the ownership of gin was probably handed over to the FBI.

The FBI is not a charity. If it wants people to help withstand the pressure from the US military, how can it be possible without actually giving some chips?

With these thoughts running through his mind, Hanemiya Akira waited for another half an hour, and then found Mengyu. After some operations of changing his voice and hiding his location, he dialed Mouri Kogoro's number.

Soon, the call came through: "Hello! I'm Maoli!"

"Mao Li, please show up. Are you okay?" Yu Gongmingcao laughed in a strong and deep voice.

"Huh?" Mouri Kogoro's tone changed, then returned to normal, raised his voice and laughed: "Oh! It's Mr. Shibata! Did you call Larry to ask about the commission?"

Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what was going on.

It was probably Xiaolan or Conan who was nearby, and he needed to cover up.

So, Yu Gongming laughed and said: "Yes! I wonder what happened to my commission?"

"This! It went well. I followed your wife and found some doubts. If you don't mind, just wait for a moment. I'm busy with other things now. I'll call you later to report the situation. How about ?”

"No problem! It's still the same number." Yu Gongming readily agreed.

"Okay! See you later!" Mouri Kogoro said and hung up the phone.

"What's going on? He died so soon?" Meng Yu asked doubtfully.

"Conan and Xiaolan should be nearby. It's inconvenient for him to say. He will call again later. Please be careful and don't let our position be exposed." Yu Gongming reminded.

Mengyu understood and said with a smile: "Don't worry! As long as you don't say anything, I will continue to interfere with the positioning."

Yu Gongming nodded, still quite trusting in Meng Yu's ability.

About five minutes later, the phone rang.

After Han Gongming glanced at the number, he answered the call.

"Hey! I'm Maoli!" The other person said first.

Yu Gongming chuckled and said, "Has Mr. Mouri found a suitable place?"

"Yes." Mouri Kogoro responded calmly.

"Okay, then I will tell you something straight." Akira Hanomiya's tone became serious: "I read the news. The news that Yoshino and the [KB elements] were arrested has been on the news. You should have also talked with me privately. Did the FBI reach an agreement?"

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