Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1357 There is a problem with sharing intelligence!

The next day, noon.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu had just had lunch and returned to the office, ready to start detective work in the afternoon.

But just as Yu Gongming's butt touched the office chair, there was a knock on the door.

"Detective Hanomiya! The dessert you asked for is here!" Toru Amuro's voice sounded.

After Yu Gongming and Meng Yu looked at each other, Meng Yu got up from the sofa and opened the door.

Toru Amuro was let into the office with a tray full of desserts.


Meng Yu conveniently locked the door of the office, and Toru Amuro didn't take it seriously. After putting the dessert on the table, he sat down where he should be very consciously.

After a while, the two parties sat down respectively. Meng Yu also brought over a pot of hot black tea and poured a cup for each of them.

Amuro thanked her and said with a smile: "I hope you two will be satisfied with the dessert this time."

Yu Gongming sniffed gently: "The smell is satisfying enough!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" Toru Amuro smiled.

After a few pleasantries, Yu Gongming decided to get to the point:

"Mr. Amuro looked very embarrassed last night! Didn't work go well?"

Toru Amuro's expression also became serious and he replied: "I did go through some twists and turns, but judging from the results, it's not bad or good."

"Oh? What do you say?" Yu Gongming asked.

Toru Amuro shrugged: "I originally rescued Gin, but when the police chased me, I was forced to dive into the water to escape. Gin had no ability to move underwater because of the gunshot wounds to his hands and thighs."

"And I was not prepared to dive. I couldn't escape with the gin, so I had no choice but to detonate the bomb hidden in the car."

When Meng Yu heard this, her eyes widened slightly, and she said in surprise: "You mean... Ginjiu was killed by the explosion?"

Toru Amuro nodded lightly: "At least I don't think he could escape from the car in time in his condition at that time."

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu were speechless for a while.

Is Gin just dead?

This important villain in the original Conan novel was killed like this?

Although from a logical point of view, Gin's death is not a small probability event, they still felt a little unreal when they suddenly heard the news.

Akira Hanomiya suppressed the turmoil in his heart and asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Amuro, would it be convenient for you to reveal the details of last night's operation?"

"Okay." Toru Amuro said cheerfully.

The organization's actions this time cannot be said to be very covert. If Hanemiya Akira is really determined to investigate, he will definitely find out a lot of things. As long as he conceals the most critical information, that is, Gin is not the real person, it will be fine.

Later, Toru Amuro roughly told Akira Hanomiya about his actions with the organization last night, but hid all the things about the middle-aged man. After killing "Gin", he escaped alone, and finally broke through through hardships. Surrounded by the police, he changed his clothes and returned to the street, where he met Hanemiya Akira by chance.

"Finally, I borrowed the cash you gave me and took the subway to the safe house. Finally, I met up with people from other organizations, only to find out that only two people came back. The others were caught by the FBI and the police. Unexpectedly, in order to attract the attention of the FBI, The police who were brought here acted so decisively."

Gu Qi

After listening silently, Yu Gongming rolled his eyes and asked, "Is Rum satisfied with the result?"

"Not too satisfied, but at least Gin was killed. The losses of several grassroots thugs of the organization are still within the acceptable range, so he didn't blame me too much." Toru Amuro replied.

Meng Yu seemed to have thought of something and asked: "If the person who acted is caught, aren't you afraid that they will turn you in? Then you will be on the police's wanted order. Wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

Toru Amuro laughed: "Don't worry! I have never met them with my true face. I only confirmed my identity through a pre-agreed code. Even when I returned to the safe house, I put on a disguise to meet up with the remaining people who escaped. of."

"Even if the police launch an interrogation, at most they will only know that one member of the organization code-named [Bourbon] was involved in this matter."

Mengyu couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Thoughtful!"

Toru Amuro spread his hands: "If you are not careful, you may not even be able to find the body, right?"

"Thank you Mr. Amuro for sharing." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "We have a general understanding of the matter. To be honest, the fact that Gin, a difficult guy, has been eliminated can be regarded as a worry for us."

"There is no doubt about Gin's ability." Toru Amuro agreed, and then showed a hint of pity: "However, the organization is willing to kill Gin who has such outstanding abilities and has always been loyal to the organization. It can be seen that in the eyes of the organization Come on, the value of the intelligence Gin possesses is greater than that of a top operative."

"But now with Gin's death, it will be difficult to obtain this information."

"It is indeed a pity, but there is nothing we can do about it." Yu Gongming also had a look of regret on his face.

Toru Amuro smiled and asked, "Is there anything else Detective Hanomiya wants to know?"

Yu Gongming thought for two seconds and shook his head: "No more."

After hearing this, Toru Amuro stood up immediately: "Then I'll take my leave now. I still have work to do in the dessert shop!"

"Then it won't delay Mr. Amuro's work." Hanomiya Akira said with a smile.

Then, he and Mengyu walked Amuro Toru to the door, watched him go downstairs, and turned toward the dessert shop.

After closing the door again, the two returned to the sofa and sat down.

Mengyu picked up a piece of tiramisu and took a bite, then looked at Yu Gongming: "How is it? What do you think?"

"There is a problem!" Yu Gongming replied without hesitation.

Mengyu didn't reply, just looked at Yu Gongming, waiting for his further explanation.

"Do you still remember what we found after he left yesterday?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Of course!" Mengyu nodded: "The FBI was stuck on the road because of an unexpected traffic accident. After that, even though he was speeding, he was delayed by the nearest traffic light at the airport for more than a minute, which ultimately delayed the flight."

"Yes!" Akira Hanomiya took over: "Then, because the flight was delayed, I had to stay in Tokyo for one night. As a result, the organization launched its action that night."

Meng Yu raised his eyebrows: "You mean, the flight delay is not a coincidence?"

"Yes!" Yu Gongming said with great certainty: "And the only people who have the motive and ability to cause a traffic accident and make the red light light up so coincidentally are the police and organizations."

"It shouldn't be an organization." Meng Yu followed Hanomiya Akira's train of thought and said, "Mr. Amuro is the person in charge of this operation. If the organization had premeditated it, Mr. Amuro would not have asked us about Gin's whereabouts at that time. .”

"Heroes see the same thing!" Hanamiya Akira said with a smile: "Then we can draw another conclusion from this - the message that made Mr. Amuro leave in a hurry at noon yesterday was indeed sent by someone from the police. Come."

“Given the opponent’s police background, it is not difficult to ask the police for some cooperation, but that’s where the problem lies!”

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