Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1354 Corpse Underwater

Plop! Plop!

Divers jumped into the water one after another.

Next, they needed to search the dark waters.

Even though they were all experienced divers, they were still a little nervous after experiencing the explosion just now.

However, although they wear diving equipment, they can still maintain contact with the ground. If an accident occurs, they can report it and seek support immediately.

Therefore, although they were nervous, they still moved without hesitation and swam towards the approximate location where the car sank into the water.

After a while, under the illumination of searchlights, some irregular objects gradually appeared in the sights of the divers.

Is it the remains of that car?

Many divers have made similar speculations.

As you continue forward, you encounter more and more debris.

Finally, they saw the submerged car.

But at this time, the car was completely unrecognizable. The rear and driver's doors were missing. The passenger door was only barely attached to the car body. The fragile connection seemed to be completely broken with the slightest touch.

The scene inside the car was even more appalling. Almost no intact interior could be seen, and patches of turbidity could be seen faintly floating upwards around the car.

That should be the gas leaking from the car.

The divers immediately became vigilant.

Although the oxygen in the underwater environment is relatively thin, gasoline does not have that abundant combustion accelerant, but gasoline is not soluble in water. If you accidentally get it, there will still be some hidden dangers.

The diver captain immediately reported the situation.

"You continue to investigate, the gasoline will be handled by professionals later." An instruction came from the ground.

The diver leader did not raise any objection after receiving the order and continued to direct others to start searching.

"Captain! Something has been discovered!" A report from a team member came from the communicator.

The captain turned his searchlight and quickly found the position of the team member.

I saw that he had gone around to the other side of the car and was waving to me.

When the captain saw this, he immediately swam over and soon reached the team member's side.

When the team member saw the captain arriving, he immediately pointed in a direction.

The captain's searchlight immediately pointed in that direction.

The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank!

Under the illumination of the searchlight, a human body pressed by the car wreckage came into view of the captain.

This human body was covered in blood and flesh, covered with traces of burns. The face was almost completely destroyed and unrecognizable. Even one arm of the body was almost separated from the shoulder, and only half of the skeleton was left struggling to maintain contact.

Seeing such a scene suddenly in the dark and deep waters, even the diver captain had seen many big scenes, and his heart couldn't help but twitch.

After calming down, he quickly reported the discovery.

"Discovered a body? Okay! Keep an eye on the body to prevent it from being washed away by the water, and at the same time continue to search the surroundings to see if there are any other discoveries. We will arrange salvage work immediately!"

"Roger that!" The diving captain regained his composure under the orderly instructions from above and led the team members to continue taking action.

The police were arranging their work in an orderly manner, but Toru Amuro on the other side was not so leisurely.


Toru Amuro's head popped out from the water, breathing heavily.

Gu Yang

On the other side, a middle-aged man in a diving suit also returned to the surface.

Some time ago, they were all underwater.

The middle-aged man in the back row was well prepared and had already put on a full set of pre-prepared diving equipment. But Toru Amuro was more miserable because he had to drive before, so he could only dive directly into the water.

If it weren't for the simple breathing equipment handed over by the middle-aged man, and the fact that he went up to take a breath from time to time, he wouldn't have been able to swim with the middle-aged man for so long.

Amuro Toru turned his eyes and could vaguely see that the two of them were quite close to the shore.

"Is this here?" Toru Amuro asked.

"Well! Just wait here, my companion will come to pick you up soon." The middle-aged man replied.

"It's best to hurry up." Toru Amuro raised his eyes slightly and looked at the police helicopter hovering in the sky not far away.

During these fifteen minutes, the helicopter's searchlight continued to search, and the search area continued to expand as time went by.

Looking at the momentum, we might be here in five minutes at most.

"Don't worry, the commanders over there are all our own, how could we be discovered?" the middle-aged man said with a smile.

Amuro Toru was speechless for a moment.

Being chased all the way was so embarrassing, he almost forgot that this was the police's plan from the beginning!

After a few seconds of silence, Toru Amuro spoke: "Speaking of which, where did you get that body?"

The middle-aged man replied: "That body belonged to a homeless man. Just three days ago, he had a heart attack and died in an abandoned house sleeping in the open. Fortunately, a patrolman happened to patrol nearby. Hearing him fall, went into the house to check and eventually discovered his body."

"Later we checked the identity of this homeless man and found that his parents were dead and he had no other relatives. He was already alone."

He happened to be similar in stature to Gin, so we decided to use his body as [Gin]'s body. "

After hearing this, Amuro frowned slightly.

Although the other party was just a homeless man and had no worries, and the death was purely accidental, it is somewhat unethical for his body to be used as a tool and trashed after death.

However, as an undercover agent, he also understands that people in their line of work are not afraid to use some extraordinary means.

Including himself.

It's just that accepting it is one thing, but Toru Amuro doesn't like this kind of method anyway.

However, the corpse selected this time did not harm the interests of other people, and it was considered quite gentle.

Therefore, Toru Amuro just frowned and said nothing more.

The middle-aged man didn't know if he noticed the change in Toru Amuro's expression, so he ended the topic after explaining.

Both sides fell silent.

In the final analysis, they all got together temporarily because of orders from above. There was no friendship at all between them, and naturally there was nothing to talk about.

About two minutes later.

In front of the two of them, a flashlight suddenly lit up.

The flashlight light went on and off rhythmically, and then stopped after three consecutive times.

Upon seeing this, the middle-aged man immediately took out his flashlight and flashed the flashlight three times at the same frequency.

Then, the flashlight on the opposite side turned on again.

"Let's go." The middle-aged man pointed in the direction of the flashlight and swam over first.

Seeing this, Toru Amuro followed silently.

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