Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1358 Investigation

"Oh? What's the problem?" Meng Yu asked curiously.

Akira Hanomiya explained: "If that message was sent to Toru Amuro by someone from the public security, and combined with the FBI's flight delays due to various [unexpected] incidents, it can be reasonably inferred that the public security authorities are happy to see the results of Toru Amuro's actions. .”

"But looking at the entire process and results of the operation, who got enough benefits in the end?"

"This..." Meng Yu tapped her chin lightly with her white index finger and murmured: "First of all, the organization. Gin was successfully silenced. Although several of the organization's thugs were lost, overall it was not a loss. "

"Then..." After thinking about it, Mengyu suddenly froze.

"It's strange! It seems that apart from the organization, I didn't find any other obvious beneficiaries."

"Yes!" Yu Gongming sighed: "The FBI was robbed and lost such a big fish. It can be called the biggest loser of this operation. Although the police deployed a large number of police forces and failed to catch the big fish, at least there was that big fish. A few action personnel to protect the bottom line is better than nothing."

"As for the public security side, we can't see any benefits. Although Mr. Amuro successfully completed the task, it was not completed satisfactorily. Moreover, the task itself is not a critical task. Whether it is completed or not will have an impact on Mr. Amuro's undercover work. Not big either.”

"So, the public security cooperated with the police in painstakingly delaying the FBI's return to the United States, in order to help the organization fish out or kill Gin?"

Yu Gongming spread his hands: "I don't think the police would go to such great lengths to do such a loss-making business."

Meng Yu finally realized: "That's right! And even if you want to consolidate Mr. Amuro's identity within the organization, you should cooperate with him to rescue Gin directly, right?"

Yumiya Mingyi snapped his fingers: "Obviously, there must be some inside information that we don't know about this matter!"

Mengyu tilted her head: "For example?"

"For example, although Mr. Amuro told us that Gin was dead, I didn't dare to rest assured without seeing it with my own eyes." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

Meng Yu's expression moved slightly: "Do you think Gin Jiu is not dead?"

"Not sure." Yu Gongming shook his head: "In the final analysis, we are not the witnesses, but since we have found something wrong, we still need to investigate it carefully."

"How to do it? You tell me." Mengyu said very simply.

Yu Gongming touched his chin: "Let me think about it..."


In the afternoon, Hanemiya Akira and Meng Yu met on the street where Amuro Toru met last night.

Conan and Yu Gongming came here together.

As for Mengyu, she stayed in the office, taking care of the house and providing remote support using the computer.

"Is this where you met Mr. Amuro yesterday?" Conan asked.

"Yes!" Yu Gongming nodded: "At that time, Mengyu and I were going to watch a movie. The movie started at about 9:10. When we arrived at the cinema, there were still five minutes left, and we left after saying goodbye to Mr. Amuro. It took about six or seven minutes to get to the cinema.”

"Including the time of chatting, we met Mr. Amuro around 8:56."

"Then when did the car carrying Gin crash through the bridge and enter the water last night?" Conan asked.

"Mengyu is checking. There was a lot of movement in that chase. It shouldn't be difficult to lock the precise time." Yu Gongming replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone received a message from Meng Yu.

[The car fell into the water at 8:27]

Gu Hao

"8:27..." Akira Hanamiya silently noted it down and shared the time with Conan.

"Nearly half an hour." Conan pushed up his glasses and analyzed: "I remember that the bridge where the incident happened is not too far or too close from here. If you want to swim ashore, it should take more than ten minutes. Bar."

"Go to the nearby shore and have a look. Maybe there are still some traces left." Yu Gongming suggested.

"Okay." Conan nodded.

Afterwards, the two of them gradually deviated from the busy street and turned to a remote place.

In their opinion, since Toru Amuro was looking for a place to change clothes, he would definitely avoid the downtown area if he could.

After a while, they walked near the water.

They didn't find any traces along the way, but they made other discoveries.

"It's strange, there seems to be no place to find clothes around here, right?" Conan frowned.

"Indeed." Yu Gongming nodded: "On the way here, I only found a few office buildings that are not very high, and judging from the signs, they are not for the clothing business. The rest are just some warehouses."

Conan's eyes flashed: "He hid his clothes near here beforehand?"

"Unless he planned to take the water route from the beginning, there is no reason to hide the clothes here. But if he is taking the water route, he should be prepared to have a boat, and the clothes should be prepared in advance and should be suitable, right?" Akira Hanamiya also thinks it is quite good. strangeness.

"Hey! Who are you?" A voice suddenly stopped them.

The two turned around and saw a patrolman looking at them suspiciously.

When Yu Gongming saw the patrolman, his heart moved, but a puzzled look appeared on his face, and he said: "Oh! That's right, this kid saw the news this morning, saying that a fugitive had smashed the bridge."

"He was very curious about what happened to the bridge. It happened to be visible from here, so I took him over."

"Mr. Police, why are you here? Did something happen nearby?" Conan also started to talk innocently.

The patrolman glanced at Conan, and his expression softened slightly: "That's right, then you should leave quickly. The escaped prisoner yesterday probably came ashore near here. We are collecting possible clues nearby."

"Don't continue to the shore, otherwise you will destroy the scene!"

Hearing this, Yu Gongming immediately made a surprised expression: "That's it! I'm really sorry for disturbing your work, we will leave immediately."

"Well! Leave quickly!" The patrolman waved his hand, but still looked at them.

Yu Gongming and the others didn't care about this either, and left in a direction away from the shore.

The two of them stopped until they could no longer feel the patrolman's gaze.

"It's around there," Conan said calmly.

Akira Hanomiya thought for two seconds: "It would take at least 15 minutes to swim out from where the car entered the water. In addition, according to Mr. Amuro, the police had already launched a search nearby at that time, and he still needed to avoid being rounded up by the police. "

"In addition to finding clothes to change into, drying off the water stains, and finally walking to the street to meet us, I'm afraid there won't be enough time."

"Sure enough, he omitted certain processes." Conan pointed out.

"Ha! It seems you have thought of it too, right?" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Yeah! Let's go back and verify it." Conan said calmly.

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