Both of them were not slow and swam to the shore very quickly.

After climbing ashore, the two of them came to the vicinity of the flashlight within a few steps.

The owner of the flashlight is a man in his thirties wearing a police uniform.

"Boss!" the man shouted.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man nodded slightly and said, "The plan goes well, please take us away."

"Yes!" The man in police uniform nodded without saying anything, and immediately turned around to lead the way.

The middle-aged man followed immediately, while Toru Amuro hesitated for a moment before following behind the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man glanced at him and explained: "To put on a show, the police will definitely be arranged to search here. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, he will lead us to avoid the search."

"But once you leave the police search net, you have to act on your own."

Amuro nodded understandingly: "I understand, thank you!"

He understood what the middle-aged man meant. After being brought out of the encirclement, if he continued to act with the middle-aged man, it would seem too deliberate.

He arranged this operation to "rescue" Gin, and the manpower arrangements had been reported to Rum in advance. In other words, after facing such a pursuit and interception, it was impossible for any of his men to run to the shore to respond.

The normal situation should be that he went through all kinds of hardships alone, and after a battle of wits and courage with the police, he escaped from the police arrest and returned in a slightly embarrassed state.

The other party is quite sophisticated!

Amuro Toru commented in his heart, his face remained calm, and he silently followed the man in police uniform.

Subsequently, several people indeed discovered the police search personnel, but they all successfully evaded them due to the unpredictable prediction of the man in police uniform.

After advancing for a few hundred meters, several people came to a certain section of wall.

The man in police uniform came to the bushes beside the wall, took out a set of clothes and shoes and socks, handed them to Toru Amuro, and said:

"This place has been temporarily separated from the police's search circle. You can find a place to change your clothes."

Toru Amuro took the clothes, took a look at them, nodded, and said in a low voice: "Okay! I'll take my leave first."

As an undercover agent, it was indeed not very convenient for him to change clothes in front of two people.

Anyway, he has escaped from the siege of the police. With his ability, isn't it easy to find a secluded place to change clothes?

The middle-aged man nodded lightly and said with a smile: "Okay! Being sent as an undercover agent, your ability is indeed good, but boy, you still need to practice your voice-changing ability! That falsetto is so lame!"

Toru Amuro paused when he was about to turn around and leave. Then he returned to normal and walked towards the distance. A faint voice came:

"I will remember."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man chuckled again, then turned to look at the man in police uniform: "Okay, it's time for us to leave."

"Yes!" The man in police uniform responded immediately.


Somewhere behind some unobtrusive bushes.

After a squeaking sound, Toru Amuro walked out holding the clothes and shoes he was wearing that had been simply wrung out.

He put on the clothes and shoes and socks given by the man in police uniform, and his hair was wiped, so at least there would be no traces of wetness at a glance.

He moved his body and muttered in his mind: "Although I didn't do anything to the clothes, the clothes seem a bit too big for me, and the shoes and socks are a bit tight..."

glutinous rice

Although the loose clothes and slightly tight shoes did not affect her movements too much, Toru Amuro was still a little uncomfortable.

But then he thought about it, this was not without its benefits, at least it would make his escape more natural.

In order to escape, I tried to change my clothes and shoes that were soaked due to falling into the water. However, because it was a temporary measure, I couldn't find anything that fit, so I had to make do with another outfit.

Um! Reasonable!

After thinking about it like this, Toru Amuro began to wonder if the other party had deliberately given him such an ill-fitting outfit.

"If it is really intentional, then the Metropolitan Police Department has really taken great pains this time!" Amuro Toru couldn't help but sigh,

After collecting his thoughts for a moment, Toru Amuro began to think about what to do with the clothes in his hands.

After all, leaving with this outfit would be a bit too conspicuous.

He glanced around, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

There happened to be a sewer entrance less than ten meters away from him.

"Okay! This is it!"

Amuro Toru had a plan in his mind and immediately started to take action.

Carrying his clothes, he came to the entrance of the sewer, spent a lot of time opening the manhole cover, and then climbed down the ladder. At the same time, he did not forget to close the manhole cover again, then went all the way down the ladder, and finally stepped on the On the sewer floor.

His vision was completely dark, and it would be an understatement to say that he could not see even his fingers.

But this darkness will not affect his next actions

He took out his pocket knife and started working on the wet clothes and shoes and socks.

His knife was a very sharp saber, and his knife skills were quite neat. In less than three minutes, the entire suit of clothes was turned into several rags, and the shoes were also divided into several pieces.

He threw the fragments several times in several directions. Even if he couldn't see anything, Toru Amuro could predict that the fragments would be scattered everywhere.

"That should be enough..." Muttering in his heart, Toru Amuro climbed back up the ladder to the entrance of the sewer. After confirming that no one was outside, he removed the manhole cover and got out.

After looking around again to make sure that he was not discovered, Toru Amuro adjusted his appearance, left the place as if nothing had happened, and walked towards the gathering place.

Cut the clothes into pieces and throw them into the sewer. Let's not say whether the police can find the sewer. Even if they find it, it will be difficult to deduce his figure from the clothes.

Although the police are technically "one of our own", he is now acting as an enemy of the police, so he should naturally face the police with an enemy's attitude.

As he walked along the street as if nothing had happened, he really didn't attract much attention.

But Toru Amuro fell into new troubles.

"Oops, I don't have a penny on me right now, so I can't take public transportation at all. The people in the organization don't know what's going on right now, so it's hard to contact them rashly..."

In his plan, after the operation was over, he would take Gin and leave alone, while other members of the organization would help him stay behind and then evacuate at the right time.

Finally, both parties will meet at the agreed upon safe house.

However, when we agreed on a safe house, it was planned according to driving standards. At the same time, in order to avoid police investigation, we always chose as far away as possible.

Tohru Amuro estimated that if he really had to leave, he might not arrive until dawn the next day.

"Tsk! How careless! I forgot to bring some change..." Toru Amuro scratched his hair in distress.

"Isn't this Mr. Amuro? What? Are you in trouble?" A voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

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