Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1353 The Metropolitan Police Department’s Plan

After seeing this golden cherry blossom, Toru Amuro's eyes suddenly flashed, and then he took out a paper crane from his pocket and threw it to the other party.

The other party took it with his hand and unfolded the paper crane.

There is also a golden cherry blossom on the unfolded white paper.

But on the edge of the cherry blossom, a circle of black lines is outlined, making the cherry blossom look coquettish and weird.

But after Gin saw the cherry blossom, his stiff expression suddenly softened.

He slowly raised his hand and reached behind his ear.


In the sound of tearing, Gin's entire face and hair were torn off like paper!

"Gin"'s face is a bionic mask!

Under the mask is the face of a middle-aged man with the same angular features.

The middle-aged man let out a breath and said, "I never thought that one day I would cooperate with the people from the police."

After hearing this, Toru Amuro replied in a deliberately hoarse voice: "I should be more surprised. I didn't expect that the gin handed over to the FBI was fake from the beginning."

"The Metropolitan Police Department had no intention of handing over gin to the FBI from the beginning, right?"

The middle-aged man chuckled: "We arrested him throughout the whole process. Gin is also involved in numerous murders in Japan. If the FBI can take care of it, of course we can too!"

"It's just that the FBI is from the United States after all, so the method has to be a little roundabout, right?" Toru Amuro said with a smile, but his tone was a little complicated.

"The situation is like this." The middle-aged man replied lightly, then decisively ended the topic and said, "Are you all ready?"

Toru Amuro nodded: "Put them all in the trunk. We have to move faster. We will be [surrounded] soon."

The middle-aged man nodded, then quickly leaned out from the back seat and started tinkering in the trunk.

Toru Amuro continued to drive.

As he said, they will soon face [siege].

First, several police cars appeared behind his car.

Then, there was a roar above the head, and the searchlight belonging to the helicopter shone down.

"Vehicles in front of you, stop immediately for inspection!" came a shout from the police car behind him.

Of course Toru Amuro couldn't stop, and even started to accelerate further.

"The next step may be more exciting, are you okay?" he asked the middle-aged man behind him.

The middle-aged man chuckled: "Don't worry! You were probably still playing in the mud while I was racing!"

When Toru Amuro heard this, his face remained calm, but his heart was moved.

Is he saying this because he is used to relying on his old age, or is he confirming that he is a young man?

If it was the latter, where did he know it?

Was it revealed by his superior?

He secretly decided to ask his superiors about the matter after it was over.

As an undercover agent, he must always understand the parties' perceptions of his identity so that he can accurately assess the risk of his exposure when something happens.

The thought flashed through his mind, and Toru Amuro regained his composure and began to concentrate on driving.

In the night, a car chase begins.

The police obviously put in a lot of effort this time, with patrol cars approaching from all directions.

Toru Amuro quickly turned the steering wheel, and under his control, the car continued to drift, weave, and even tilt sideways.

Sweat gradually broke out in Amuro's palms.

The police pursuit is no joke, it is a serious pursuit with the ultimate goal of arresting them.


Once Toru Amuro relaxes even a little bit, he might really be blocked!

Of course, although the containment is urgent, it is not perfect, and there are still many flaws.

Toru Amuro successfully grasped these flaws and escaped from the siege within a few millimeters.

"Well... the containment is indeed tight, but every time there is a flaw, it leads me to the predetermined location... If I hadn't known the plan in advance, there would be no trace at all. The guy who directed it is not simple!"

Toru Amuro sighed in his heart and continued to try to "escape" from the police.

After going round and round all the way, Toru Amuro's vehicle was finally forced onto a bridge by the police.

On both sides of the bridge are waters reflecting the city lights.

At the other end of the bridge, a blockade consisting of several police cars and various roadblocks was ready, completely blocking the road ahead!

With an interceptor in front, a pursuer behind, and no other roads on both sides, the vehicle that had been pursued for a long time seemed to be in dire straits.

But Toru Amuro didn't panic at all, his eyes flashed, and then he turned the steering wheel suddenly!

The tires scraped against the ground, making a screeching sound. The car driven by Toru Amuro suddenly changed direction, and the car that was originally driving forward suddenly hit the guardrail of the bridge!

At the current speed of the car, the distance between the two sides is almost instantaneous!


A violent collision echoed throughout the surroundings!

Under the watchful eyes of all the police, the car actually crashed through the guardrail. The entire car instantly flew off the bridge under the action of inertia and fell towards the water below!


The car hit the water hard, causing a huge splash!

"Assign people to go down and check the situation! The helicopter's searchlights will focus on the nearby waters and coast. If you find a suspicious person, report it immediately!" A commanding voice came from the police communication.

A group of police officers who seemed to be frightened by this sudden turn of events came to their senses and immediately began to take action.

Fortunately, they chose to set the final interception location on the bridge and made some preparations for the possibility of the suspect jumping into the water.

Soon, several police officers put on diving equipment with searchlights and prepared to go into the water to investigate the situation.

But, just when they were about to dive


A dull roar suddenly rang in the ears of all the police officers!

A huge water splash rose up compared to the previous car falling into the water. It was not even appropriate to call it a water splash. It was clearly a thick water column!

The water column rose high and fell back reluctantly until it was more than 20 meters away from the water.

The divers standing by the bridge and preparing to enter the water were all drenched by the aftermath of the water column.

They all subconsciously stayed away from the bridge.

"Stop launching the water! The other party probably used a bomb to detonate the car!" Other colleagues conveyed the latest order from the command.

The expressions of all the divers changed and they once again moved away from the bridge.

"Wait until the water surface calms down for fifteen minutes before going down to check the situation!" the colleague added.

All the divers looked at each other with a bit of fear in their eyes.

However, this was an order from their superiors after all, and if they waited for fifteen minutes before checking, the risk would have been reduced by an unknown amount, so they had no reason to refuse.

After responding to their colleagues, the divers began to wait silently.

The water gradually subsided over time.

In the diver's slightly anxious mood, fifteen minutes flew by.

"Get into the water!" the order sounded.

After fifteen minutes of mental preparation, and after the water surface returned to calm and no abnormalities occurred, the divers no longer hesitated and jumped into the water one after another.

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